Past meetings
5th February 2025
Workshop Night
Our first workshop night of 2025 and 63 members and visitors were keen to get back into action. We had Norman and Peter giving tuition to new turners, whilst Martin gave another excellent mini demo. The club shop, with stand in shopkeepers, reported a good night and the raffle did exceptionally well. Ray was, once again, kept very busy in ‘Sharpeners Corner’, as was Stuart and Dave in the kitchen.
It was good to see that the display table was in full use, giving ideas and causing much chat for those attending.
Members were thanked for the 486 light pulls that were made and donated at the last meeting for our charity, St Barnabas Hospice. We have now set another challenge to you all. St Barnabas receive a large amount of Cream Eggs from Cadburys and are wondering if we could turn egg cups for them to go into. These will then be sold at their stores prior to Easter. So how many egg cups can we make in four weeks!!! Please consider turning some egg cups that can accommodate a Cadburys Cream Egg and used afterwards for normal eggs. We do not need you to supply the cream egg. All egg cups made need to be returned to the club by our next workshop night on 4th March, so we can get them to St Barnabas and sold before Easter.
If you need some wood to make these, please contact our chairman John Ingamells on 07860 713743, he can supply you with some club wood, free of charge. You just have to be prepared to travel to John’s in Navenby to collect it.
Thanks in anticipation and good luck.
21st January 2025
AGM & Club Night
Demonstrator – Mike Ashton
An amazing 72 members came along for our AGM, which was dealt with a swiftly as possible. We were then entertained by Mike Ashton who is an expert demonstrator with his pole lathe. Mike spoke about the history of turning and the invention of the pole lathe, before demonstrating how to make a leg for a windsor chair. He made it all look very easy and showed that turning a low speed can still produce fantastic results.
The monthly competition was well supported, thanks to all the members who voted on their favourite piece. The results can be found on our competition page.
As you are probably aware, last year we sold and donated light pulls for our chosen charity, St Barnabas Hospice. Prior to Christmas they had managed to sell them all and came back to us asking if we could supply more! We therefore encouraged members to make some over the Christmas period and bring them to our January meeting. We are pleased to inform you that we received a staggering 486! Thanks to all those who donated. These will be taken to St Barnabas for them to sell at their Warehouse Store in Lincoln. If you were unable to attend this meeting but have some light pulls to donate, please bring them to our next meeting, we will get them to St Barnabas.
17th December 2024
Christmas Party
Demonstrator – Colin Spencer
Almost 100 members and guests came along for our Christmas Party, which sadly we started with a minute silence for our great friend, Tom Collishaw. Tom was a member of our club for almost 30 years, serving many of those years as Membership Secretary, he will be sorely missed.
Chairman John Ingamells began proceeding by welcoming members and their partners, before explaining that unfortunately member Terry Bray, who was scheduled to demonstrate to us, had been taken ill and was unable to attend. Our best wishes go to Terry for a speedy recovery. John was delighted to announce that at very short notice member Colin Spencer would be talking about his ornamental work on his rose engine. Colin showed us slides and a short video of the amazing intricate work that he achieves on the rose engine, he also brought various projects that he has produced over the years. Colin has an his own website where you can view his work and learn more about ornamental turning, just visit We would like to thank Colin for coming to the rescue and stepping in for Terry.
Following the demonstration we were treated to an exceptional Christmas buffet produced by Ann Giles and her dedicated team of helpers. Ann then put on her Presidents hat to present the annual awards:
Rowan Novice
1st place Lindsay Knight
2nd place Chris Chance
3rd place Andrew Mellard
Both Lindsay and Chris amassed more than 12 points during the year, so will now more up to the Oak Open Group for 2025.
Oak Open
Club Champion 2024 Dave Naylor
2nd place Norman Sanders
3rd place Charlie Ridley
Ann then announced her club member of the year, an award given by the president to a member who is not on the committee, but works extremely hard for the benefit of our club. This year she awarded it to a guy who dedicates many hours during each month, not just on club nights, ensuring the shop is well stocked and organised. He is also our Health & Safety advisor, ensuring that we do our very best to keep everyone as safe as we can. Our Presidents Club Member of the year 2024 goes to John Johnson.
We then had the digital draw for a Christmas hamper. This is a free draw for all members with Ray Blake organising a random electronic draw. This year the hamper was won by Mandy Miles, who unfortunately could not be with us tonight..
Time for a break and whilst members recharged their plates Dave & Joy entertained us with some songs, including Dave’s signature song ‘Turn, Turn, Turn’.
Following the interval we announce the winners of tonight’s festive, fun competition which was kindly judged by our demonstrator for the evening, Colin Spencer.
Rowan Novice
1st place Dave Peate
2nd place Lindsay Knight
3rd place Marc Blair
Oak Open
1st place Dave Naylor
2nd place Gary Pullen
3rd place Graham Black
When a member enters the monthly competitions throughout the year they receive one credit for the Christmas draw. The winner in each draw receives next years membership for free. This year Angela Kelham and Dave Hillier where the lucky winners.
We then drew the raffle, which had many prizes, some of which were donated by members. Many thanks if you kindly gave a raffle prize.
To conclude the evening we were entertained further by Dave & Joy, who sang a selection of Christmas favourites.
The committee would like to wishes members, friends and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Please remember we do not have a workshop night in January, we next meet on 21st January 2025 for our AGM and demonstration by Mike Ashton, a pole lathe turner.
3rd December 2024
Our final workshop night of 2024 and what a night to bow out on. As you are aware, we have been working on an idea by Charlie Ridley and Peter Knights-Branch which resulted in members making in excess of 250 light-pulls. Charlie and Peter than sold many of them at our open day in October, raising £325. The club has match funded this amount resulting in a cheque for £650 being presented to our chosen charity, St Barnabas Hospice. Tonight we welcomed Fiona Malloch-Rear with her dad, volunteer Jim Malloch together with club member and St Barnabas volunteer Jim Ferguson to receive the donation. The remaining light-pulls will be sold in St Barnabas shops across Lincolnshire. Thanks must go to Charlie and Peter for thinking of this worthwhile, rewarding project and to all the members who made light-pulls and supported the idea. We have now set the benchmark and will be trying to think of more projects to help St Barnabas, so if you have an idea please speak with a committee member.
On the lathes tonight we had Jeremy, Norman and Peter giving tuition to new turners, whilst, club favourite Martin Clarkson made bottle openers and discussed designs. Terry Bray also took to a lathe to demonstrate spindle work on a log!
The shop was open for the last time this year and reported that many Christmas presents were bought by members. The shop will not be open at the Christmas party on 17th December, but will return to the AGM on 21st January 2025.
We must not forget to give a heartfelt thanks to Ray in ‘Sharpeners Corner’, he was especially busy tonight, giving advice and putting that edge on your tools.
The raffle was well supported and it was good to see that St Barnabas volunteer Jim Malloch won the bottle of wine, which he said will be put into another raffle to make more funds St Barnabas.
Well that’s it for workshop nights in 2024, please remember there is no workshop night in January, we will be back on Tuesday 4th February 2025. In the meantime we look forward to welcoming you all to our Christmas party on the 17th December. Don’t forget to enter something into the festive fun competition, there are prizes available in both categories.
19th November 2024
It was an awful night, weather wise, so we were delighted that 62 members and guests came along to be entertained by Ian Ethell. Ian expertly showed how to use a skew chisel on an off-centre piece with the lathe running at about 3,000rpm. His take on an 8 axis off-centre honey dipper with stand, made from ash, was a pleasure to watch and he kindly left the result with us for our Christmas raffle.
Ian handed out a template for his dipper, if you didn’t manage to get one please click here; 9-AXIS-HONEY-DIPPER-v2b
There was an excellent turn-out for the last official competition of the year. The results can be seen on the competitions page. Next month, it will be a fun competition at our Christmas Party. There will be prizes for both categories, but only one topic…..make it festive!!
The chaps in the shop were kept busy and a word of warning for you all. There will be no shop at the Christmas Party on the 17th December, so the last chance to buy those Christmas presents will be at out workshop night on the 3rd December.
