News (Archives)

Welcome to the news page of our website. On this page we will try to bring you up to date news and comments on events and issues to do with our club.

14th July 2021

This month’s Woodturning Magazine features a great article about our club and its commitment to St Barnabas Hospice. We have now produced in excess of 50 wig stands to be donated to the charity. Thanks to all the members who have contributed and if you have not already purchased a copy of the magazine, we strongly recommend that you pop to your newsagent to pick up issue 359 and turn immediately to page 81. Happy reading!

14th July 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all club members:


First, I need to apologise as we are still experiencing difficulties in bringing you Martin’s critic video for Charlie’s last challenge. Please rest assured that once I am in receipt of the video it will be posted onto the news page of the website.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 22.

In view of the difficulties we are having, we have decided to push ahead with Charlie’s next challenge.

Charlie believes, like many of us, that wood turning is an art and many of the pieces produced can be classed as art. This led Charlie to take to his dictionary and look up the meaning of ‘art’. According to the Oxford Dictionary, art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

So, there you have it, Charlie’s Challenge – part 22, will be to produce a piece of ‘art’! You have until 9pm Friday 30th July to send two photos with a rule for scale, to the club email address; We will then ask Martin Clarkson to produce a video critiquing the pieces, which will be available to view on the website the following week.

Co-vid update

As you are no doubt aware, co-vid restrictions are being eased and life is slowly getting back to some sort of normality. Please bear with the committee as we consider all the implications of resuming our club activities at Leasingham village hall. We have to be guided by the village hall committee and their new protocols. We also have to consider our options and weather they are viable with regards to the finance of the club and the welfare of our membership. We are working hard to get back to where we all want to be, but there are going to be some difficult decisions. We thank you for your patience.

Club Open Sessions

Due to possible changes in how we might be operating very soon, we do not know if we will be holding an open session in August. However, as with all changes, we will inform you as soon as we have any news.

Club Annual Show

Our club show is scheduled for Sunday 17th October 2021 and at the moment we are heavily involved in trying to make sure it goes ahead. We have many stall holders provisionally booked and are pleased to announce that this year Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook will be the professional turner demonstrating throughout the day.

The committee works tirelessly to ensure that the club continues to progress and emerges from the pandemic in a positive, safe way. We will move forward as quickly as possible and thank you all for your support.

Take care and keep turning, we are nearly there.

14th July 2021

We are pleased to bring you Martin’s critic of Charlie’s Challenge Part 21.

8th July 2021

Apologies to those who are keen to watch Martin’s critic video of the recent challenge set by our President, Charles Giles. Unfortunately we are experiencing some technical difficulties in obtaining the video. We will keep working at it and you can rest assured that once it is with us, it will be uploaded onto this page.
Subsequently, as a result of this delay we have decided to hold back on the next challenge. Once normal services are resumed we will be sending out an email informing you of the next challenge.

20th June 2021

Stewart Furini’s recent demonstration to club members is now available for all to watch. Please click on the link below and enter the password.

Click here to view Stewart’s video

Password required: Z5x$i4VP

7th June 2021

Please see below a recent email sent out to all members:

Please accept my apologies, I reported to you in my last email that our next zoom meeting was to be an ‘in-house’ meeting. This is not the case. At 7.30pm Tuesday 15th June professional turner and demonstrator Stewart Furini will be live from his workshop. Stewart will be demonstrating exclusively to members of our club. Please note that this meeting is only available to registered club members. To find out more about Stewart please visit his website

Can I remind you of some other events taking place within your club.
President Charlie Giles has set his latest challenge to produce something for a gentleman. Please forward two photos of your completed piece to the club email address by 9pm Friday 1st July. Martin Clarkson will produce another informative video about all the pieces submitted. This will appear on the website on or around Tuesday 6th July.

Tuesday 6th July is also the date for our next Open Sessions Day. There will be three sessions, 10am – 12nn, 12.30pm – 2.30pm & 3pm – 5pm. To secure one of the limited places, please email club secretary Ray Blake on

The club shop has, under the guidance of Roy Manders, received a re-vamp and is well worth a visit. As well as selling all the consumables you could need, there is a large selection of wood blanks and a steady supply of tools. To attend the shop please give our Chairman John Ingamells a call on 01522 810522 or 07860 713743.

The club continues to donate wig-stands to St Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln. If you would like to turn a wig stand, but haven’t the wood to do so, please contact John on the numbers above. The club has a supply of free blanks for members to use. I have also attached some instructions on how to turn a wig stand, for those who would like to give it a go.

7th June 2021

At our next club zoom meeting scheduled for 7.30pm Tuesday 15th June, we welcome professional turner and demonstrator Stewart Furini. Stewart started turning as an occasional hobby, but it has now become a major part of his life, From making a simple turned bowl, to creating a highly decorative piece, embellished with texture and colour. It promises to be a great zoom meeting, Chairman John Ingamells will email all members with log on details prior to the evening.

For more details please visit Stewarts website;

Don't Miss Out – Stewart Furini Online Demo | Lincolnshire Wolds Woodturning Association

Stewart Furini.

7th June 2021

President Charles Giles has released his latest challenge. You need to produce two photos of your piece and send them to the club email address,, by 9pm Friday 1st July. Charlie would like you all to take part and produce ‘Something for a Gentleman’.

7th June 2021

open 1open 5

Martin Clarkson amazed all present at the recent Open Session with his latest project, a fully turned oak coach lamp. As you are aware Martin is a professional turner and a valued member of our club. You can view more of Martins work on his shop, trading as Station Oak, well worth a look.

3rd June 2021

Here it is part 20 of Charlie’s Challenge, produce something for a lady. Thanks must once again go to all those who contributed and to Martin for this informative video.

20th May 2021

Please visit our past meetings page for a report of last Tuesdays live zoom demonstration by Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook.

6th May 2021

This afternoon Karen McCay from St Barnabas Hospice was a guest on BBC Radio Lincolnshire. She was invited to talk about the wig stands donated to the hospice by our club.
To listen to the interview please click on the play button below (There is a short delay before the interview begins).

4th May 2021

This months Presidents challenge had the quirky factor, with a bit of live edge turning. As usual we had some fantastic contributions. Watch Martin’s informative video below for all the feedback. Thanks again must go to Martin for his support of our club.

2nd May 2021

As you are aware we are asking members to make wig stands for St Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln. We are delighted that so many of you have made stands, which have now been delivered to St Barnabas. Please click on the link below to watch when club secretary Ray Blake and chairman John Ingamells delivered 30 stands to the hospice. We have adopted St Barnabas as our second charity behind Lincolnshire Lives and have pledge to continue making wig stands for them. Please continue the good work, if you require some wood to make a stand contact John Ingamells, will be able to help with some free timber. You are more than welcome to make more than one stand. When you are in your workshop struggling for ideas of what to make, please consider making another wig stand for St Barnabas.

St Barnabas have also made a news release regarding our valuable donation. To read this, click on the link below.

St Barnabas News Release – Lincolnshire Woodturners – 27.04.21

Many thanks to all the members for making these donations, we are very proud to support St Barnabas, which is only possible because of you, our members.

28th April 2021

Club Secretary Ray Blake has very kindly written a report about our recent zoom meeting with Rick Dobney. Please visit the past meeting page to read his report.

28th April 2021

Please click on the link below to access the latest Record Power Woodturning Live Session.

Invitation for Live Sessions 27

28th April 2021

Please read below a recent email sent to all members:

As government restrictions lift and we start to get back to some form of normality, the committee are delighted to announce the re-introduction of our popular free outdoor sessions for club members.

At each session there will be lathes for you to have a turn or you can watch and chat to other club members. There will be a sharpening station, where you can gain advice on getting the perfect edge. Chairman John will be donning his pinnie to provide tea, coffee and biscuits. The club shop will be open, so you can stock up on all those turning requirements. You are welcome to bring along any of your projects, good or not so good, to show & tell or seek advice from other members.

We will adhere to all government co-vid guidelines and ask that those attending do likewise.

Our first session will be on Tuesday 1st June 2021 at the chairman’s residency Station House, Lowfields, Navenby LN5 0LJ. There will be three sessions during the day; 10am – 12nn, 12.30pm – 2.30pm & 3pm – 5pm. Places are limited to 12 per session, to secure your place please email our secretary Ray Blake;

If this open session is successful, it is our intention to hold further sessions throughout the summer.

The committee look forward to welcoming you back to club events.

23rd April 2021

We hope that those who were able to log on to the recent zoom meeting enjoyed the demonstration by Rick Dobney. For those who were unable to attend a report of the evening will follow soon on our past meetings page.

Our next zoom meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 18th May. We are delighted to announce that our guest demonstrator will be Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook. Emma has demonstrated to us on many occasions and has also been our guest demonstrator at out annual show. She has now branched out into remote demonstrations and we are sure she will do us proud. For more details about Emma please visit her website
This evening is only open to club members.

8th April 2021

Please see below a resent email sent out to all our members.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 19

President Charles Giles was delighted with the response to his last challenge and is sure you will have all enjoyed Martin Clarkson’s video, which is available for viewing on the news page of our website.

For Charlie’s next challenge he would like you to try your hand at a piece of live edge turning. There are no restrictions other than sending two photos of your piece, with a rule for scale, to our email address by 9pm Friday 30th April 2021. Martin will then critic the items and we will post his video on the club website on Tuesday 4th May.

Rick Dobney

Professional turner Rick Dobney will be demonstrating live and exclusively to our club on Tuesday 20th April 2021. Attached is a promotion produced by Rick with regards to his demonstration to us. Please take a look and then put the date in your diary. Chairman John Ingamells will send you an email prior to the evening, giving you the zoom log on details to this FREE evening. (No need to buy a ticket).

Plenty to keep you interested over the next few weeks. If all goes well with regards to Co-vid 19 rules and we consider it safe, we could soon be meeting up for our popular Open Sessions. We will as always, keep you updated via email and on the club website.


6th April 2021

We had a great response to our Presidents latest challenge. Charlie challenge you all to make something for the kitchen. Take a look at Martin’s interesting, informative video to see his comments on all the contributors items. Once again, we must thank Martin for his support of our club.

1st April 2021

Please follow the link below for details on Record Powers latest live session.

Invitation for Live Sessions 19,20,21

17th March 2021

Details of last nights club zoom meeting can be found on our past meetings page.

15th March 2021

You may recall, sometime ago our President Charles Giles offered free walking stick blanks to members. We asked those that took up the offer to consider submitting a photograph of the completed stick for our members to enjoy.
Respected club member and experienced turner Harry Cleworth has very kindly sent in two photo’s of his walking stick. We are sure you will agree, Harry has made an excellent stick.
Thanks Harry.

Harry 1

Harry 2

5th March 2021

Please visit the diary page for news on future zoom meetings and details of some incredible professional turners who will be demonstrating to use live and exclusively from their own workshop.

5th March 2021

Many thanks to those members who supported Charlie’s Challenge – Part 17 – Something for a Child. I am sure that you all enjoyed Martin’s video on the website and can’t wait to get started on the next challenge.
So, here we go:
President Charlie has decided that Charlie’s Challenge – Part 18 will be to turn something for the kitchen. It’s a very loose challenge this month and Charlie is sure that many members will be able to come up with some interesting pieces for Martin to critic.
You have until 9pm Friday 2nd April to submit two photos of you item to the club email address (, please put something in the photo to give an idea of size. Martin will then produce his excellent video which will be aired on the news page of the website on Tuesday 6th April.

3rd March 2021

Sorry for the delay, but all good things are worth waiting for. Many thanks to Martin for compiling these great videos. This months challenge was to produce something for a child.

2nd March 2021

Unfortunately we are unable to bring you Martin’s critic video on Charlie’s Challenge tonight. We are hopeful that the problems will be sorted for tomorrow evening. We can only apologise for the delay and will bring you the much anticipated video as soon as possible.

15th February 2021

Don’t forget, we welcome professional demonstrator Sue Harker to our club zoom meeting tomorrow night. Sue will be demonstrating live and exclusively to our club from 7.30pm. You should have already received your log in details, if you haven’t please contact us asap.

Please note; this is only available to club members.

Sue Harker
Sue Harker

15th February 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

As you are aware, we have been asking members to make wig stands for a local charity. We are pleased to announce that we will be donating all the stands to St Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln. St Barnabas have a Wig Bank at Hawthorn Road, Lincoln where volunteers offer help and support to patients. They are also opening a new Wellbeing Hub in Boston very soon, so their services will reach more patients. More information regarding St Barnabas can be found on their website

The committee are very grateful to those who have donated stands to St Barnabas. However, with the opening of the new Hub in Boston we would like to ask you all to consider making more wig stands. Having spoken with St Barnabas, it appears that they are in need of many stands, especially male wig stands. These are produced in the same way, but with a shorter spindle of approximately 170mm. Advice on making wig stands can be found in the attachment.
In asking you to complete some charity work, we would also like to offer you some free wood to be used in the turning of the stands. If you are in need of some wood to turn a stand, please contact John Ingamells between 6pm & 9pm Monday to Friday on 01522 810522 or 07768 790415. John will sort you some timber and discuss how you can collect it safely, whilst complying with government travel restrictions.

We would like all completed wig stands to be delivered to John Ingamells, however we fully understand that this is not as simple as it seems, due to the travel restrictions. There is no rush, but when guidelines allow please give John a call to arrange delivery and don’t forget to collect some free timber to make another one!

The committee are keen to keep supporting St Barnabas, so whenever you need a project why not make a wig stand.

Can we remind you all of the pending club demonstration. Professional turner Sue Harker will be demonstrating live, from her own workshop exclusively to our club members next Tuesday, 16th February. John will email you the log in details prior to the event, which is free and only available to club members.

And another reminder, don’t forget Charlie’s Challenge – Part 17. Charlie is asking all members to turn something for a child. Two photos please to the club email address ( by 9pm Friday 26th February.

That’s it for now, stay safe and keep turning.

9th February 2021

Please click on the link below for information on the next two Record Power Live Sessions, Pendant Perfection on Wednesday 10th February and Small Hats on Thursday 11th February.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions – Pendant Perfection & Small Hats

5th February 2021

Please click on the link below for information on the next Record Power Live Session which is taking place on Wednesday 10th February.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions

4th February 2021

All the photographs of the latest challenge, the wig stand are now available for viewing on the gallery page.
We are still asking for more wig stands to donate to our chosen charity. Please consider making a wig stand to support your club in it’s quest to support the charity.

4th February 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all members.

Before I release Charlie’s challenge, I would like to remind you all of the next club zoom meeting. At 7.30pm Tuesday 16th February we will be delighted to welcome professional turner Sue Harker to our club. Sue will be demonstrating live from her workshop, direct to your home, via a club zoom meeting. John Ingamells will email you prior to the evening to give you the log in details.
Please note that this meeting is only available to club members.

Now, Charlie’s Challenge – Part Seventeen.
Charlie would like all club members to turn something for a child. There are no further instructions other that it is for a child and the majority of it has to be turned, we are after all a woodturning club.
Once completed, you need to submit two photographs, with a rule for scale, to the club email address ( by 9pm Friday 26th February 2021. Martin Clarkson will then produce another informative video which will be available for viewing on the website on Tuesday 2nd March.

2nd February 2021
Charlie’s Challenge – Part 16 – The wig stand

Many thanks to those members who have taken the time to make a wig stand for Charlie’s Challenge. Martin Clarkson has compiled his critic video, which can be viewed below. We are due to have a committee meeting very soon, where one of the items for discussion, will be the collection of the wig stands for our chosen charity and will update you in due course. We would appreciate if more of you would like to make a wig stand. It’s for a very good cause and is something that we would like all members to take part in and support.

We will be emailing all members with Charlie’s next challenge later this week.

Now pop the kettle on and enjoy Martins video.

25th January 2021

Your invite to the next Record Power Live Session is below, please click on the link for more information.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions Mag

25th January 2021

A full report of last weeks Zoom meeting can now be found on the Past Meeting page.

21st January 2021

We would like to remind all members of Charlie’s latest challenge – The wig stand. We would like as many members as possible to take up this challenge as we hope all stands will be donated to a local charity for use by patients. We fully respect that some members do not like to take part in Charlie’s Challenge, so it’s absolutely fine if you prefer to make a wig stand purely for donation to our chosen charity.

Advice on how to make the wig stand and the required measurements can be found by scrolling down to the entry dated 31st December.

For those wishing to take part in Charlie’s Challenge, we require two photos to be emailed to us by 9pm Friday 29th January ( Martin Clarkson will critic all those entered and his video will be posted on the website around the 2nd February.

Many thanks to you all in anticipation.

21st January 2021

Following the Christmas break, Record Power are please to invite you to their next Live Session, which will take place this Saturday. Please click on the link below for more information.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions Sphere

20th January 2021

Twenty four members attended the club zoom meeting last Tuesday. They were entertained by an interesting interview with our President Charles Giles, followed by a session of ‘show and tell’. A full report of the evening will soon be posted onto the past meeting page.

31st December 2020

Please read below an email sent out to all club members:

Hi All,

Hopefully you have all enjoyed a pleasant Christmas and are ready to welcome in the new year. We are mindful that as we are still living with the constraints of the coronavirus, would like to continue to offer challenges to you.

As you are aware, we have decided to have one Charlie’s Challenge per month, giving you longer to produce your piece. Martin Clarkson has kindly agreed to continue producing his excellent, informative videos which will be put onto the website on the first Tuesday of each month.

The first challenge of 2021 will have a charitable feel about it. We have recently asked members to produce a wig stand for the club to donate to local cancer charities for those effected by this terrible condition to use. We know that some of you are already in the workshop producing these stands and we would now like to encourage more of you to do likewise.

So, Charlie’s Challenge – Part 16 is a wig stand.

Charlie would like you to use the attached instructions to make your wig stand, then send two photos of the finished piece to our email address; to arrive by 9pm Friday 29th January 2021. We ask that you then deliver your donated wig stand to John Ingamells, providing co-vid travel restrictions allow. Please give John a call on 01522 810522 or 07860 713743 between 6pm & 9pm Monday to Saturday, to arrange delivery.

Many thanks in anticipation.


30th December 2020

Bernard 1[10321]

It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce that our club member and great friend, Bernard Needham sadly passed away prior to Christmas. Bernard was a member of our club for many years, attending both club and workshop nights as often as possible. He was a true gent, his infectious smile and wicked sense of humour will be greatly missed. We send our condolences to his wife Izzy and their two daughters.

24th December 2020

The committee would like to wish all our members and their families a very merry Christmas. We hope you are all keeping safe, well and enjoy this festive time.

Merry Christmas Wishes Images, Quotes, Messages, Status and Photos for Whatsapp and Facebook

17th December 2020

Here’s your invitation to Record Powers Christmas Cracker this Saturday at 9.30am.

RSVP Invitation for Christmas Cracker Weekend

13th December 2020

Please find below a recent email sent to all members:

2020 has been a very strange year, one where we have had to adapt our club activities to fit in with the ever-changing restraints caused by the coronavirus. As we approach the new year, the committee would like to make you aware of some changes to our meetings and other club news.

It is unlikely that we will be able to meet safely in the village hall for many more months, so we are now starting to roll out a programme for zoom meetings and challenges to keep you busy in your workshop.

Charlie’s Challenge
Charlie’s Challenge will return in the new year, when we will set the challenge during the first week of January. It is intended to give you four weeks to complete each challenge before Martin Clarkson produces his critic video for viewing on the website on the first Tuesday of each month. The first challenge next year will therefore be available for viewing on Tuesday 2nd February. This coincides with what normally would be our workshop night at the village hall.

Club Night
The third Tuesday of each month will be our club night, normally we would welcome a guest demonstrator at the village hall. Instead, you will be able to continue to meet up in a Zoom meeting. We are planning some interesting evenings and can inform you that amongst many good nights, we have secured a live video demonstration by the well-respected professional turner, Sue Harker. Sue will join us live from her workshop at 7.30pm Tuesday 16th February 2021.
Many professional turners are taking to virtual demonstrations and our club will try to support these turners as best we can. We anticipate this being a great evening with Sue and ask as many of you as possible to join us. If you are new to Zoom or would like some assistance in attending, please contact us and we will do our best to get you logged on. As is usual practice for all our Zoom meetings, John Ingamells will send out an email containing all the log in details prior to the meeting. As always, these meetings are only available for club members.

2021 Annual General Meeting
As our constitution allows, we have made the decision to postpone the annual general meeting until we are able to hold it at a time when everyone has the capability to attend.

Club Open Sessions
Many of you attended our open sessions during the summer, where we had lathes and sharpening systems available for use. These sessions were extremely popular, but unfortunately had to be cancelled to comply with government guidelines. The committee has decided that these meetings will commence as soon as guidelines allow and we consider it to be safe for our members.

Social Meetings
Our Chairman, John Ingamells has very kindly offered his venue for us to hold some social meetings. This is currently in the planning stages, but we are considering making these social events, open to partners. It will probably be in the spring-time when the weather may be more favourable and will operate in accordance with government guidelines. We will keep you posted on developments.

Lincolnshire Lives
As you are probably aware, the club supports Lincolnshire Lives, a first responder charity that delivers vital care in those first critical moments of a medical emergency. Local charities have struggled to fund raise this year and in view of this, we have decided to continue our support of Lincolnshire Lives by way of a donation.