6th November 2024
This was our first meeting since the open day in October. We always anticipate a good attendance, but did not expect 7o members and visitors to come out on Guy Fawkes Night. It was a pleasure to see our members and a delight to welcome new faces to our club.
Dave Hedges brought Christmas to the club by turning some Christmas Trees, encouraging members to join him on the lathe and have a go. Charlie Ridley gave an excellent mini demo of finishing and judging by the audience he kept, it was well received by everyone. Pete Davies, Norman Sanders and Jez Miller were kept very busy giving tuition to the many who attended who had never been on a lathe before. And lets not forget Ray Blake, stuck in ‘Sharpeners Corner’ all evening putting that sharp edge on all your tools.
Else where the shop had a busy evening and Tommy was very pleased that many of you chose to renew your membership. Please remember this in due by the end of the year.
The raffle was once again well supported with Dave Hedges taking home the star prize.
21st October 2024
Club Open Day
What a fantastic day we had as we opened our doors for the 2024 Open Day. Just over 300 members of the public visited and enjoyed seeing our great craft, together with other crafters selling their wares.
Professional turner Mick Hanbury showed off his amazing skills and entertained throughout the event. He also donated one of his beautiful decorated platters to our raffle, which was won by ‘Competitions Co-ordinator’ Julie Waters.
Visitors were encouraged to have a go at turning a free Christmas tree, with over 75 taking up the opportunity. Maybe, as a result of this, we can report that six visitors signed up to become members.
At October workshop night members turned well over 100 light-pulls, which we sold yesterday and made a healthy sum for our charity ‘St Barnabas Hospice’. Details of the amount raised will be released at a later date.
Our club stalls did exceptionally well and the other crafters who joined us also reported a profitable day.
The committee would like to thank everyone involved in producing a successful day.
Here’s a selection of photos taken by club photographer Ray Blake. More photos can be seen on the gallery page.
Club Demonstration Night – 15th October 2024
Attendance numbers were up this month with 80 members coming to watch Lancastrian Chris Parker demonstrate some amazing off-centre turning. Not for the faint-hearted, Chris showed how to turn a small bowl with a long single wing. It was a fascinating demonstration, enjoyed by all who attended. Chris then went on to demonstrate beading and texturing with the Robert Sorby texturing tool. This tool is available from our loans department, details can be found on the loans page.
Not a great amount of entries into the competitions, results can be found on the competitions page, where next years topics can also be viewed. The guys in the shop reported another good evening, with blanks selling well.
Next months competition topics; Novice – Candle/Tea-light holder. Open – Bowl, maximum diameter 8″.
Club Workshop Night – 1st October 2024
A workshop night with a difference welcomed the 50 members who came along to our October workshop night. Born out of an idea from members Charlie Ridley and Peter Knights-Branch, those attending were encouraged to turn light-pulls on the six lathes that were out in the hall. The light-pulls will then be sold by Charlie and Peter at our open day on 20th October with all proceeds going to St Barnabas Hospice. The response was fantastic with a grand total of 132 being turned and more promised from members who will make some in their own workshops.
Following the raffle draw, our resident professional Martin Clarkson was challenged to turn a light-pull as quickly and safely as possible. Members watched on in amazement as he completed the task in 1 minute, 7 seconds!! Hopefully a video will appear here very soon, showing this feat.
Club Night – 17th September 2024
Members were treated to an entertaining, informative demonstration tonight from our resident professional, Martin Clarkson. Martin is a favourite with all our members and once again he did not disappoint. His skills with a skew are second to none, whilst his sense of humour always brings a laugh. As expected Martin turned beautifully and at no time did he produce any colouring to his work.
The club competitions were well supported in both categories and Barry Teague did a sterling job as the raffle announcer. Members once again seized on the opportunity to grab a great bargain in the club shop.
Our next demo night is on the 15th October when Chris Parker will entertain. The competition topics for this night will be Novice – a piece of art and Open – A candle or tea light holder.
Workshop Night – 3rd September 2024
As autumn quickly approaches, most of us start to spend more time in our workshops, however with the kids going back to school, most of us oldies take the opportunity first to go on holiday to quieter resorts. Once refreshed, we’re ready to hit the lathe hard and get producing more shavings. There were some great items on the display table to give us all inspiration and ideas, thanks to the members who brought along some items.
There was also plenty of inspiration supplied by the guys on the lathes, Jeremy & Peter were demoing texturing and don’t forget if you would like to give texturing a go, we have tools on the loans page, so you can try before you buy. Chris and Martin were also busy giving Christmas ideas and design advice. We are very fortunate to have so many talented members wanting to pass on their advise and ideas, thanks guys. And we must not forget Ray in ‘Sharpeners Corner’, his advice and ability to make sure your tools have that perfect edge, is priceless. Thanks Ray.
In fact, thanks to everyone who works so hard before, during and after the night to deliver a great social event for us all.
Club Night – 20th August 2024
Mick Hanbury made a short 12 mile trip to demonstrate to us this evening. Mick is a great supporter of our club and always delivers a well balanced demonstration which included excellent turning tips, brilliant advise on colouring & texturing and a large dose of laughter. Starting with a piece of ash, mick turned an ogee shaped bowl which he textured with a wire brush and a texturing tool. After the break he then turned an identical bowl out of sycamore which he coloured. These two bowls then came together to make a stylish diabolo, a beautiful piece of art.
The competition was reasonably supported and produced wins for Marc Blair (Novice) and Dave Naylor (Open) Congratulations and thanks to everyone who took time to enter.
Another good raffle saw Colin Spencer take home the top prize of a ‘Rutlands’ dust extractor. The guys in the shop reported a good night enhancing the club funds.
The display table welcomed a beautiful turned shark produced by Graham Black and highly commended by our visiting professional, Mick Hanbury. Hopefully Graham will bring his work to our Anniversary event on 29th September, so we can all admire his craftsmanship.
Workshop Night – 6th August 2024
On a warm summers evening 64 members and guests came along for another social workshop night. We were delighted to have club member Martin Ford putting on a mini demo on off centre turning. many members pulled up a chair to sit and watch him at work. Martin Clarkson gave the audience the chance to ask for advice, which lead to him demonstrating the answers to their questions. Jeremy Miller and Norman Sanders were on the tuition lathes, teaching members the basics of woodturning, whilst Ray Blake was once again penned in ‘Sharpeners Corner’, putting that perfect edge on members tools.
We re-launched the ‘Display Table’ and was delighted to see a varied selection of work from members, including a large finial which will soon be on the roof of Branston Rectory, a clock which included scuba divers and a Harry Potter wand which was produced by our youngest turner, Ed aged just 8!
Thanks to all who work so hard to make our nights a great success.
Club Night – 16th July 2024
Andrew Hall visited us this evening from his base in Weardale, bringing with him his good friend, Tony Woodentop. More from Tony later, but Andrew started the night with a little warm up exercise. Taking about 20 minutes Andrew went through a series of exercises, involving many tools, before producing a child’s rattle!
He then moved on to his signature piece and we were delighted that he chose to turn a small hat. Andrew is renowned for his stunning hats and he did not disappoint. For those intending to give a hat a try, he used Derwent wax pencils to decorate the band. Following our tea break, were in the raffle Terry Bray took home a Lumberjack Scroll Saw, retailing at £160, we settled down to watch Andrew turn a small hat stand. This he finished using a selection of Chestnut Products Rainbow waxes. The demonstration concluded at 9.30pm, but Andrew wasn’t finished. He then spoke about his blues bowls before bringing Tony back to the stage to accompany him with his harmonica and singing. A fantastic end to a great evening.
The competition results can be found on the competition page. Next months topics are Rowan Novice – A child’s toy and Oak Open – Something with a finial.
More photos on our gallery page.
Workshop Night – 2nd July 2024
Over 60 members enjoyed our July workshop night, where we had laughter, banter, coffee, biscuits and a little turning! Thanks to John Johnson for his interesting mini demo on acrylic pan making. Thanks also to Martin Clarkson for mini demoing the expert use of the dreaded skew chisel. Out tuition lathes were operated by Norman Sanders and a guest appearance from Jez Miller. They were kept busy throughout the evening with members seeking advice and tuition. Ray Blake was tucked away in Sharpeners Corner in the Jessop Room, but we kept him nurished with copious supplies of coffee and biscuits.
Every month we will have a display table where you can showcase your work. This is especially useful on workshop evenings as members have time to study and ask questions. Please try to bring something along to our workshop evenings to give inspiration and ideas to everyone.
Can we just put out a big thank you to the members who remain behind on workshop evenings to help clear up. When you have up to five lathes out, there is obviously loads of mess. Thanks to you all and if anyone else would like to give a hand, there’s always a job for you.
Club Night – 18th June 2024
We welcomed Dennis Wake from his workshop in Hartlepool to our club this month. This was the first time Dennis had demonstrated to us and I’m sure those who attended will agree, it won’t be the last time we see him at Leasingham. Following a very informative discussion on lathe and tool safety, Dennis produced a beautiful box on a pedestal with a hinged lid out of oak. Those present seized on the opportunity to purchase hinges from Dennis, resulting in him selling out! As the evening came to a close, Dennis turned an apple out of a 3″x3″x3″ piece of teak, in just 30 minutes. Many thanks to Dennis and his wife for travelling many miles to give us another great night out.
The raffle, as always, was very well supported with our shopkeeper Roy Manders taking home the start prize of a pyrography kit. There were some excellent turned pieces entered into the club competitions. The results awarded by the twenty randomly selected members can be see on our Competitions page.
Thanks to everyone who arrives early and/or stays late to make our evening a huge success. There’s always a job or two for anyone who would like to help out. Also a big ‘Thank you’ to our chairman John and his team of engineers who have swopped the inverter on the demo lathe. As all present can confirm, an excellent modification.
Next months competition topics are:
Rowan Novice – Natural Edge
Oak Open – A Childs Toy.
Our next club night is scheduled for 16th July when Andrew Hall will be demonstrating. Andrew always delivers a great evening, so make sure you put the date in your diary.
Here’s a selection of photos taken during the night by club photographer, Ray Blake. More photo’s can be seen on the gallery page.
Workshop Night – 4th June 2024
A summers evening workshop night is very hard to beat, as 48 members came along to our base at Leasingham for a great sociable evening. There was much turning, a sharing of information and a very large splash of humour. Colin Spencer brought along one of his Rose Engines, Martin Clarkson turned and demonstrated his skills with a skew chisel. There was basic tuition for new turners by Norman Sanders and Pete Davies, and in the Jessop Room Ray Blake staffed ‘Sharpeners Corner’ whilst our popular Chairman, John Ingamells turned as always, a scabby bit of wood!
Martin also brought along his latest Ten-pin bowling project which houses a bluetooth speaker. These Ten-pin bowling pins are available to buy in our shop.
The lads in the shop reported another good evening and membership secretary Tom enrolled another new member. We were well refreshed by the chaps in the kitchen, however we are in need of more kitchen staff! If you fancy helping out, please let us know.
Club Night – 21st May 2024
84 members welcomed Philip Greenwood to the club this evening. An experienced turner with many years under his belt, Phil was able to demonstrate throughout the evening, giving advice and tips constantly. He spoke not only to the experienced, but also the novice, giving an excellent demonstration on how to safely produce an emerging bowl from a block of timber. Following the break, in which Mrs Greenwood picked up a raffle prize, Phil demonstrated how to produce off centre inserts for box lids. A fascinating short demo.
There was a noticeable lack of entries into the Oak Open class in the competition, hopefully this was just a hic-cup and the entries will be back to normal next month. The results can be found on our competition page. Next months topics are; Rowan Novice – a jewellery stand and Oak Open – Natural edge. Can we take this opportunity to thank Alan Cramer, who has stepped down from organizing the competition and welcome Julie and Darren Waters, who will be taking on the task.
Another excellent raffle saw new member Jim Dunn take home the top prize, a 125mm bench vice which retails at £125.
The guys in the club shop were once again kept very busy with you all buying those much needed consumables, along with some second-hand tools.
Thanks also to everyone who came early to set up and remain afterwards to pack away. If anyone else would like to help in this respect, please let us know, there’s always a job for you.
More photos on the gallery page.
Workshop Night – 7th May 2024
As the lighter nights arrive, we always notice a drop in attendance at our events. This month the sun was shining and yet we still welcomed 60 members to our workshop night.
We had Peter and Norman giving tuition to new turners and they both managed to get two members through each f their lathes, great work guys. Martin was doing his usual mini demo and amazed members with his slick use of the skew chisel to produce some lovely bottle stoppers. Excellent project for us to all make some, to serve as stocking fillers for Christmas. Make haste though, as there are only 231 shopping days until the great event!!
Chris took to the other lathe tonight, demonstrating how to use the Simon Hope fluting jig. He substituted the noisy router for a marker pen and did very well in entertaining us all.
Unfortunately, Ray was left on his own in the Jessop Room, however he worked extremely hard all evening and when all the members had achieved a sharp edge on their tools, he sharpened the four sets of club tools ready for next month. Thanks Ray.
We had a few items on the display table, an excellent raffle and refreshments served by Stuart and Dave. The guys in the shop reported another good night.
Thanks to everyone who was able to hang back at the end and helped pack away, we always appreciate this, as it means we all get home at a reasonable time.
Club Night – 16th April 2024
The club were very well entertained tonight by Rick Dobney. Rick always delivers a brilliant, informative demonstration and tonight was no exception. Following a brief safety chat, he went on to produce a stunning live edge bowl. Rick has the ability to demonstrate and continue to talk whilst doing so. We always encourage members to ask questions, however in Ricks case, there in no need to, as he covers every detail whilst still operating a bowl gauge.
Entries to the club competition were down this month, hopefully the topics just didn’t appeal to everyone. The results can be seen on the competition page. Next months topics are; Rowan Novice – Something for the kitchen and Oak Open – a jewellery stand.
We had another great raffle with Dave Hillier taking home a Lumberjack bench drill that retails at £100.
The guys in the shop reported another busy night and Alec, sitting in for Ann, reported that over 70 members attended.
Workshop Night – 2nd April 2024
We welcomed 53 members and visitors, some travelling from as far as Norwich to be with us. Our reputation for being an active, friendly club has travelled far and wide!
Unfortunately Ray Blake was not able to attend to staff ‘Sharpeners Corner’, but hopefully he will return next month, to give those tools that much needed edge. ‘Sharpeners Corner’ has become a popular addition to our workshop evenings and was missed last night, which made us realise that Ray needs an assistant. If you think you could assist Ray, please speak with any committee member or send us an email (
On the demonstrating front, Martin Ford explained and demonstrated his excellent gilding skills, whilst Martin Clarkson turned cane tops for the garden and John Ingamells prepared a blank for adding pewter, which he will finish at a future workshop night. Norman Sanders and Pete Davies were busy on the tuition lathes, giving expert tuition to new turners.
We had another great raffle and the lads in the shop, Roy Manders and John Johnson, reported that sales were good. Dave Hedges informed us that the Loans Service has had limited interest. If you would like more information on the loans available, please visit the website or speak with Dave at any meeting.
What is rewarding is that there was some excellent turning, some encouraging chat and most important, much laughter. Thanks to everyone who attended and as always, you all contributed to a great night out.
Club Ni9ht – 19th March 2024
We welcomed Stephen Kearvell for the first time to our club night this month. Stephen is relatively new to the professional world of demonstrating, yet you would not know. He gave us a very interesting, entertaining evening about colouring techniques and texturing. Starting with an ash bowl he used various Hampshire Sheen products, including paints and waxes, to produce a stunning colourful finish. He then used stencils to develop a colourful effect on a wide rimmed bowl. All the products he used and details of a free to use Academy can be found on the Hampshire Sheen website
During the tea break our 20 randomly selected judges decided on the winners of tonight’s competitions, details of the results can be found on our competition page. The raffle was also drawn, with some amazing prizes, including a new chuck with a retail price of nearly £100. The square platter produced last month by Emma ‘ The Tiny Turner’ Cook and a beautiful lidded box produced by member Norman Sanders at the Midlands Woodworking Show, were also raffled off.