The Fight Against Cancer Needs YOU
The club would like you to help support the fight against cancer, in the form of some turning. Local cancer charities are asking for wig stands for those unfortunate to be undergoing cancer treatment and the terrible side effects.
We would like you all to consider making a wig stand, advice and instructions can be found in the attached document. It is a chance for us all to put our skills to very good use and providing your stand meets with the size specifications, anything goes.
Once you have made your stand, please can you deliver it to our chairman, John Ingamells. We do not intend delivering them to the charities until the spring, so you have plenty of time to complete the project and maybe make more than one.
Many thanks in anticipation.


On behalf of the committee, I would like to wish you and your family best wishes for Christmas and we look forward to meeting up with you again in the new year.

Kevin Walker
Committee member

9th December 2020

Here’s your invitation to Record Powers Christmas Special this Saturday at 9.30am.

RSVP Invitation for Christmas Special Weekend

3rd December 2020

Here’s your latest link to the next Record Power International Live Session which will be going out at 9.30am this Saturday.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions

2nd December 2020

Last night 30 members attended our club zoom meeting and were entertained by Martin Clarkson conducting his Charlie’s Challenge critic live. It was good to see interaction between Martin and the turners who had contributed.
We have decided to put Charlie’s Challenge on hold until the new year, but please rest assured that the challenges will return next year. We will inform you, in plenty of time, what the next challenge will be.
For those who could not be present last night, Martin’s video is available below and the photos of all the pieces can be viewed on the gallery page,

25th November 2020

Record Power have announced that they will be broadcasting another of their International Live Sessions, this Saturday at 9.30am. They are receiving good reports, so if you are interested please click on the link below for more information.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions. Winged Burl Bowl[9990]

17th November 2020

Martin Clarkson has been busy producing another great video with regards to Charlie’s Challenge – Part fourteen – The clock face. So why not pop the kettle on, settle down with a lovely brew and enjoy a few minutes of turning critic.

12th November 2020

Record Power are running international live sessions and there is one this Saturday which you might like to attend. Some of our members have already visited previous sessions and the reports are very good.

Please click on the link below for more information.

RSVP Invitation for Live Sessions 10 (1)

10th November 2020

You may be aware that club member Harry Cleworth has not been in the best of health. I have recently spoken with Harry via email and he has asked if he could put out a thank you to members and friends who have rallied recently to assist Harry and his wife Hazel. He would like to give specific thanks to Richard & Brenda Carlton as well as Chris Backwell.

Harry is a very influential and committed member of our club, he was club photographer for many years and has always supported the clubs events. Together with Chris Backwell they always have a stall at the club open day. Who could forget his contribution to last years Christmas party when he captured a ‘Man eating chicken’.

Harry continues to maintain his sense of humour and is keen say that not only is Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners a great club, it’s a band of brothers & sisters who look after one another.

Harry continues to make good progress and looks forward to meeting up with everyone, once the current situation with co-vid improves.

6th November 2020

Another good turnout of members for our zoom meeting last Tuesday. There was plenty of lively chat in the breakout rooms and later in the open forum. Sandwiched in between was a very interesting video produced by Ray Blake and Stuart Fletcher. If you were unable to attend the zoom meeting you missed a real treat, but fear not, you can sit back and watch the video now by visiting our past meetings page.

4th November 2020

Please see below a recent email sent to all members with regards to Charlie’s Challenge – Part Fourteen:

Hi All,

When Charlie first launched his challenges, we never expected to get to challenge 14! Yet here we are about to go into a second lockdown and find that the challenges have been of great help in giving members a turning objective. Thanks to all the members who have supported Charlie’s Challenges and I ask those who have not tried it, to give it a go. As you are all aware, these challenges remain anonymous, so why not give it a try.

So here we go, Charlie’s Challenge – Part Fourteen – The Clock Face.

Charlie would like to challenge all members to turn a clock face. It does not need to have any mechanism, however you are welcome to insert one, if you have one. He would like you to use your imagination to signify the numbers by whatever means you wish. For example, by inlaying, or painting, you could introduce things like buttons or coins to suggest the numbers. It could be free standing or a wall clock face and there are no size constraints. Charlie would like to see you use loads of imagination; the world is your oyster.

As we enter the next phase of co-vid lockdown the committee would like to wish you and your families well and reassure you that the club will continue to function as best as we can and provide some form of turning entertainment for you.

2nd November 2020

Please find below the latest video from Martin Clarkson where he reviews the recent challenge set by our President Charles Giles. This one is a challenge to make four coasters with different patterns.

1st November 2020

During the past few weeks our Chairman John Ingamells has, with the help of Ray Blake and Roy Manders, together with John’s daughter Zoe, been sourcing timber for club members. They’ve been to Belton House to collect wood from Head Ranger Nick Brown. They’ve travelled into Lincoln to retrieve some yew, as well as a trip down to Stamford. Some of the larger pieces are now with our good friend Steve Wright at Elston Sawmill. Steve will be preparing the timber into more manageable pieces, before returning it to our club shop for you to purchase at very competitive prices. They have all been very busy for the benefit of your club. Below is a collection of photos from their travels.

As we head into a second lockdown we may find more time on our hands to get into the workshop. Please check your stocks prior to the Thursday lockdown. If you are in need of any Chestnut Products, require any blanks or any other products, please give John a call between 6pm & 9pm on either 01522 810522 or 07860 713743 to discuss your needs and arrange collection. But hurry, lockdown is approaching fast!

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Please read below an email that has been sent to all members. If you are not receiving our emails and you are a paid member of the club please email us and we will add you to the mailing list.

Many thanks to those who contributed to the recent bud vase challenge. Charlie was delighted with the number of entries and found the interpretation of his challenge interesting. Martins video is available on the news page of our website;

Charlie also tells me that he has been having a rummage through his workshop and has found some timber which he earmarked some years ago to make into walking sticks. He asks if any member would like to have a go at making a walking stick, he is willing to give away this timber, free of charge. If you are interested please reply to this email by Saturday 24th November and I will arrange the logistics.

Don’t forget our next zoom meeting is 7.30pm Tuesday 3rd November. John Ingamells will email all members before the date, inviting you to join us. It promises to be another interesting, relaxed meeting. Please try to make yourself available for a great night in!

Now for the next challenge.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 13 – The set of four coasters.

Charlie would like you to produce a set of four coasters. He asks that you make them all the same size, with a slightly raised edge. He would like to see each coaster decorated with a different pattern.
Once you have made your four coasters you need to photograph them all and submit no more than two photos to the club email address; by 9pm Friday 30th November. Club critic, Martin Clarkson, will produce his video for the website by Tuesday 3rd November.

21st October 2020

Please see below the latest Charlie’s Challenge – Part twelve – The bud vase. Once again many thanks to club member and professional turner Martin Clarkson for producing the video.

9th October 2020

Here it is! The much awaited video by Martin Clarkson talking passionately about Charlie’s Challenge – Part eleven – The jewellery stand.
Once again we apologise for the late posting of this video, but the gremlins have been sorted and it’s good to go.

7th October 2020

Please read below a recent email sent to all club members.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing some technical difficulties and are unable to bring you Martin Clarkson’s latest Charlie’s Challenge video – The jewellery stand, on our website. We are working to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, we are able to bring you the video by our chairman, John Ingamells, which formed the backbone of our club zoom meeting last night. If you were unable to get to the zoom meeting, or would like to watch John again, please visit the ‘past meetings’ page of our website.

Although we can’t bring you Martin’s video yet, the show must go on. So, president Charles Giles has released his latest challenge:

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Twelve – The Bud Vase.

Charlie would like all members to produce a bud vase. He would like it to be a maximum of 8″ (20cm) tall and have a circumference of approximately 9″ (23cm). It needs to be able to hold a single flower stem and he asks that if you use a plain piece of wood, i.e. sycamore could you decorate it in some way?. However, he does not expect decoration if you use an interesting piece of wood, i.e. yew.

Once you have completed your bud vase please photograph it with a rule in the frame to show scale. Then send two different photos to our email address, to arrive no later than 9pm Friday 16th October.

Many thanks in anticipation of your patience with regards to Martin’s video.

Take care

7th October 2020

Unfortunately were are currently experiencing some technical problems and are unable to bring you Martin Clarkson’s video of Charlie’s Challenge – part eleven – the jewellery stand. We hope to have normal services resumed as soon as possible.
However, not to disappoint you too much we are able to bring you last nights zoom meeting video. For those who were not able to log on, or for those wishing to watch our Chairman’s entertaining video again, please visit the past meetings page. It’s a great video produced by the main man himself and well worth watching.

5th October 2020

Our club is saddened to hear of the passing of Mark Baker, editor of Woodturning Magazine. On 2nd October Mark lost his battle with Cancer. Mark was a great supporter of our club, having previously travelled for many hours to demonstrate to us, before making the arduous journey home. He was an outstanding turner, a dedicated editor and a true gentleman. He will be sorely missed.

2nd October 2020

Our next Zoom meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 6th October, members will receive an email soon inviting you to the meeting. If you are struggling to use zoom or are a little apprehensive, take a look at this link suggested by one of our Zoom managers, Roy Manders.

Joining a Zoom Call for the First Time; Fun and Easy Online Connection

20th September 2020

One of our club members, David Naylor has very kindly let us into his workshop. He has produced the below video tour. Time to pop the kettle on, settle down and enjoy a snoop around Dave’s workshop.

If anyone else would like to give us a tour of their workshop or recording themselves turning an interesting project or anything else which may be of interest to other turners, please make contact through our email address and we will do everything we can to put you on the website.

16th September

Please read below a recent email sent to all members:

President Charles Giles was a little disappointed with the number of submissions for his table lamp challenge and hopes that it wasn’t his choice of challenge that put members off. He has thought long and hard about his next topic and has decided to be very flexible this time.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Eleven – The Jewellery Stand.

Charlie would like you to produce a stand for ladies’ jewellery, it could be a ring minder or an ear-ring stand, it could even be a necklace stand, the choice is yours. Charlie would like you to take two photos of your piece with a rule for scale and send them to the club email address by 9pm Friday 2nd October.

Good luck and take care,

15th September 2020

Please see below the latest Charlie’s Challenge video kindly produced by club member and professional turner Martin Clarkson.

9th September 2020

Please read below an email sent to all members today.

Please see below some important club updates.

Co-vid 19

It is with regret that due to the government’s recent changes to the law and co-vid guidelines we have had to cancel our club open sessions planned for Tuesday 15th September and all future open sessions until further notice. Our priority has always been and will continue to be the safety and wellbeing of our members. We hope that you all remain safe and as soon as we are able to reinstate the open sessions, we will inform you by email, Facebook and the website.

Zoom meetings

Our zoom meetings continue to grow, at the last meeting we had 30 members enjoying videos and a talk from Terry Smart from Chestnut Products. Our next meeting is scheduled for 7.30pm Tuesday 6th October. Chairman John Ingamells will email all members prior to the evening with the log on details. If you are new to zoom and are unsure how to log on, or have any other concerns about joining these meetings, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you.

Club shop

The club shop remains open to all members. As you know we stock most of Chestnut Products finishes, plus second-hand tools and a supply of turning blanks. If you would like to make a purchase please give our Chairman John Ingamells a call between 6pm & 9pm Monday to Friday on 07860 713743 or 01522 810522 to arrange a visit to the shop.

Charlie’s challenge

Charlie’s challenges will continue to be a feature of the clubs’ activities whilst we are experiencing these co-vid 19 restrictions. Please consider taking part, they are a great way to stay involved in the club and maybe improve your turning skills. Details of Charlie’s latest challenge can be found on the website,

On behalf of your committee, stay safe and take care,

6th September 2020

All the photos of the platters submitted to the recent Charlie’s Challenge have been loaded onto the gallery page for you to look at.

Don’t forget that the club shop remains open, you just need to contact our Chairman John Ingamells between 6pm & 9pm on:
01522 810522
07860 713743

As you are aware the club stocks many of Chestnut Products finishes etc. We also have a few second-hand tools and plenty of wood to inspire your next project. Please give John a call and pop to the shop to buy your blanks and have a chat with our great Chairman.

2nd September 2020

Please read below an email that was sent to all members today:

A very enjoyable evening was had by all who attended the club zoom meeting last night. Terry Smart from Chestnut products gave a very informative talk and showed several videos on various finishes, polishes and techniques.

Martin Clarkson has produced his latest critique video on Charlie’s Challenge – The decorated platted is now available to watch on the news page of our website.

Club president Charles Giles has set his latest challenge, which when completed needs to be photographed twice with a rule for scale and sent to our club email address by 9pm Friday 11th September.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Ten – The table lamp.

It’s back to spindle work this time as Charlie would like all members to produce a table lamp. He does not expect any fitments or lampshade and there is no restriction on the size of it.

1st September 2020

Here’s the much awaited video by Martin Clarkson where he talks about Charlie’s Challenge – Part Nine – The Decorated Platter. Thanks again to Martin for all the work he puts into these videos and the information that he shares with us all.

21st September 2020

Please read below a recent email sent to all club members that we hold email addresses for.

We are now taking bookings for our next members open sessions day on Tuesday 15th September, we will be running three sessions;
11.30am – 1.30pm
2pm – 4pm
4.30pm – 6.30pm

There will be two lathes for members to use and we are hopeful that Martin Clarkson will be available to give short demonstrations. We will have the sharpening table out again, so you will be able have tips on the art of sharpening. The club shop will be open selling a limited amount of wood, together with all the usual Chestnut Products and some second-hand tools.

Places on each session has to be limited to 12 to conform with social distancing and PPE must be worn. You can book yourself a place on one of the three sessions by emailing us at or

We look forward to seeing you on the 15th, but before then we will be holding a zoom meeting on the 1st September, details of which will be forwarded to you prior to the meeting.

19th August 2020

Our next zoom meeting will take place Tuesday 1st September. We will be joined by our good friend, Terry Smart from Chestnut Products. We will email you all prior to the evening with log in details.

Terry has produced many ‘Finishing School Episodes’, which you may have seen in Woodturning Magazine, and has kindly given us permission to put all those episodes onto our website. Please click on the below link to access the episodes and thereby improve your finishing skills. Please remember that our club shop stocks many of Chestnut Products items at very competitive prices.

Link to Finishing School

19th August 2020

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

Thanks to all who attended the open sessions yesterday in Chairman John’s garden. It was good to catch up with everyone. There is a short report about the day on the ‘past meetings’ page of the website. We intend to hold another member’s sessions day in September, details will be released very soon.

We will be holding a club zoom meeting on Tuesday 1st September, with a special guest. Terry Smart from Chestnut Products will be joining us for the evening. You will receive an email prior to the event giving you the log in details.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Eight – The Apple has been critiqued by Martin and is now available for viewing on the news page of the website

I can now release Charlie’s Challenge – Part Nine – The Decorated Platter.

Charlie would like all members to produce a decorated platter, there is no size limit and he has left the decorated feature to your discretion, but he would like it to be decorated in some way.

When you have completed this challenge can you please send two photographs, with rule for sizing, to the club email address by 9pm Friday 28th August. Martin will once again critique the work and his video will hopefully be on the website for Tuesday 1st September.

19th August 2020

Yesterday we held our second open day for members. Please read a report on the great day on our past meeting page.

19th August 2020

Please see below the latest critique video produced by Martin Clarkson, were he talks passionately about Charlies Challenge – Part Eight – The Apple.

5th August 2020

Please find below a recent email sent to all members. As always, if you are not receiving the emails please contact us at and we will add you to our mailing list.

The committee were delighted with the second club Zoom meeting last night. 23 members signed in and enjoyed a sociable evening which include two videos about the ‘Oneway’ Wolverine grinding jig, together with a chat about the club and turning in general. Chairman John Ingamells hosted a great evening and special thanks must go to Roy Manders for his assistance with the videos. We look forward to our next zoom meeting in September. You will be emailed the details, including the log in details later this month.

There are still a few places left for our next members open sessions scheduled for the 18th August. If you are interested in reserving a place please email the club

President Charles Giles has set his latest challenge which requires two photos of your finished piece with a rule for scale purposes. These photos need to be forwarded to the club email address by 9pm Friday 14th August.

Charlie’s challenge is;

An apple, preferably the size of a cooking apple. Charlie has also suggested that some of you may like to attempt some subtle colouring of the fruit.

Whilst speaking with Charlie, to receive his latest instruction, I was impressed to discover that all the challenges that he has set and will continue to set, have at some time, been completed by Charlie during his turning exploits. So, he will never set a challenge that he hasn’t completed himself! That confirms the pedigree of our President.

Please keep checking the website for regular updates.

4th August 2020

Here it is, the much awaited critique video of Charlie’s Challenge – Part Seven – The Egg Cups, produced by the man himself, President Charles Giles.

Great video, thanks Charlie and thanks to all the members who continue to support his challenges. Charlie’s next challenge will be released tomorrow.

Don’t forget tonight’s Zoom meeting. You should have received your log in details in the form of an email from John.

3rd August 2020

Club sponsorship officer, Pete Davies has posted the following message:


The club has again been generously sponsored by Axminster Tools of Nuneaton. You may recall that previously Axminster tools provided the Club with an Evolution SK114 chuck and a set of “C” jaws to fit the club lathe.

They have now continued their 2 year sponsorship and have sent the Club three boxes of Mirka abrasives, 3 tool posts and rests and 3 face plates for us to use on workshop nights.

Due to the present situation the committee have agreed with Axminster Tools that the two year deal will commence as soon as the Club can get back to our normal events.

Pete Davies

2nd August 2020

Club updates.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Seven – The Egg Cups
As you are probably aware, Martin Clarkson is not available this week to critique the egg cups, so with no expense spared we have asked a well respected turner to make a guest appearance for us. I am pleased to announce that Club President Charles Giles has produced his very own video speaking about all the submissions to his challenge. Charlie’s video will be available to watch on this page on Tuesday 4th August.

Club members open sessions
Following the success of our first open sessions for club members in July, we are pleased to remind you of our second open session scheduled for 18th August. We will have three sessions 12.30pm – 2.30pm, 3pm – 5pm and 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Due to social distancing, places are limited and are being booked very quickly. If you would like to secure yourself a place please email us at or stating which session you would like to attend. We will then confirm your place by return email.

Proposed resin evening
We are keen to hold ‘resin’ evenings focusing on how to stabilize cracked timber with resin, giving members the opportunity to learn about mixing resin to produce test pieces for them to try turning at home. These evening will have to limited to six members, so if you would like to register an interest please email us at or

Club Zoom meeting
Our next club Zoom meeting has been scheduled for this coming Tuesday, 4th August. Chairman John Ingamells has already emailed all members with log in details. John, with the help of Roy Manders, will be hosting the meeting. It is intended to talk and show a short video on the ‘Oneway’ sharpening system. There will also be a chance to talk about the club and how we are managing during these challenging times.

Club meeting at Leasingham
The committee have decided to cancel all meetings that had been scheduled at our Leasingham Village Hall venue until December 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation in accordance with government guidelines and keep you informed via our website, Facebook and through emails.

29th July 2020

Below is a recent email sent to all members of the club.

Our next Open Day will be held on Tuesday 18th August at John’s House with two afternoon sessions and one in the evening, sessions are 12.30 – 2pm, 3 – 5pm and 5.30 – 7.30pm.

We will have to restrict participants to a maximum of 12 current paid up members per session to maintain social distancing.

There will be 3 lathes available with a responsible member looking after each lathe, to ensure safe operation and tool use. As a responsible Club we are duty bound to ensure our members stay safe and, in accordance with this requirement for our Club Insurance, we ask all participants to sign a Notice of Risk.

We also ask that you provide your own protective equipment, Covid PPE(Masks and Gloves, which should be worn at all times) and your own tools if you wish to use a lathe. The lathes are thoroughly cleaned with Anti-Bacterial spray after each session.

We are conscious of the need to make sure that the use of tools are carried out in a safe manner and may intervene to help you to present the tools correctly and safely. We will have at least two sharpening systems available and will offer help in getting the correct grind on your tools.

Could we ask that all participants wear their Club Badges, to make sure that we all know who we are talking to?

The next Club Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 4th August at 7.30 – 9pm, please email so that we can send you an invite to the meeting.

We are proposing to hold an evening session, soon, about using resin to stabilise cracks in bowl blanks and to give the opportunity for members to try out resin mixing and making test pieces for them to turn at home. The session will be limited to 6 participants per evening and, dependent on the interest shown we will run additional sessions at a later date.

Please note that participants in the Open Day and Resin Course will only be open to members holding 2020 membership and new members.

Could you please send an email to the club email address or my email showing if you want to attend the open day and which session you are available for.

Also please let us know if you want to attend the Resin evening so that we can organise the number of attendees for each session.

26th July 2020

Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners – Membership Notice

We hope that our members have been enjoying the Charlie’s Challenge critique videos and the sterling efforts of the participants. We are very pleased to see the interest shown, in the work of our members and the excellent standard of entries.

We have also been very pleased by the attendance and enthusiasm shown, for our initial Zoom meeting, which we intend holding on a regular basis.

The ‘Open Day Get Together’, held last Tuesday, was a great success, which we will be repeating in August, weather and interest permitting.

We are aware that our email circulation notices, for such events, are not being seen by all, as some members are not registered with email addresses. Currently, there are also 23 members from our 2019 membership who will be missing out, as their 2020 subscriptions were not paid up, during the three month period before lockdown. Unfortunately, they are not being included in the circulation list.

The committee has agreed that 2021 subscriptions, for all registered 2020 paid up members, will be without charge, as a thank you for their on-going support. Any new members, this year, will be afforded full membership rights but, will have to pay the appropriate subscriptions for continued 2021 membership.

If you wish to be included in the email circulation could you please contact the Club on our email address: with your full name, home and email address, post code and phone numbers.