During the second half Stephen turned an ogee shaped wide rimmed bowl, which he then textured with an arbour texturing blade, before colouring. He also passed around various other projects he had completed.
A selection of photos from the night are shown below, however you can view more photos in the gallery page.
Workshop Night – 5th March 2024
We had a slight move around for this evening workshop night, keeping Sharpeners Corner in the Jessop room, we also put our chairman John Ingamells in there to keep Ray company. John, of course, turned a scabby piece of timber and regularly asked those watching, what to do next?
In both the Jessop room and the main hall we also put out tables and chairs so members could relax, chat and eat biscuits! This seemed to be well accepted, so it will be the norm, going forward.
In the main hall we were able to watch Martin Clarkson turning tool handles, in readiness for those new tools we will no doubt purchase at the Midlands Woodworking Show, this coming weekend. Dave Hedges took to the lathe for the first time and entertained with some amazing multi axis turning. Also in the main hall, Colin Spencer and Pete Davies gave tuition to new turners.
Those present may have noticed that all lathes now have new protective screens and we have also purchased two new pop-up banners which we will use to promote the club at the Midlands Woodworking Show, our own show in October and other events we stand at throughout the year. More examples of improvements within the club.
We now look forward to our next club night on Tuesday 19th March when Stephen Kearvell will be travelling from his home in Norfolk to entertain us. We also look forward to plenty of entries into the club competition. Topics this month are, Rowan Novice – a box with a lid and Oak Open – a splash of colour. However before then, we will hopefully see you all at the Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark Showground this coming Friday and Saturday.
Club Night – 20th February 2024
Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook took to the stage tonight to entertain 96 members and visitors. Emma is always a popular demonstrator and once again she did not disappoint. Turning a square shallow platter out of a piece of ash, she then went on to beautifully decorate it with a selection of spray paints. The stencils she used are available at and many of the other components and tools used can be purchased at Emma’s own shop at
The club competition was once again well supported, thanks to all those who entered, and thanks to those members who became judges for the evening and voted on the entries. The results can be found on our competition page. Next months topis are, Novice – A box with a lid and Open – A splash of colour. There were 26 entries this month, lets see if we can get more entries next month. It is suggested by those in the know, that the best way to improve your turning is to push yourself and enter some competitions!
We had another good raffle, so good that we ran out of tickets to sell. Apologies to the few who were unable to purchase a ticket, we will ensure this doesn’t happen again.
The club shop was again open in the Jessop room and this month was joined by the Loans Department. We can now offer at a very small cost, a loan service of, books, DVD’s and tools to registered members. Details on how to borrow these items can be found on our loans page.
Workshop Night – 7th February 2024
This was our first workshop night of 2024 and although it was raining hard we still attracted 70 members and visitors, including our first Assistance Dog! We were delighted to welcome Nick and his assistance dog to try our wonderful craft. We also welcomed three other visitors who all managed to get on a lathe with expert tuition form Norman and Pete. We hope all our visitors come and see us again.
On the mini demo lathes we had Martin and Lyndsay who entertained with their amazing skills. Lyndsay will be on our stand at the Midlands Woodworking Show in March.
The Jessop Room was set up as ‘Sharpeners Corner’, with Jeremy demonstrating his Pro-edge, whilst Colin showed off his skills on his ‘Budget’ sharpener and our usual master of the grinder, Ray put an edge on members tools. Take a look at the photo of Ray taken at the end of the evening. He looks like he’s just completed a shift on the coal face and shows his dedication to providing a great service to us all.
We had another great raffle and the refreshment counter was open for longer this evening, giving everyone the chance to recharge their mugs.
The club shop did a raring trade and we must thank those members who spend many hours, between meetings, preparing blanks for us to buy.
We now look forward to welcoming Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook to our Club Night on 20th February.
Club Night – 16th January 2024
Our first meeting of every year always begins with the AGM. In most cases the mere thought of an AGM has many members running for the hills, but not at our club! 90, yes that’s correct NINETY members came out on a cold winters night for our AGM. Our Chairman, John Ingamells conducted the meeting, which ran without any hold up. The sitting committee were all voted back in and the clubs accounts were accepted by all present. There were no issues raised with regards and John was able to close the meeting before 8pm.
We then had a quick turnaround and welcomed our demonstrator, John Ingamells to the club.
As you would expect, John turned two scabby Wellingtonia logs, which most would consider suitable only for the fire pit, into a winged bowl and a ball shaped bowl. John will be bringing these to our next workshop night for you to study and ask questions.
Following the tea break and drawing of the raffle, we turned our attention to the revamped competition. As you know we now have topics for the competitions, this month being a bowl with a maximum diameter of 8″ for the novice and for the open a goblet. If you say we were amazed by the turnout for the AGM, then we were absolutely staggered to see 36 entries on our competition table! Committee member Kevin Walker agreed to judge the entries and the results can be seen on the competition page.
Next month we ask novice turners to enter a goblet, whilst the open class move onto a box with a lid. All competition topics for 2024 can be viewed on the diary page.
Our President, Ann Giles presented Angela Kelham with a cheque for £30.. Angela came second in last years Rowan Novice competition, but unfortunately could not be with us at the Christmas Party.
Our shop keepers, Roy and John were kept very busy and thanks go to Jim and Stuart for serving up a delicious brew, together with a vast choice of biscuits.
We look forward to seeing you all at our first workshop night of 2024 on Tuesday 6th February.
Club Night – 19th December 2023
Just shy of 100 members descended on Leasingham village hall for our Christmas party. We began the evening with a welcome from our Chairman John Ingamells, who was festively dressed.
We then settled down for an interesting demonstration on off centre turning by Peter Hallam, which provoked many questions from members and dare I say a prank phone call or two. We also had some swift belt changes from Colin Spencer.
Following Peters great demo, we adjourned to enjoy an excellent festive buffet, which had been produced by our president & treasurer Ann Giles assisted by her team of elves from the kitchen and shop.
Prize giving then followed, beginning with the fun competition which was kindly judged by our demonstrator Peter Hallam.
Rowan Novice
Oak Open
Peter Hallam also presented the ‘free membership for 2024’ prize to the winners of the competition entries draw. Each time you enter a monthly competition you receive one entry into this draw.
We then moved onto the annual competition winners, with president Ann Giles making the presentations.
Rowan Novice
Unfortunately, Angela Kelham who took 2nd place, could not be with us tonight.
Oak Open
Ann then made the presentation to the presidents member of the year. This is an award given to a club member who the president believes has put time and effort into the successful running of the club. This year Ann gave the award to Roy Manders. Roy works extremely hard with the shop, not only on club nights, but also between meetings, ensuring we have an excellent shop for members to pick up a bargain.

The popular Hamper Raffle, valued at £100, was won by Jim Ferguson and presented by chairman, John Ingamells.
We had a fantastic Christmas Raffle, with some excellent prizes, thanks to those members who donated a prize. Following the raffle, club member Dave Naylor assisted by his wife Joy, entertained with some live music, including a song that Dave has written about woodturning. For those who would like to listen to Dave’s song ‘Turn Turn Turn’ click the play button below.
We all had a great evening and now look forward to continuing the success of the club during 2024. We next meet for our club demonstration night on 16th January 2024, this will also double up as our AGM. Please remember, we do not hold a workshop night in January.
Workshop Night – 5th December 2023
This was a workshop night with a difference as we welcomed Jon and Sarah from Ashley Iles (Edge Tools) Limited. Ashley Iles Limited was started in Sheffield in 1948 by pattern maker Ashley Iles; he gave up his day job and set out to make and sell his own range of specialist wood carving and turning tools. Over 70 years later and they are still producing excellent tools made from the best materials available. Jon gave us a very interesting talk, accompanied by a slide show explaining the history and day to day life at Ashley Iles.
Following the tea break we resumed with three lathes in operation in the Jessop room, whilst ‘Sharpeners Corner’ and the shop opened in the main hall. Sarah and Jon sold a vast selection of tools at amazing prices, with members realising that Christmas really had come early!