For those 2019 members who wish to continue membership with the Club, please email your full details and we will advise you on how to pay your 2020 subscription, details of which are on the Club website:

Best Regards from the Club Committee

22nd July 2020

Please read below the recent email sent to all members.

As you are all aware the club held its first meeting yesterday, since the arrival of Co-vid 19. Thanks to our chairman, John Ingamells, we held three two-hour outdoor sessions at his home in the heart of Lincolnshire. Members were able to book a place via email and then experience a fun, social get together, with a large dose of turning and sharpening thrown in for good measure. We also opened the club shop selling tools, Chestnut Products and wood. Please visit the news page of our website to view some photos of the event.
The committee were delighted with how the day went and were pleased how everyone respected our co-vid safety measures, thereby keeping everyone as safe as we possibly could
As the day was so successful, we are keen to hold more before the weather gets the better of us. Details will be emailed to you and will as always, appear on the news page of our website. Unfortunately, these events will only be available to paid members of the club.

If you attend one of these sessions, we would be pleased to hear what you thought to it. We would appreciate your feedback via email:

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Six has once again been a huge success and Martin’s critique video is available for viewing on the news page of our website.

It is now time to launch President Charles Giles latest challenge.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Seven will be:

Four turned egg cups presented on a turned plate. Charlie would like to see the egg cups produced in four or two different woods, if possible.

There will be no requirement to include a rule for scale in your two photographs. Please email your two photographs to the club, by 9pm Friday 31st July.

Unfortunately, Martin is unable to critique this challenge, so we are currently in discussion with a guest turner to do the honours.

22nd July 2020

We are very sorry for the delay in getting Martin’s critique onto the website, but here it is and it’s well worth the wait. Settle down and enjoy his video of Charlie’s Challenge – Part Six – The Goblet

21st July 2020

Today we welcomed the club back to it’s first meeting since February. We held three outdoor sessions at Navenby for members to come together. We had two lathes and two sharpening systems in operation as well as a free flow of tea and coffee. The club shop was open selling all the usual Chestnut Products, tools and wood, all at very competitive prices. It was great to catch up with friends, socialise and talk all things turning. Club critique Martin Clarkson gave out some very useful advice, whilst amazing us with his turning skills.
It was good to see our club president Charlie back at the lathe, giving free advice on how to impress with his challenges.

July 3

The committee were delighted with the days events and will be keen to organise another outdoor session in August, we will keep you updated here on the news page and through email.
If you attended today we would appreciate your feedback via email; lincsturners
July 5 July 1 July 9 July 8 July 7 July 6

21st July 2020

For those who have visited this page hoping to watch Martin’s critique of Charlie’s Challenge -Part Six – The Stemmed Goblet, we have to apologise. Unfortunately due to a technical problem we have not been able to prepare the video for tonight. It is hoped that the video will be available for viewing tomorrow evening. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

16th July 2020

We had an excellent first Zoom meeting on Tuesday Night with 24 participants, it was great to be able to see and chat with so many friends including a number of new members. We talked about what topics would be of interest, that we could either video or use online videos to demonstrate the topic. These could be shown during the Zoom meeting and would allow further discussion, they would also be available for posting on the website but without the interaction!

Chairman John has proposed that we hold an open day, next Tuesday, 21st July in the garden at his house. The idea is that we would have at least two lathes running, under Gazebo cover! As a precaution against our changeable weather, however if it is forecasting rain we would postpone the event. The idea is that we have three time slots, 10am – Noon, 12.30pm -2.30pm and 3pm – 5pm with 15 participants at each session (as a safety precaution). We intend to cover a variety of aspects of woodturning, for all abilities, such as tool use, types of tools used, when to use them and how to sharpen them. Several of us will bring our Grinders and Jigs to show what we use and how we use them. If anyone uses either a Tormek, Tru-grind or Robert Sorby sharpening system and would like to demonstrate them they would be most welcome. Tea and Coffee will be provided!

For those members who are working during the day we will have a session from 5.30pm – 8.00pm on the same day with the same attendee number restrictions.

Could you let us know by email if you are interested and when, so that we can allocate the time slots (first come, first allocated ;)) )

Dependant upon the take-up of the open day we will arrange further days to accommodate those unable to attend next Tuesday or those that don’t get an allocated time slot.

Please contact us on the following email addresses:;;;

15th July 2020

As you are aware the club shop, thanks to John Ingamells, is open for business. We have now put a selection of photographs of some second-hand tools etc. on the shop page. Please take time to have a look and then give John a call to make a purchase.

14th July 2020

Many of you will have seen the boots submitted as a wild card entry into Charlie’s Challenge. Harry Cleworth, who submitted the design has kindly sent the following photo’s with instructions on how to produce the boots.

Harry Cleworth 1

boots 1

boots 2boots 3

boots 5

boots 6

boots 6aboots 7boots 8boots10

Should anyone else wish to share their ideas and techniques please send you photos and instructions to

8th July 2020

Please see the below email sent to all members with regards to President Charles Giles’s latest challenge.

Hi All,

Thanks to all who took part in Charlie’s Challenge – Part Five – The Wild Card. Martin’s fantastic video is now on the website for you watch. We now move on to Charlie’s next challenge which needs to be photographed twice with a rule to give an idea of its size. These photo’s need to be submitted to the club email address, by 9pm Friday 17th July 2020.
So, Charlie’s Challenge – Part Six will be:

A thin stemmed goblet, with or without captive rings. The goblet needs to be approximately 7″ high if your wood supply permits, if it doesn’t don’t worry you can still submit your work.

There we go guy’s, time to get into you workshop and start making those shavings.

7th July 2020

It’s workshop night tonight and it’s unfortunate that once again we won’t be able to meet at Leasingham. However, we do have another extremely informative video to watch. Martin Clarkson has once again critiqued the pieces submitted to Charlie’s Challenge – part five – the wild card. Settle down and allow yourself 30 minutes turning time.

5th July 2020

Great News Charlie Ridley’s grandchildren have come to the rescue, so you can all enjoy his workshop tour.

4th July 2020

Below is a copy of a recent email sent to all members

Hi All,

The club shop stocks many of the items sold by Chestnut Products at exceptional prices and we are pleased to announce that with great support from our chairman, John Ingamells the shop is now open. If you would like to make a purchase, call john on either of the below numbers between 6pm & 9pm seven days a week. John will then sort out your order and arrange to have it prepared for you collect from his home, social distancing rules apply! The club also has a reasonable supply of wood, so John is prepared to discuss any requirements you may have in this department, all at good prices.

John can be contacted between 6pm& 9pm on:

01522 810522
07860 713743

Club member Charlie Ridley has taken up our recent request for more workshop tours. Please visit the news page of our website for an interesting and informative tour. If you would like to offer a tour of your own workshop to our members, please send your video to the club email address.

We have had a fantastic response to President Charlie’s latest challenge, the wild card. The photos submitted are now in the hands of Martin Clarkson and his critique video will be available for all to watch on the club website news page on Tuesday evening, which should have been our workshop night.

27th June 2020

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members. Please remember that you if you are a subscribed member of the club you are welcome to go onto our mailing list. Just email us at

Your committee recently met and decided that following government guidelines, we will not be able to hold our usual meetings just yet. We have therefore decided to cancel all meetings scheduled for July and August. We will review the situation at the beginning of August for Septembers meeting and as yet have not made any decision with regards to the annual club show scheduled for 18th October. We will keep you informed of any decisions made via email and on the club website.

Can I take this opportunity to remind you that we are still accepting contributions to Charlie’s Challenge – Part Five – The Wild Card. You have until 9pm next Friday, 3rd July to send your two photos to us.

We are keen to keep the club active, so if you visit the news page of our website you will be able to view a tour of one of our committee members workshop and a gallery of some of their work. We are also looking for other members to submit tours of their workshop.

Take care, stay safe and keep turning.

27th June 2020


Here’s a new club idea for you to watch and get involved. Committee member and workshop night favourite Norman Sanders has opened up his workshop and produced tour for us to have a look at where he produces his work. Having watched the tour you will then be able to view a second video which is a gallery of some of his work.

Please contact us through email if you are inspired to produce a tour of your own workshop or gallery of your work. We will then put it onto the website for all members to watch.

20th June 2020

The recent challenge set by our president, a pair of candlesticks, proved to be a difficult challenge for all those who submitted photographs. One well respected member and experienced turner, who will remain anonymous, is keen to show what can happen if you allow your mind to wander whilst turning the neck of a candlestick.

John john 1

It’s a basic mistake, which we have all probably made and will no doubt make again in the future. However, if you make this or any mistake, do not be embarrassed or disappointed, pick yourself up, learn from it and move on. As in life, if you never make a mistake, you probably haven’t achieved much.

This turner had a cup of tea, laughed at himself and returned to the workshop to produce a wonderful pair of candlesticks. Well done Mr Chairman.

John Ingamells 1 John Ingamells 2

20th June 2020

All the photographs of the submissions to Charlie’s Challenge – Part Four – A pair of candlesticks, have now been uploaded on to the gallery page. Congratulations and thanks to all that took part, they are all excellent and the quality of the photographs continues to improve.

17th June 2020

Club member Peter Higham has some dust extraction equipment for sale. Take a look at the shop page for more information on how to get yourself a bargain.

17th June 2020

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Five

Club president Charles Giles has decided on his fifth challenge. Please read below the email that has been sent to all club members who we hold email addresses for. If you did not receive the email and would like to go on our members mailing list please contact us by emailing to

Hi All,

Club president Charles Giles appreciates that his last challenge was his most challenging to date. He has therefore decided to give you all a free reign for his next challenge. He is pleased to announce that Charlie’s Challenge – Part Five will be:

A wild card

That’s correct, for the next challenge you can produce whatever you wish. There are no restrictions to this challenge, other than could you please include a tape measure or rule in your two photographs, so that our resident critique, Martin Clarkson can see the size of your work.

You now have until 9pm Friday 3rd July to submit your two photos of your turned piece to our email address, Martins video will be on the website for Tuesday 7th July, which would have been our July Workshop Night.

16th June 2020

It’s club night and in these strange times once again we wont actually be meeting. But fear not, 12 members have taken up Charlie’s challenge and Martin Clarkson has kindly produced another excellent video. Pour that glass of wine, beer or cup of tea and enjoy 24 minutes of pure turning joy.

7th June 2020

Thanks to all the members who submitted exhibits for Charlie’s Challenge – Part Three – The Lidded Box. All the photos submitted have now been uploaded onto our gallery page for all to see.

5th June 2020

Do you remember the days when we could sell our turned items at craft fairs? Now a days, many turners have moved to selling on ebay or esty (Other selling platforms are available). The quality of your photographs could make all the difference between an sale or not. In view of this, Harry Cleworth has written the following article to help get you ahead of the pack. His advice could also be used to give you better photos for Charlie’s Challenge. It is his intention to give you all the tips, for zero cost!

Taking photographs with a light box.