Thanks to those members who paid their membership fee for next year, Tom was delighted with the response and is geared up to take payments from other members at our next meeting on 19th December.
We now look forward to our Christmas party when we will be entertained by Peter Hallam, before tucking into a festive buffet and congratulating our annual competition winners.
Club Night – 21st November 2023
A fantastic attendance of 90 turned out to welcome Andy James to our club. Andy turned a beautiful maple and walnut segmented box, shaped into a apple. He was very informative on the aspect of segmented work and gave excellent instructions for both the novice and experienced turner.
Andy kindly judged the final monthly competition of 2023 and was amazed by the standard of entries in both categories. Details of the results can be found on our competitions page.
Those members who attended our last workshop night were treated to Martin Clarkson turning a tenpin bowling skittle into a penguin. Unfortunately Martin did not have time to finish the project, so he enlisted the help of Lyndsay Knight to take the penguin away, complete it and bring it back to for all to see. Lyndsay has completed the project and put it on our display table for all to see. Below are two photos, one of Martins work and the second is the finished penguin by Lyndsay. Well done guys, a wonderful collaboration with a marvellous result.
The club shop was very busy tonight, especially selling tenpin bowling pins for just £3 each! We still have some more and they will be on sale at our next workshop night.
Workshop Night – 7th November 2023
What an absolutely fantastic workshop night! Thanks to all members and visitors, 79 of you in total, who all joined in to make it another special night. Our workshop nights have become an excellent occasion for all turners to come together to chat, laugh and learn.
Tonight we had four lathes out and sharpeners corner. Thanks to Colin Spencer, Pete Davies and Jez Miller for taking new turners under their wings and giving a masterclass on how to start turning, successfully and safely. We also enjoyed watching Terry Bray on a lathe, as he gave instruction on what is expected if you wish to become an AWGB Tutor. If Terrys demo inspired you to become a tutor, which we can put you through free of charge, please send us an email and we will get the wheels in motion.
The club has acquired many and we mean MANY tenpin bowling pins, which we are selling to members for just £3 each. Tonight our chairman John Ingamells challenged our resident professional, Martin Clarkson to turn a bowling pin into something other than a bowling pin. As you would expect, Martin did not disappoint and by the end of the evening had produced an amazing penguin. Martin has now put the penguin into the care of Lindsay Knight who is to complete the project and bring it back at a future meeting. Many thanks to Martin for such an interesting demo.
A special thanks to Barry Teague, who in the absence of Ray Blake, took over in Sharpeners Corner, giving advice on sharpening and putting a great edge on your tools.
The club shop did a roaring trade, selling out of the bowling pins that they had brought with them. Don’t worry there are loads more in store and our shopkeeper Roy Manders assured me that they will bring plenty to the next meeting on the 21st November.
Club Night – 17th October 2023
Following on from our annual show last weekend, we welcomed 80 members including 5 newbies to watch our very own professional turner Martin Clarkson. Martin is an exceptional turner with a unique method and it’s fair to say, he’s an absolute genius with the skew chisel.
Martin entertained by turning ‘Bobby the clown clock’ mainly out of ash. He said he would provide the measurements of the blanks used and here they are:
Head 3″ x 3″ x 3″
Body 7.5″ x 3″ x 3″
Bow tie / shoes (Made out of a special piece, Martin used Oak burl) 1.5″ x 1.5″ x 3.5″
Hat 3″ x 3″ x 3″
Base to fit body and shoes.
When all the component parts are turned, they can then be glued together with the aid of dowels. Don’t forget, if you are keen to give Bobby a go, our club shop does stock some clocks and Martin is always on hand for advice.
During the tea break Martin judged the club competitions, results can be seen on our competitions page. The raffle was well supported with Steve Foster taking home the £137 dust extractor.
More photos can be viewed on our gallery page.
Workshop Night – 3rd October 2023
There were some different faces on the lathes this month. Martin Ford took to the club demo lathe to demonstrate between centres work, whilst Colin Spencer stepped in for Norman Sanders, who was unavailable tonight, on the tuition lathe. Martin Clarkson and Pete Davies operated the other lathes giving mini demos and a little tuition. Let’s not forget Ray Blake, working tirelessly in ‘Sharpeners Corner’ putting that razor sharp edge on all those tools.
The shop was once again doing a roaring trade, selling all those consumables at fantastic prices. There was another prize raffle and everyone enjoyed being served tea and coffee by our chairman as the usual guys, Jim and Stuart were on holiday.
Unfortunately there was a technical error which resulted in there being no photos of the evening. Basically, I was so wrapped up in having such a great time, that I forgot to take any. Sorry.
Club Night – 19th September 2023
We were delighted to have Richard Findley with us tonight. Richard is well known throughout the turning world and is currently penning ‘The diary of a Woodturner’ in the monthly Woodturning Magazine. He demonstrated a lidded bowl with finial and teardrop finial on the inside of the lid. Richard spoke constantly throughout the demonstration, giving excellent advice to both novice and experienced turners. The result was a stunning piece made out of sapele and sycamore. There are a few photo’s below and many more on the gallery page.
Richard was very impressed by the standard of entries into both our novice and open competitions and his results can be seen on the competitions page.
Everyone appeared to have a good evening, especially those who were fortunate to take home a raffle prize. The club shop did well in providing members with all those consumables at excellent prices.
Workshop Night – 5th September 2023
Another great workshop night was enjoyed by 59 members on a warm summers evening. We had four lathe in operation and thanks must be expressed to Martin, Pete, Norman and Alan for their tuition and demonstration. The raffle, with it’s excellent prizes, was well supported and shopkeeper Roy reported another busy night.
Thanks to Colin Spencer for the photos, of which more can be viewed on the gallery page.
We now look forward to welcoming Richard Findley to demonstrate to us at our next club night on 19th September. More details about Richard can be found on his website or by buying a copy of the Woodturning Magazine where he is a regular contributor.
Club Night – 15th August 2023
It was a lovely summers evening, but we still attracted 75 members and visitors to our headquarters in Leasingham. Joey Richardson gave a fascinating demonstration on turning a very thin walled hollow form, before moving on to piercing, pyrography, air brushing and generally making a simple piece of sycamore look stunning.
Here is some photos of some of Joey’s stunning art work.
Joey also spoke about Woodturning Connect 2023 (Biennial exhibitions and competition) at Pewterers Hall, London on 19th October. She encouraged members to have a look and because of the high standard of our competition entries, consider entering. More details can be found at
The top raffle prize of a Rutlands air brush and compressor was claimed by committee member, Alec Day. I’m sure he’ll be putting it to good use and hopefully we will see the results.
Joey kindly judged the monthly competitions and the results can be seen on our competitions page.
The next demonstrator to visit us will be Richard Finley on the 19th September. Richard is a regular contributor to the Woodturning Magazine and is currently writing the ‘Diary of a professional Woodturner’. More details about Richard can be found on his website
Workshop Night – 1st August 2023
Another social workshop night was thoroughly enjoyed by the 63 members and visitors. Club member, Martin Ford put on an informative talk on how he achieves such a remarkable finish on his work. We also had Martin Clarkson giving his usual amazing mini demo, whilst John Ingamells and Pete Davies turned and answered members questions. Norman Sanders took four visitors under his wing and taught them basics of woodturning. And finally, spare a thought for Ray Blake, who once again disappeared into ‘Sharpeners Corner’ and was surprised when he next surfaced to discovered it had gone dark!
Club Night – 18th July 2023
We would like to start by thanking all 79 members who attended for understanding our health & safety concerns with regards to the setting up of the main hall. Keeping access to the main hall to key members before 7pm certainly relieved the safety concerns we have been experiencing. We will continue with this practise and are pleased to say that the shop will be open in the Jessop Room from 6.45pm, so members can gain access to both the shop and the toilets, prior to the main hall opening at 7pm.
Phil Greenwood produced an excellent demonstration for both novice and experienced members. He turned a two part vase, giving an in depth explanation of tool usage and sharpening. He took everything back to basics, which served as great tuition for those just starting out on a turning journey and a timely reminder to seasoned turners regarding technique and safety.
The start prize in the raffle, a £150 chuck was won by Terry Bray, whilst other winners took home rechargeable screwdriver set, mini tool set, wood blanks and a bottle of wine. There will be more exceptional prizes next month and if you can’t wait, don’t forget we now have a raffle at our workshop nights.
Phil Greenwood kindly judged our novice and open competitions, the results of which can be found on our competitions page.
It was also good to see items still finding their way to the display table, an ideal opportunity to showcase your projects, which give insperation to other members.
We now look forward to our next meeting which is a workshop night on 1st August, whilst our next club night is on 15th August when professional demonstrator Joey Richardson will be entertaining us. Visit Joey’s website to admire her amazing sculptural work.
Workshop Night – 4th July 2023
The records just keep tumbling as 67 members attended our workshop night. We have never had such a large attendance for a workshop night and hopefully they were all entertained.
John Johnson took to a lathe to mini demo for the first time and did an excellent job in explaining and showing the art of pen turning. He kept a large audience entertained and we’re sure he’s just started out on his workshop night mini demo career! John Ingamells returned to continue his resin instructions whilst Colin Spencer also began his workshop night career by stepping in at a moments notice to turn on the main club lathe.
On the other lathes Norman Sanders took new member Greg Henry under his wing and gave a master class on how to start a new hobby within our wonderful craft. And Pete Davies gain advice and tuition to Angela Kelham on how to perfect the inside turning of a bowl.
We must not forget our secretary Ray Blake for once again spending the whole night in ‘Sharpeners Corner’, putting a great edge on all your tools.
Following suggestions from some members we trialled a raffle on workshop night and are pleased to report that it was well received, It did produce a very small profit for club funds and first thoughts are that we will continue to hold subsequent raffles on workshop nights.
Thanks were paid to Geoff Ventress who, after many years hung up his mini demo smock, choosing to wander around and enjoy the evening instead. He has been a constant figure at workshop nights for many years. Geoff will continue to play a major part in the club set up, as he will continue, with others, to prepare our wood supply into turning blanks for the club shop.
Club Night – 20th June 2023
A very entertaining evening was enjoyed by the 75 members and guests, as Chris Parker brought his ‘A’ game to the club. Chris has a unique way of demonstrating, using club members to help, so many thanks to Terry Bray and Martin Clarkson for stepping into the limelight.
Chris turned a simple box and bowl, but enhanced both using electric texturing tools and paint/stains to maximum effect.
He very kindly judged our monthly competitions and was very impressed by the quality of the work by members. Results can be viewed on the competitions page.
Workshop Night – 6th June 2023
Over 50 members braved the cool June evening to have an enjoyable time with fellow turners. It was once again a great sociable evening with plenty of laughter and banter.
Together with the usual lathes, we had John Ingamells entertaining as he explained and showed how to bring resin into turning. Assisted by Alec, Jeremy and Stuart, John drew in the crowds as he mixed resin and used a pressure pot, whilst explaining the resin process. For those of you who did not pick up John’s advice sheets, they are below.
Elsewhere we had Barry, Martin, Norman, Pete and Geoff turning, whilst Ray was once again stuck in ‘Sharpeners Corner’.
Club Night – 16th May 2023
We welcomed Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook back to our club this month. Emma always delivers a great demonstration and this time was no exception. Using a beautiful piece of brown oak she turned a 9″ platter which was then ebonized using ebonizing solution. Using a micro drill, supplied by, or you could use a Dremel, she cut dimples into the surface and later coloured them with leaf paint, making a fascinating and different finish.
After our tea break, Emma turned another platter taking inspiration and ideas from the floor. A fascinating approach to show how designs can change and evolve as we turn.
The competition was well supported and the results can be seen on the competition page. Many thanks to Barry Teague for organising the competition whilst Fiona Elkington enjoyed her well deserved holiday.
Our club shop was open at it’s new location in the Jessop room and appeared to be well accepted by all present. In the monthly raffle, Norman Buckberry was delighted to win the ‘Rutlands’ Airbrush Kit valued at over £250.
Workshop Night – 2nd May 2023
A montage of photo’s from our recent workshop night, where over 60 members had another great night.
Club Night – 18th April 2023
It was an absolute pleasure to invite Steve Heeley to our club, it had been far too long since he last visited us. Steve gave an excellent demonstration on spindle and faceplate turning, producing a stunning candlestick, which also involved some colouring and texturing.
We trailed our new hall lay-out, which did give us a safer seating arrangement, taking out some trip hazards and increase the viewer experience. Many thanks to those who attended for your patience and co-operation. Next month we will be relocating the shop into the smaller room, giving us even more space to enhance our club night.
Steve kindly judged our monthly competitions, please visit the competitions page for more information, including news on our first ever tie!
The raffle was well supported, with Michael Perdeaux winning a full days tuition with our resident professional, Martin Clarkson at his Station Oak Workshop in Tattershall.
Workshop Night – 4th April 2023
Thanks to all those who helped put on another excellent workshop night. It was good to see so many members help out in so many different ways. Clearly, everyone pulling in the same direction makes for a successful night and with 72 attending we are obviously pulling in the right direction. We had some excellent mini demo’s together with great educational turning. The club shop was extremely busy, as was the kitchen keeping us well refreshed. Thanks to all involved.
Club Demonstrator Night – 21st March 2023
Another excellent attendance of 91 members with 2 visitors welcomed local legend Mick Hanbury to Leasingham. Mick always delivers a good evening and this was no exception. He is very passionate about colouring wood and this certainly came through to us as he turned and coloured some beautiful wall art. Using Elm he turned three different shield shapes out of 12″, 9″ and 6″ blanks, using an arbortech tool on the middle sized one to give plenty of amazing texture.
Whilst we had a tea break, the raffle and competitions were dealt with. Thanks to Barry Teague for standing in for Tommy and selling the raffle tickets. Our ‘In-House Professional’ and popular member Martin Clarkson was the lucky holder of the ticket that won the new mini lathe.
It was good to see more entries into the competitions, Mick was very impressed with all items. More details can be found on our competitions page.
Following the tea break, Mick showed how to colour his ‘wall art’ items. He used a variety of ebonising lacquer, melamine lacquer and iridescent paints to create some stunning results. (Photo’s to follow)
We also welcomed Steve Graham to the club for the evening, Steve specialises in turning blanks and had a good selection on sale. He can be contacted on 07598403499 or email
Club Workshop Night – 7th March 2023
We had another great workshop night with five lathes out and working hard. Many thanks to Alan, Terry, Martin, Norman, Peter and Jeremy for putting on some great mini demos. Apologies with regards to the sharpening station not being available, we experienced some logistical issues which meant it couldn’t go ahead. Hopefully normal service will resume at the April workshop night.
It was interesting to watch Alan turning doll’s house pieces on his mini lathe. Jeremy and Peter showed how to texture wood and it was good to see many members having a go. And rumour had it that Martin turned a small bowl!!!!
Thanks to everyone who helped pack away at the end of the night, it is much appreciated and means we all get home at a reasonable time.
Club Demonstration Night – 21st February 2023
A fascinating insight into the history of turning by visiting professional Mike Ashton awaited the 95 members and guests. Mike showed and explained the origins of turning before taking to his spring pole lathe to turn a Windsor chair leg out of a piece of Ash.
Mike showed other items that he had made on his pole lathe including bowls and goblets. These are generally finished with warmed bees wax or grapeseed oil. The latter being readily available at supermarkets.
During our tea break, Mike judged the club competitions and we held the grand raffle. Having settle back down, Mike turned a babies rattle out of cherry wood, this involved some captive rings and was finished in grapeseed oil. From start to finish, took him just 20 minutes!!
Workshop night – 7th February 2023
We all had a great night at our latest workshop night, five lathes and a sharpening corner kept everyone entertained. Our chairman John Ingamells was finally able to complete his Christmas turning entertainment. Co-vid had denied John the chance to turn a pewter inspired piece at the Christmas party, so tonight was a good time for him to melt some pewter and pour it into a prepared piece of zebrano. Having never tried this before, John was unsure of the results but he needn’t of worried, as you can see the result was stunning.