This idea is not new by any means, a light box has been around for years. Called a light box because prior to the digital camera. lights were fitted inside to illuminate the subject. Lights are not required now but the name sticks. These photos were taken with an energy saving ceiling light in my computer room. Equal to a 60 watt bulb. The clever digital camera does the calculations and chooses all the settings required automatically. (Click on the individual photos to enlarge).



The 12 ball is now a desktop pen holder.

Here it is, the much anticipated Charlie’s Challenge – Part Four.

The following email has been forwarded to all members that we hold an email address for. If you didn’t receive it and would like to go on our mailing list please send an email to

Hi all,

Our President Charles Giles has been thinking hard and has decided that, as you are all doing so well with the challenges, he has raised the bar slightly. In order for you to act on Martin’s recent advice with regards to refining your spindle work, Charlie has decided that ‘Charlie’s Challenge – Part Four’ will be;

A pair of candlesticks.

You have until 9pm Friday 12th June to submit two photographs, complete with tape measure or rule to our club email address,

Martin Clarkson will produce another stunning video about all the submissions, which will be uploaded to the club website news page by 7pm Tuesday 16th June, which should have been our June Club Night.

I would like to point out that all submissions to the challenge remain totally anonymous. However, we will encourage that submissions be brought along to the club/workshop nights when we finally meet, so that members can have a closer look at all the excellent work.

Stay safe and keep turning

Kevin Walker

Committee member.

2nd June 2020

Tonight is workshop night and to compensate that we will not be meeting again, Martin Clarkson has produced another video for Charlie’s Challenge – Part Three – Lidded Box.
It’s an excellent video, full of informative advice to help improve your turning.
Thanks to Martin and to all the members who have contributed.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Four will be released tomorrow.

27th May 2020

Following on from Harry’s article on how to improve your photography, he has kindly sent a short reminder on how to get the best photo possible, with very little effort.
First photo has 3 faults. 1: Too much rubbish in the background. 2: Didn’t use the Zoom to get closer, in order to fill the frame. 3: Flash reflection.


Second photo is taken without background stuff, zoom was used to get in close. A simple piece of A3 sized printing paper was used as a background and available light, so no flash bounce back.


25th May 2020

The following message is to all members from our president Charles Giles

I am impressed by the number of responses to my Charlie’s challenges, the small Bowls pictures which we received were impressive and of varying quality, but were all very well made. A professional turner a few years ago, reminded me that you only need one tool to make a bowl. To prove you are a turner you must turn between centres as he called it, this makes you use more tools. Thinking back to that advice I decided to challenge you all to use a few more of your tools and put your bowl gouge away in your tool box. The idea of a gavel was not entirely mine, Ann suggested a gavel and after discussion with a John Ingamells this became the next challenge. The response was extremely impressive with 18 entrants. Our judge Martin was impressed and gave lots of encouraging advice etc.
My next challenge is a lidded box, size and shape is up to the entrants design. Do not forget the inside is just as important as the outside and the lid must fit snugly and enhance the overall design. More challenges will follow as long as required.
I am of an age to remember the Second World War and remember Winston Churchill’s speech that ended ‘We will never surrender’ this was a little bit like the present ‘War’ against that nasty virus, so please don’t despair, Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners will survive and return in due course. So keep smiling but most of all keep turning.
Charlie Giles

24th May 2020

Following on from the gavel challenge set by our president, all the gavels submitted now appear on the gallery page, for those who would like a closer look.

23rd May 2020

A note of caution.

The committee have received an email purportedly from John Ingamells, which was sent from ‘’ with the sunject line stating Chairman of the Committee.
BEWARE! this email asks for money and could ask for up to £300.
Do not open it! Delete it straight away.

23rd May 2020

3rd place - Harry Cleworth.
Harry Cleworth (left).

Club member and retired club photographer Harry Cleworth, has kindly produced the following article on ‘Photographing your work’. You may remember Harry, he bravely tamed the ‘Man- eating chicken’ at last years Christmas party!

Firstly let me introduce myself to those who do not already know me.

My name is Harry Cleworth Ex Royal Air Force Photographer, Also I am ex President of the Gibraltar Photographic Society and a few R.A.F. camera clubs as well. I Retired from the R.A.F. in 1974 so I know most of the old stuff such as shutter speeds/F stops/depth of field/ISO settings and the effects of/contrast/over or under exposure/lighting and how to improvise. Most of which is taken for granted nowadays since the invention of Digital cameras, all automatically done by these fantastic Digitals.
Nowadays almost everyone can be a photographer since all we have to do is switch on the camera, be it a smart phone or a DSLR. Point it and press the button. What we get is normally a correctly exposed photo, but grossly wide angle, shot from a standing position, a very sharp / great depth of field photo and loads of clearly seen rubbish in the background.
I know nothing about phone cameras except that were a zoom facility is provided and most do have this very few people appear to use it, the users tend to switch on the phone, point and shoot, without even thinking about “Filling the frame” with what you want, instead of all the unwanted stuff that can be got rid of by using the Zoom, NOT by getting closer , distorting the photo and keeping the background rubbish.

So this week I will explain why we should use the Zoom & conclude with “Lighting” and a few tips on improving the lighting that is already available to us all. I do not intend this to be a Photographic monthly. Just a few tips on taking shots for the Challenges.

Most phone camera users will as already mentioned switch on look through the viewfinder, select their subject and press the button.

I will concentrate mostly on items of woodturning and how I go about taking photos. No matter if you don’t agree, my methods work for me, just like the saying goes for woodturning, if it works for you then that’s fine but, don’t knock it until you have tried it.

1: Bend your knees, you get a totally different photo this way, you can look for any verticals and keep them vertical. look through the viewfinder and look left then right at what is in the frame. Stay were you are and Zoom in to get rid of unwanted stuff & concentrate on the subject. This is not a MUST Do. Just try it if you are happy with the result then it is OK.

If not climb a ladder (Seriously) and look down at the subject . Place your nicely turned item on a bed of shavings or a white towel. Try both in-door and out-door, in the sun and in the shade. Why climb a ladder, well we are back to the Zoom again on phone cameras, just go up one or two steps Zoom right in as far as it will go FILL the frame with just the subject and press the button a few times.

Harry 1

2: At standing level, if you get to close you may be spoiling the light with your own shadow, resulting in the auto selecting a slower shutter speed or increasing the Iso. Neither of which is wanted. Yes the answer is , yet again the Zoom. When you use Zoom you need to be further away from your subject eliminating your own shadow being cast over the subject. Try placing the subject on a high place like the ladder, put a towel over the top of the ladder and place your subject on it. Now you have the sky as your background, try it and use the Zoom.

Harry 2

3: Don’t take just one shot, move about and go slightly lower or slightly higher. ( I am talking just a few inches up or down you will be surprised at the results). That’s if you knees will permit (Mine do not) but keep an eye on the background, verticals should be vertical, or don’t include the vertical if possible but verticals are everywhere you may say. I can show you how not to have ANY verticals at all, see no 2 above for just one of the ways. You may find that a higher viewpoint (looking down on your subject) is required to show off your woodturnings attributes. That’s OK but don’t block your light with your shadow. Take your White background, put it on the floor with the sunlight/or room light at it’s best then get high and shoot down, don’t forget the zoom.

4: Look at what you have, don’t assume your photos are OK…..Check them and retake if necessary.

Lighting and background.

1: We have all got the same natural light, the Sun. Modern Digitals will compensate for brightness but not for positioning nor reflections. All auto settings should just simply deal with it. BUT ! if a bright light, the sun or whatever is shining from say the left and putting the right side into too much shade, that shaded area can be compensated for by having someone to hold for eg: a white towel. (This is were the other half comes in handy, she wont want you to dirty her nicely washed clean towel will she, so it’s a case of. “Will you hold this towel for me then I don’t get it dirty” you now have a photo assistant. There are professional reflectors but really the towel idea is just as good.

I will add an explanatory photo of this set-up. Again you will be surprised at the results.

Harry 3

2: Should you be indoors then similar principles apply. On the Digital phone cameras the White Balance, Exposure, Iso and focussing are Auto. So you are left with lighting and the placing of your subject were you want it as above A Matt finish background and side sheet are very useful for directing the light were you want it, a matt finish is vital or you will get reflections. A sheet of Polystyrene is also good.

3: Have a look at the photos for more help.

I hope this helps members and good luck with your photography, any further advice that you think I may be able to help with I have no objection to you telephoning me or Emailing me. Both are available by emailing Kevin at

Now go make shavings and take some photos.

20th May 2020

Please see below the recent email which has been sent to all members we hold email addresses for:

Our president Charles Giles is very pleased with how, you the members, have embraced his challenges. He has contemplated all his options and has decided that his next challenge should be a lidded box. There are no restrictions, it can be any size and shape but it must be a lidded box.

Hopefully the weather will cool down slightly and you will all be able to get into your workshops. Once you have turned your lidded box, please take two photographs together with a rule to show size, one photo with the lid on and one with the lid off, then send them to our email address Closing date for Charlie’s Challenge – Part Three is 9pm Friday 29th May. Martin Clarkson has agreed to critique the work again and his video will be posted on the website for what should have been our Workshop Night on Tuesday 2nd June.

When we finish a piece of work, how many of us reach for our camera to record it? In view of this and because we are asking for photos of your challenge pieces, we will soon be posting an article about ‘photographing your work’ on the website news page (

Keep checking the website.

Take care, stay alert.

19th May 2020

Here it is! the most anticipated video in the world, well Lincolnshire. Many thanks to those who submitted a gavel for Martin to talk about. We are highly delighted that so many of you have taken part. Martin speaks very well on the pro’s and con’s of turning a gavel and on turning in general. So even if you are not interested in gavels, we strongly recommend that you watch all the video for general tip’s and advice.

Before you settle down to watch Martin, the committee would like to thank him for his commitment in helping to keep our club functioning in these challenging times and thanks again to those who have contributed.

16th May 2020

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Two is now closed to participants, however we are pleased to let you know that Martin Clarkson is casting his eye over the 18 gavels that have been submitted. He will be working all weekend on his video and it is still anticipated that it will be loaded onto the website in time for our next Club Night, Tuesday 19th May.

14th May 2020

We are having a great response to Charlie’s Challenge – Part Two, thanks to all of you who have accepted his challenge and have already submitted your photographs. If you haven’t turned a gavel yet, you still have until 9pm this Friday to get busy and submit your photos. Martin Clarkson is poised, ready to study each gavel before producing his informative video, for what would have been our next club night on Tuesday 19th May.

11th May 2020

Please read below an email sent to all members. If you are a member and did not receive the email, but would like to, please let us know by emailing us at

Hi All.

The committee hope that you and your family are keeping well in these difficult times. In March we decided to postpone all club meetings until June at the earliest. Obviously, we now need to extend this postponement until further notice. Once we are able to hold our club and workshop nights and it’s safe to do so, we will update our website and facebook page, we will also send emails out to everyone.