At our next workshop night in March, Pete Davies and Jeremy Miller will be on the lathe showing how to texture. With all the other lathes in operation and hopefully Ray Blake in his sharpening corner, it promises to be a great night.
Christmas Party – 20th December 2022
We had a fantastic turnout for the Christmas party. Unfortunately our Chairman John Ingamells was not able to attend and demonstrate, so club favourite Martin Clarkson came to the rescue at very short notice.
Turning a festive project, Martin produced a party popper canon, which turners of all standards could produce and he did this in just under an hour.
We then enjoyed a buffet expertly produced by Ann Giles and her team of volunteers, whilst being entertained by Dave Hedges, playing Barry Teague’s blues bowls.
The annual awards were then presented by our President Ann Giles. Angela Kelham took third place in the Rowan Novice Competition, Dave Naylor came second, with Dave McCarroll claiming first place.
In the Oak Open competition, Norman Sanders claimed third spot with Peter Barrack taking second. The Oak Open Club Champion for 2022 was awarded to Charlie Ridley.

Following the presentations, Ann announced her club member of the year. This is an award given by our president to a club member, not being a committee member. This year Ann awarded it to Jim Fahy. Jim works tirelessly for the club. He staffs the kitchen at all club meetings, including the club show. He arrives early to help set up and is always one of the last to leave. His contribution has not gone unnoticed by Ann, who presented him with an engraved tumbler and a cheque for £50.
Martin Clarkson then presented the prizes for the evenings festive competition. The results of which are available to view on the competitions page.
Before Dave Naylor entertained once more with some songs, Kevin Walker presented Ann with flowers for all her hard work with regards to the buffet.
To conclude the evening two club raffles followed Dave’s music, the first was the annual Christmas draw, followed by a members free inclusive draw for a hamper valued at over £100. Our good friend and honorary member Steven Wright from Elston Sawmill was the lucky winner.
Workshop Evening – 6th December
This was the last workshop evening of 2022 and we welcomed 63 members into the hall for a very sociable evening. Unfortunately, Martin Clarkson could not be with us, however Terry stepped in and did a fantastic job entertaining us, thanks Terry.
Thanks must also go to Ray who sharpened tools all night, making sure many members had a sharp edge for the Christmas break.
In the kitchen, Jim took an apprentice under his wing and taught Stuart all the tricks of the trade.
There was a great display table, thanks to all who contributed. This is an excellent way to showcase your work and give inspiration to other members.
Norman, Peter and Geoff were also busy on their lathes, teaching and inspiring us all, whilst Roy (Aunty Wainwright) Manders expertly took cash of those looking for a bargain.
We do not hold a workshop night in January, we return on Tuesday 7th February 2023.
Club Demonstration Night – 15th November 2022
We welcomed Rick Dobney back to the club this evening. Rick took to the stage and began by informing the 90 members that were sat before him, that this would be the biggest club audience he had ever demonstrated too. Rick reminded us of some very important health & safety issues in our workshops before moving on to turning a beautiful hollow form out of a piece of 6″ x 4″ tulip wood, with a black ebonised and gilded band.
During the tea break Rick kindly judged the club competitions, which we’re delighted to say, attracted a good number of entries. Details and photos can be found on our competitions page. This was the last leg of the yearly competitions; the annual awards will be announced at the Christmas party next month. At the December Club Night, we will have a festive fun competition, open to all members. Only one rule, make it festive!!
The club raffle did exceptionally well, and Stuart Fletcher took home the top prize of a new Record Power extraction unit.
There were some excellent bargains to be had in the shop and Auntie Wainwright [shopkeeper Roy] reported that many members went home happy with their purchases.
Following the break, Rick completed his hollow form before whetting our appetite with a brief demo of his homemade jaws for off centre square turning. It was certainly an impressive beast, and he easily convinced us to book him in the future, so he can give a full demonstration on it.
More pictures are available on our gallery page.
Workshop Night – 1st November 2022
The records just keep on tumbling as this week we welcomed a record sixty members and visitors to a workshop night. It was great to hear and see so much laughter and smiling faces from everyone. There was banter, jokes, plenty of ten drinking and eating of biscuits, plus a little turning. The club shop unleashed a new supply of second-hand tools to the many and most were snapped up at ridiculous prices.
We now look forward to welcoming Rick Dobney back to the club to demonstrate in two weeks’ time.
Club Demonstration Night – 18th October 2022
We were delighted to welcome Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook to the club for our latest demonstration night. 77 members and guests settled down to be mesmerised by Emma’s skills on the lathe and her amazing colouring techniques. She began by turning a small bowl out of sycamore, giving exceptional instructions on turn safely and successfully. Once turned she used sanding sealer, then cut & paste before finishing off with microcrystalline wax, all produced by Chestnut Products and of course, all available at our club shop.
Emma then showed us her carving skills by texturing a band around the top portion of the bowl, which she then sealed before using ‘Jo Sonja’ paints to achieve an amazing finish.
Emma also produced a resin and wood pendant in record time.
The competition was well supported this month, thanks to all the members who took part.
More photos on the gallery page.
Additional Club Demonstration Night – 4th October 2022
Having the opportunity to welcome an international turner to the club, we were delighted that almost 100 members turned out to be entertained by Kade Bolger from Canada. Kade is in the UK to visit fellow turners and friends before attending the AWGB Seminar in Staffordshire.
We first had dealings with Kade when he kindly demonstrated for us, via zoom, from his workshop during the Co-vid pandemic. It was even more special to have him in person and he did not disappoint. Kade gave a first-class performance, showcasing his signature work, by making two boxes. His first box was made from spalted beech with a rosewood finial and after our tea break, he turned yew for the very first time and fell in love with it! He produced different box, but unfortunately ran out of time before being able to make the finial.
At the end of the evening chairman John Ingamells present Kade with a pen set turned by a member in yew. Kade kindly donated some of his work for our Christmas raffle.
Club Demonstration Night – 20th September 2022
We welcomed a familiar face to the club this evening as Martin Clarkson took to the stage. Martin is a very popular professional turner and member of our club, who regularly entertains on the lathe at workshop evening. Having convinced him to take to the stage, he chose to put himself way out of his comfort zone by announcing that he was going to turn a bowl! Most will know that Martin is an exceptional spindle turner, but rarely uses a chuck and seldom makes a bowl.
Having made this strange decision, he proceeded to amaze us with a totally different bowl, so different that the technique doesn’t have a name. Basically, he started by turning the outside rim of a sycamore bowl first and then took it off the lathe and proceeded to bash the rim with different size round-ended bars that produced indentations. Returning to the lathe he then turned the rim down until the indentations were barely visible. Off the lathe again and over a pan of boiling water to draw the indentations out. The results were stunning! pimples all over the rim. Back on the lathe to complete turning the bowl. Excellent turning, coupled up with Martins unique sense of humour produced a great evening for all of the 72 members in attendance.
Congratulations to William Elkington who won first prize in the raffle and took home a pre-loved Record Power Band Saw in exceptional condition.
Entries into the club competitions was disappointing, hopefully we can all rectify this next month.
Workshop Night – 6th September 2022
Chairman John arrived at the village Hall at 6.35pm in plenty of time to get set up for 7.30pm but was amazed to see that the car park was already half full! Members everywhere, desperate to have a great evening out. What also delighted John was that all those who were early, rolled their sleeves up and helped set up the lathes etc. It is very comforting to know that our members want to play an active part in their club.
In the end, 57 members turned out and had a throughly enjoyable evening. There were 6 lathes in operation and thanks must go to those who staffed them and provided excellent tuition. We now look forward to our next demonstrators night on the 20th September when our very own Martin Clarkson will be entertaining us. Thanks to you all for making our club so successful.