In the meantime, are you having fun producing a gavel and taking part in Charlie’s Challenge? We have already received some photos, which will be forwarded to Martin Clarkson for his comments. We look forward to receiving even more.

The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain, lead by Pat Carroll are doing their part in providing a service to members. Pat is arranging live interactive demonstrations ‘Talking Turning’ via Zoom. You can access these demonstrations using: Meeting ID 972 4429 8850, Password 042020

Tuesday, May 12th 7.30pm Harvey Meyer
Friday, May 15th 7.30pm Ligia Rodrigues, 8.30pm Paul Starr
Tuesday, May 19th 7.30pm Brian Flood, 8.30pm Richard Kennedy
Friday, May 22nd 7.30pm Neville Bailey, 8.30 Chris Parker
Tuesday 26th May 7.30 Jeff Hornung

Please check out the AWGB website for more information and activities.

Stay Alert!

6th May 2020

Charlie’s Challenge – Part Two

Charlie’s second challenge has been announced and emails have been sent to all the members that we hold emails for. If you are a member and we do not have your email, but you would like to be placed on our mailing list, please send your details to
lincsturners In the meantime, here’s the email that has been sent out regarding Charley’s challenge – part two.

Following the success of our pilot scheme, the committee are proud to announce that Charlie’s Challenge Round Two is now open to ALL members. President Charles Giles has announced that his next challenge is an auctioneers gavel. He would like all members to turn a gavel, he does not wish you to make the block, just the gavel. Once you have produced your gavel please send two photographs to this email address by 9pm Friday 15th May. Martin Clarkson will then critic the gavels and his video will be uploaded onto the website for our next Club Night on Tuesday 19th May. If possible could your photos include a 6″ or 12″ rule, so that Martin can determine the size of each gavel.
Please remember, this is not a competition, there are no winners or looses, it is purely a challenge and one way to keep our club active during these strange times. So why not get involved, do a bit of spindle turning and send your photos in.

4th May 2020

Here’s the much awaited first edition of our (President) Charlie’s Challenge. Please remember this is not a competition, it is purely a challenge set by Charlie to our six ‘pilot’ turners, to turn a bowl measuring 6 to 8″ in diameter. Club member and professional turner, Martin Clarkson has reviewed all the bowls and produced this wonderful video.

Many thanks to Martin and our six members. Now sit back and enjoy.

28th April 2020

Woodturning Magazine

My woodturning magazine was a little late arriving this month, not a surprise considering the amount of extra work Royal Mail are having to take on at the moment. However, it was well worth the wait, as on page 53 there is an excellent feature article about our very own Ray Blake. Ray only took up turning in 2017 and realising that he wanted to learn more he joined our club, bought his first lathe and the rest as they say is history. Having joined the club, following the retirement of Harry Cleworth, he took on the role of club photographer. Since then he has joined the committee and earlier this year agreed to become our club secretary. Last December he also became Rowan Champion of the year 2019.

It’s been a hectic 3 years of turning for Ray, who can now add a feature article in the leading international Woodturning publication to his CV. If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, please make sure you do and enjoy an interesting read about our secretary and friend, you will not be disappointed.

27th April 2020

The ‘pilot turners’ are working hard and two of them have already submitted their challenge photographs. It’s looking like a great challenge set by our president Charlie. We are anticipating that the other four will be submitting their pieces by this Saturday. Martin Clarkson is set ready to give his comments and then hopefully we will be posting his piece here, on our news page by Tuesday 5th May, which would have been our workshop evening.

22nd April 2020

Our six ‘pilot turners’ are now busy in their workshops producing the first President Challenge, a 6″ to 8″ bowl. Once completed they will be sending us two photos for uploading onto the website and sending to our critic professional turner, Martin Clarkson. Martin will then produce a video for the website, where he talks about the six bowls.
Keep checking the News page for updates on how the club is progressing.

20th April 2020

Please see below a recent email that has been sent from the committee to all paid up club members for whom we hold an email address. If you are a paid up member, did not receive the email and would like to receive future emails, please send your details to us at

email reads:
Hi All,

The coronavirus is affecting us all and causing hard times for everyone, so in a positive response to these challenging times your committee are keen to bring about some form of turning normality, all be it in a different concept.

Whilst we are unable to meet as usual, we do feel that we can still provide you with some entertainment and inspiration. We are currently piloting a club challenge to six members, with the hope that should it be a success we will extend it to all members who have email addresses.

This is how we anticipate it working:

Club president Charles Giles has challenges six members who were active in last year’s competitions to make a 6″ to 8″ bowl. These members will have about 12 days to produce their bowls and send two photos of the finished item to the club email address. These entries will then be posted on the club website ( and Facebook page for all to view by the 4th of May. Professional turner and club member Martin Clarkson will then examine the photos of the six bowls. Martin will hopefully produce a short video film giving his comments on all the bowls. It is hoped that this video will be uploaded onto the web page and Facebook page for all to watch.

The six members who have been challenged are, Chris Backwell, Roy Manners and Stuart Fletcher from the Rowan class and Norman Sanders, Graham Black and Tina Johnson, from the Oak class.

As we have already stated this is a pilot scheme, so there may be some teething problems, please bear with us and keep checking the website and Facebook page for updates.

With social distancing set to be around for many more months, your committee is looking at how to adapt and progress the club. We held a special committee meeting recently using the Zoom App and as well as discussing the presidents challenge, we are considering the introduction of a virtual club meeting which could include a short demonstration. This would probably take place over the Zoom App, so a little forward planning by yourself to get on Zoom could be a good idea. Zoom is an app which can be downloaded for free. Type ‘Zoom free download’ into your search engine and follow the link.

Now we need your help. If you have an idea which we could implement during this difficult time, please let us know. You can contact any committee member; details are on the website or send us an email.

We will keep you posted by email, website and Facebook with regards to how our club is progressing, but we want you all to know, we guarantee that at the end of this pandemic the club will still be functioning and will get back to normal as soon as it is safely possible.

On behalf of your committee please stay safe, stay at home, and keep turning.

Kevin Walker
Committee Member

24th March 2020

We hope all our members and guests are keeping well. We are able to inform you all that although the club will not be meeting in the foreseeable future, the committee has been and will continue to work during these extraordinary circumstances to improve your club.

Prior to the recent lock down we have been able to purchase some tools for the club. We have also been busy securing some new storage facilities at our existing site, so it’s been all hands on deck sorting it out and moving the equipment in.
We recently had a committee meeting where we overhauled our health and safety policy. We also discussed how to keep our club pro-active and forward thinking.

We are also proud to announce that our sponsors, Axminster Tools & Machinery, J Carr and Sons Ltd and Chestnut Products have all agreed to continue their sponsorship for another two years. Thanks to these three companies for their valued support.

We continue to think of you all at these troubled times and will put more news on this website over the next few weeks. In the meantime, stay safe and keep turning.

12th March 2020

Regretfully, the Club has decided to cancel all Club and Workshop Nights for the next 3 months due to concern for the health of our Club Members. We will not meet again until 16th June, at the earliest.

We will make updates here on the website and on our Facebook page.

11th March 2020

The Midland Woodworking Show scheduled for 27th & 28th March 2020 has been postponed to the 19th & 20th June 2020, due to Coronavirus. More information can be obtained from their website

21st February 2020

Show Secretary, Alan Cramer addressed the members at the recent club night to inform all that the club will once again have a display at the Midlands Woodworking and Power Tool Show at Newark Show Ground on 27th and 28th March. Alan is asking for turned items which can be displayed at the show. Ideally we require items turned by all abilities, showcasing what we are capable of at our club. If you are able to loan items for the display please bring them to the next club night and please put your name on a sticker and attach it to the underside of your piece.

If you fancy coming along to the show tickets can be purchased in advance from the organisers.


20th February 2020

Another great club night at Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners. Unfortunately our expected demonstrator, Peter Tree was unable to attend as his workshop had become victim to storm Dennis and was under several feet of water. Our thoughts go out to Peter and all those effected by the recent weather problems. Thankfully Peter Hallam kindly agreed to step up to the mark with just 24 hours notice!
Peter gave a great demonstration, for more information and photos please visit our past meeting page.
We had a great amount of entries into both competitions, thanks must go to all those who entered. The results and photos can be seen at our competitions page.
Charley and Tom once again ran an excellent raffle with some stunning prizes and we must also thank Jim and Richard for providing the half time refreshments.
All in all it was a wonderful night, thoroughly enjoyed by the 72 members and guests who turned out on a wet miserable winters night.

22nd January 2020

Normal service has been resumed at the Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners as we welcomed in 2020 with our Annual General Meeting at the club last night. This was followed by a great demonstration from Pole Lathe Turner, Mike Ashton. More information is available on our past meetings page.

5th January 2020

Happy New Year to all members and fellow turners, lets make 2020 a great year for the club.

Can we remind everyone that there is no workshop night on the 7th January. We will be back to normal business on 21st January with our AGM and a demonstration on pole lathe turning. We look forwards to see everyone there.

19th December 2019

We held a very successful and entertaining Christmas party this week, the highlight being an interesting talk from Nick Brown, Head Ranger at National Trust Belton House. We also presented the annual awards, as well as holding our fantastic Christmas raffle. For more information on a great night please visit our past meetings page.

27th November 2019

Norman Sanders has put up for sale a compound mitre saw and a Record Power lathe. Visit our shop page for more information.

20th November 2019

At our recent club night photographer Ray Blake spoke about a finish that had been recommended to him called ‘Shine Juice’. For those who are interested the mixture is 1/3 Shellac, 1/3 Meths and 1/3 boiled linseed oil. Mix it all together, use a piece of kitchen roll to put it on the item and allow the lathe to heat it up. Apparently the finish is stunning.

19th November 2019

As is normal practise there will be no Workshop Night in January 2020. Workshop night will return in February 2020.

24th October 2019

Our club photographer, Ray Blake was exceptionally busy last Sunday at our annual show. To view his work please go to our gallery page. Click on any of the photographs to enlarge them.

21st October 2019

We held our annual open day last weekend and we are pleased to report that it was an exceptional day. A full report will appear soon on our past meetings page very soon.

23rd August 2019

The club is arranging a visit to Ashley Iles tool factory. If you are keen to go on the visit, which will be in September, please email us at

22nd August 2019

Our demonstrator secretary, Peter Davies is pleased to announce that next years diary is almost complete. To view who’s coming to demonstrate to us, please visit the diary page and scroll down past this years diary.

8th August 2019

Please be aware that we have a change of demonstrator at our next club night on Tuesday 20th August. Andrew Hall will now be entertaining us with his turning skills and completing the evening with some music from his blues bowl. It promises to be another great night at the Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners, so make it a date and get along to the village hall in Leasingham.