Club Demonstration Night – 16th August 2022
This club night should probably be re-titled as Club Comedy of errors Night!! Peter Hallam entertained us and gave an interesting evening. He decided to go back to basics and demonstrate some projects that can be achieved in just a few hours. However, through no fault of Peters, everything did not go exactly to plan , as we experienced some technical issues. First off, the lathe wouldn’t work, we soon realised the problem, we hadn’t plugged it in! Problem solved and Peter began demonstrating how to turn a bud vase out of a piece of Sapele. After a few minutes it was pointed out that we hadn’t put the safety screen up! Enter Morcombe and Wise, moving scenery around whilst Peter continued unperturbed. They say ‘things come in threes’ and we can confirm this. Peter was doing a sterling job until he needed the knock-out bar and you’ve guessed it, it was nowhere to be seen! After much rummaging, chairman John came up with something that, although not a knock-out bar, did the trick.
We finally had everything sorted and settled down to watch Peter complete his bud vase before moving on to make a twig vase, which involved some off centre turning.
Following a tea break, where Peter kindly judged our monthly competitions, [more details on the competition page], he concluded his twig vase out of oak and then made a ring minder also in oak. The three pieces completed were finished with Chestnut Cut & Polish and Chestnut Wood 22 Wax. Both of these items are available at our club shop.
For those interested in the drill bit Peter used, is a Disston multi angle drill bit, widely available on the internet and not badly priced.
Thanks to Peter for an entertaining evening, the 65 members all went home happy.
At all club demonstration evenings we encourage members to bring some of their work to exhibit on the display table. This is a great way to showcase their work, giving ideas and inspiration to fellow turners. Below are some photos of this months display table. Click on individual photos to enlarge them.
Club Workshop Night – 2nd August 2022
Another great evening at Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners. 48 experienced and novice turners came together to watch, chat and laugh. In the absence of Martin Clarkson, our very own chairman John Ingamells, donned his smock and took to a lathe to turn a gnarly piece of wood into a stunning miniature goblet. Thanks to Tony Maddox, Norman Sanders, Pete Davies and Geoff Ventress for sharing their knowledge on the other lathes.
Also thanks to the technical department who spent the evening working on cameras and TV’s so that we all have a great viewing experience on our demonstration nights.
Club Demonstration Night – 19th July 2022
We were delighted to welcome Mick Hanbury back to the club after what seemed to be an eternity. Mick always provides a great nights entertainment and gives exceptional advice to all turners, novice or experienced. His sense of humour and ability to entertain are second to none.
Mick turned and painted one of his signature platters. Having turned it, he ‘slopped’ paint on and moved it about with clingfilm, the end result; stunning!
Mick very kindly judged the club competitions, results can be found on the competitions page.
53 members and guests had braved the hottest day on record to watch Mick and went home with ideas of a painted platter spinning in their heads.
More photos can be viewed on the gallery page.
Workshop Night – 5th July 2022
It was a beautiful summers evening yet 36 members and visitors came indoors for a great social evening. We put four lathes and a sharpening system out for members to use. Martin Clarkson expertly provided an informative demonstration, whilst Tony and Norman introduced new members to the art of turning without a catch!! However the highlight of the evening was supplied by Colin Spencer who brought along his Rose Engine and demonstrated some fascinating intricate texturing.
Club Meeting – 21st June 2022
It was a new lay-out that welcomed 60 members to Leasingham village hall this week. Having purchased two new 50″ monitors to enhance the viewing experience, the committee took the decision to move the seating arrangement and remove the stage. We then settled down to be entertained by professional turner Robin Barlow. Robin turned an acorn box out of mahogany and sycamore before the tea break. Following the drawing of the raffle and the announcement of the competition winners, Robin returned to turn an oak leaf platter out of oak.
Chairman, John Ingamells asked members for their thoughts on the new lay-out and on the whole, it was extremely popular.
Competition details can be found on the competition page.
Open Session – 12th June 2022
Our chairman, John Ingamells kindly allowed the club to use his garden for our popular open session day last Sunday. Thirty members, together with some partners called in to have a great social event in the sun.
Workshop Night – 7th June 2022
Another great workshop evening for the 46 members and guests who came along to Leasingham. We had five lathes in operation, thanks to Geoff, Peter, Norman and Tony for giving tuition and thanks to Martin for demonstrating all evening. Roy had a great evening in the new shop layout, selling those much needed consumables and Jim provided an excellent cup of tea.
Thanks must go to all the members who stayed behind to help pack away and sweep up, we appreciate your assistance.
Club Night – 17th May 2022
This was quite an evening, as we opened our doors for the first time since last autumn. The committee were concerned as to how many members would attend, but we need not have been as 70 members crowded into Leasingham village hall to welcome Andy James to the stage. It was very pleasing and a little moving to arrive and see that many members had purposely turned up early to help prepare the hall.
Chairman John Ingamells opened the meeting, welcomed everyone and introduced our new President, Ann Giles. Ann has been a member of the club for almost 30 years and for many of those has served as the club treasurer. She is now looking forward to her new role, but don’t worry, she will still be our treasurer.
We then settled down and watched professional turner Andy James use his skills to demonstrate a piece of miniature segmented turning.
During the break Roy Manders staffed the club shop, we had the prize raffle, Jim and William served tea & coffee, whilst Andy James judged our monthly competition. (See competition page for results)
Following the break Andy took many questions from the floor and talked passionately about segmented turning.
As the evening came to a close we were again very pleased with the number of members who remained to help pack away. Thank you.
Club Zoom Night – 19th April 2022
32 members enjoyed two videos supplied by one of the clubs sponsors, Axminster. Their resident turner, Colwyn Way took us back to basics, giving an excellent demonstration on how to turn a simple bowl. An interesting demonstration for new and experienced turners. The second video was an interesting tuition on turning a sphere clock.
Members also took up the opportunity to show and tell with some of their recent projects.
Club Zoom Night – 15th March 2022
Kade Bolger entertained 51 members last Tuesday with a fantastic demonstration on producing a thin-walled live edge bowl, live from his workshop in Canada. For the next 28 days you can watch Kades demo by clicking on the link.
YouTube link
During Kades demonstration he spoke about a light bar that he uses, he has kindly sent us the link to Amazon where he purchased it.
Workshop Zoom Night – 1st March 2022
45 members logged on to zoom this evening for another sociable workshop meeting. Following a group chat, everyone settled down to watch a video presented by Axminster’s Colwyn Way. Colwyn turned a resin enhanced bowl, something that a few of our members have also attempted.
Chairman John Ingamells was delighted with the turnout and thought it was a very good evening. We are hopeful that our next Workshop evening scheduled for 5th April, will take place back in Leasingham Village Hall. Members will be notified by email and on the website, so please keep those fingers crossed.
Club Zoom Night – 15th February 2022
Professional demonstrator, Sue Harker joined us from her workshop in North Yorkshire and entertained 44 members with some inspirational turning. Even a problem with her audio system did not disrupt the evening as she turned a 12″ x 2″ piece of rippled sycamore into a wide rimmed bowl, before decorating the rim with acrylic paint in a stunning random design. Sue went on to explain that she would finish it with a few coats of hard wax oil.
Sue concluded the evening by producing a beautiful ring minder out of rippled Ash and explained how to waste as little wood as possible by spending valuable time on the band saw prior to turning.
An excellent demonstration of both bowl and spindle turning, by a well respected turner.
Workshop Night – 1st February 2022
Workshop night took the form of a zoom meeting, not ideal but 40 members logged on and had a great time. Following a sociable chat in the break out rooms, we enjoyed a video on spindle turning by the respected turner Colwin Way. A very interesting video, even for the more experienced turners amongst us. We concluded the evening with a show and tell session. Several members were very keen to share with us what they had been up to in their workshops. It’s a successful evening when you hear members sharing experiences, laughing, joking and enjoying each others company.
Club Night – 18th January 2022
2022 has not started how we would have wished, as we have reverted back to zoom meetings to maintain the safety of our members. However, the club has prospered during the last two years and will continue to deliver in one shape or another.
Club member Colin Spencer entertained those present with an interesting presentation on his home made Rose Engine Lathe. Colin has kindly given the club his presentation on a pdf file, which you can look at by clicking on the link below and then scrolling through Colin’s photos.