18th July 2019

If you’re not going to the Chestnut Weekender event on the 3rd & 4th August, you could visit the Skopwick Village Summer Fair, which takes place between 2pm & 4pm on Saturday 3rd August. We will be having a stall at the event, encouraging members of the public to have a go at turning. If you do visit, make sure to pop over and have a chat.

13th July 2019

Our ‘Display table’ is proving to be a hit with many members. Why don’t you bring something to our next meeting to inspire others. You could display that interesting piece that you have made which will provoke some interesting conversation. GO ON – DO IT!!


12th July 2019

Have you heard about the new, exciting woodturning event? Woodturning Weekender is a new venture organised by our old friend Terry Smart at Chestnut Products. It’s taking place on the 3rd & 4th August, just down the road from our club at Springfields Event Centre, Spalding. Not only is it going to be a great weekend, with professional demonstrators but our club will also be there! Terry has asked if we will have a stand and use a couple of our lathes to demonstrate whilst the professional take a well earned break. Why not treat yourself to a great day out.

For more information visit Chestnuts website

12th April 2019

Committee member Tony Maddox has taken the decision to

Tony passing on his advice to a club member.

step down from the committee. Tony has always been keen to use his vast experience to help manage the club. As most of you are aware, Tony is an exceptional turner and we are pleased to announce that although he is stepping down from the committee, he will continue to be an active member of the club and will still share his knowledge and experience at both workshop and club evenings.
The committee wish to put on record their thanks to Tony for all the hard work he has undertaken whilst on the committee.

2018 Club Champion Norman receiving the trophy from John Ingamells.
2018 Club Champion Norman receiving the trophy from John Ingamells.

Norman Sanders has agreed to be co-opted onto the committee with immediate effect. Norman joins the committee with a vast amount of experience in turning, as well as being the current club champion.

24th March 2019

The club has had two very successful days at the Midlands Woodworking and Power Tools Show at Newark. Thanks to Colin Wilson, Peter Davies, Geoff Ventress, Tony Maddox and Alan Cramer for taking to the lathes to demonstrate our great craft. Other members stood for two days promoting and encouraging would be turners to come along and try our club.

Thanks to all the members that called on us to say ‘hello’, it was good to see you all and we hope you enjoyed watching the many professional turners who were present for the two days.

DSC02618a DSC02616a DSC02614a

20th March 2019

Following last nights great club night, the committee now turn their attention to the Midlands Woodworking and Power Tool Show which takes place this Friday and Saturday at Newark Showground. Our club has once again be asked to have a stand at the growing event. We will have two lathes in operation demonstrating, together with an exhibition of turned items. Committee members will be on hand to promote our growing club and encourage potential members to come along to our club and workshop nights. If you are coming to the show, be sure to pay us a visit. We are on our usual stand, number 81.

19th March 2019

Over 60 members, guests and visitors attended this months club night, details of which can be found at our past meeting page. There was an excellent turnout in the competitions, the results of which can be found on the competitions page.

6th March 2019

Once again we had a great workshop night, last night. The new display table provoked a great amount of discussion and light hearted banter. Visit our past meetings page for more information.

Newark Woodworking Show

Once again, our club has been asked to demonstrate at the Newark Woodworking Show on 22nd & 23rd March 2019. We are revamping our display this year and would like members to supply items to display. We do not intend to sell your items, so please if you would like to loan a piece, please put a name label on the underside and give it to Alan Cramer prior to the 22nd March.
We have all the volunteers that we require for the two day show, but if you would like to buy tickets to attend please visit the organisers website at where you will be able to purchase your tickets at a discounted price.

19th February 2019

Unfortunately tonight’s guest demonstrator, Mathew Gardner is unable to join us due to ill health. We are working very hard to find a replacement for Mathew and will still guarantee a great night out for you all.
May we take this opportunity to wish Mathew a speedy recovery and we look forward to him demonstrating at our club very soon.

6th February 2019

In an attempt to push our Facebook page, chairman John Ingamells and Facebook co-ordinator Ray Blake have produced a short video of John turning a piece of spalted wood. Check it out and keep checking for future videos.

5th February 2019

Can we please make all members aware that due to the increase in the number of people attending our club nights, we now have to request that everyone enters the hall via the main entrance. Please do not enter by the fire door, as this is only open for the demonstrator and Elston Sawmill to bring their equipment in. To conform with the village halls health and safety regulations, can you sign in and pay Ann immediately.

Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance with this request.

4th February 2019

The Midlands Woodworking Show is fast approaching and we will be there! Our club has once again been accepted at this show, which is on the 22nd & 23rd March 2019 at the Newark Showground. Tickets can be purchased in advanced and at a discount by phoning the ticket hotline on 01749 813899. More information can be obtained by visiting the organisers website

23rd December 2018

Once again we have made it in to Woodturning Magazine!! Take a look on page 14 of issue 327 to read about our annual open day. Many thanks to the editor Mark Baker for his continued support of our club.

22nd December 2018

The committee would like to wish all members, visitors and friends a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to welcoming you all to our club and workshop nights in 2019.


20th December 2018

Our 2019 diary is now available on-line. Please visit our diary page to see who’s visiting us next year.

19th December 2018

Our membership secretary Tom, would like to remind all members that your annual membership is now due. The cost remains the same at £15 (£10 concessions). Tom will be poised at the AGM to receive your payments.

18th December 2018


Congratulations to our 2018 oak open champion, Norman Sanders and rowan novice champion Charlie Ridley. Both these talented gents received their awards at the Christmas party. For a full report of the evening please visit our past meetings page.

Club champion 2018 - Norman Sanders.
Club champion 2018 – Norman Sanders.
Rowan novice champion 2018 - Charlie Ridley.
Rowan novice champion 2018 – Charlie Ridley.

10th December 2018

Have you had a look at our re-vamped Facebook page yet? Really worth checking out, it’s a great way of keeping up to date with club issues and events.

9th December 2018

Sip planer for sale!! Just £175 ONO!! Have a look at the shop page for more information and grab yourself a bargain.

5th December 2018

We are pleased to announce that we have updated and are re-launching our Facebook Page. Club member and photographer Ray Blake has agreed to also take on the role of ‘Club Facebooker’. Please visit the site and contribute to the success of the page and the club. You can get to the Facebook Page by clicking on the link on our homepage.
Thanks must be expressed to Ray for taking on the role.

5th December 2018

Our December Club Night will be on Tuesday 18th December and will be our Christmas party night.
Alan Cramer will be demonstrating together with club friend and supporter Peter Tree, who will be demonstrating the art of gold leaf. There will be a buffet supper together with the Christmas raffle which once again will have lots prizes and a first prize of £100 CASH.
We will be presenting the prizes to the winners of the Rowan and Oak annual competition.
There will be a light hearted competition for one month only, so if you a reluctant to enter throughout the year why not give the Christmas Comp a try?
Pop us in your diary and ‘Come on down’ for a great friendly festive night.

5th December 2018

Our membership Secretary Tommy would like to make everyone aware that annual membership is due for renewal in January. His books are now open and he will accept payment immediately. Please don’t run the risk of upsetting Tom by not paying promptly, dig deep into those pockets and find your £15 (£10 concessions) as soon as possible.


22nd November 2018

Some months ago you may recall Lincolnshire County Council contacted us to ask if members would be prepared to make some pears for volunteers who were retiring from their duties, which included looking after trees at Cross O’Cliff Orchard. We approached some members to make pears out of pear wood supplied by the council. We then had them mounted and returned back to the council.
We are pleased to inform you that these pears have now been gifted to the retiring volunteers and below is a photograph of two of the volunteers with their gifts.
Matthew Davey, Environment and Community Projects Officer at Lincolnshire County Council has asked if we could pass his thanks on to those concerned.
Many thanks to all involved.


6th November 2018

At the latest workshop night all present posed for a group photo which is being forwarded to our sponsors for there publicity officers use.
The photo shows members and guests watching professional turner and club member Martin Clarkson from Tattershall.

24th October 2018

Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners in the Sleaford Standard

The following article regarding our club show appeared in the Sleaford Standard:

sleaford standard

22nd October 2018

Record crowds enjoy woodturning and craft show

We are pleased to announce that record crowds came to the club open day yesterday, and what a great day we had. Tony Wilson, our guest turner entertained everyone with his expert demonstrating, together with his witty humour. Several members kept the visitors entertained with their turnings. 50 visitors enjoyed our new ‘have-a-go’ venture on the club lathe, making themselves a Christmas tree decoration.
Thanks must go to the ladies in the kitchen and to those who helped with baking cakes.
The stall holders who provided other crafts reported having had a good day, as did our President Charles Giles with the raffle.
Thanks to all involved and to those who supported us throughout the day.

Below is a selection of photographs of the day taken by club photographer, Ray Blake. More photos can be viewed on the gallery page.

Young & old, they all had a great day
Young & old, they all had a great day
Tony Wilson entertained the crowds.
Tony Wilson entertained the crowds.
Bob Neill showing his pyrography skills.
Bob Neill showing his pyrography skills.
Club sponsor Matthew Carr reported having had a great day.
Club sponsor Matthew Carr reported having had a good day.
Fifty members of the public had a go at turning for the first time.
Fifty members of the public had a go at turning for the first time.
Peter Tree demonstrated how to make Windsor Chairs.
Peter Tree demonstrating how to make Windsor Chairs.
Norman Sanders teaching a novice how to turn a Christmas tree decoration.
Norman Sanders teaching a novice how to turn a Christmas tree decoration.

9th October 2018

When ask by the local women’s group in the village of Bicker if he would give a demonstration, renowned club member Harry Cleworth was only too keen to agree. However, he did take along our chairman John Ingamells for some moral support. A great afternoon was had by all attending and it has been rumoured that they will be asking Harry back for another session next year. It’s great to get woodturning and our club out in the community, well done Harry and John.
Many thanks to Sandra Eagles, Chair of the Bicker Ladies group for the invite and for taking the photographs.

21st September 2018thumbnail_9BF0545EBC164A6887E7F4719B8B75A3

On Wednesday 19th September, eight of us, including our Club Chairman John, visited Ashley Iles (Edge Tools) Ltd., at their factory near East Kirkby, Lincs. We were met by Tony and Barry Iles, the joint Managing Directors and over coffee Tony gave us a very interesting overview of the formation of the business. It was started by his Father Ashley in Sheffield in the early fifties and they moved to East Kirkby in the mid 60s. He told us about the ups and thumbnail_F3FC27F974BA4059B6D9811101C8077Adowns of the business, the developments they made in materials and tool design and the growth of the business as one of the pre-eminent global woodworking tool manufacturers. Surprisingly they are the last UK manufacturer of carbon steel tools for the growing Pole Lathe market.

The factory is a throwback to the early days of its inception; some of the machinery was from even earlier times, back into the 19thC! It needs a personal visit to appreciate that this grubby, grimy, hot and cramped environment thumbnail_B4F38D48AAE94BDE8D44753A2FD55786produces such outstanding, handmade chisels.

In the forge, Tony showed us two of his ‘treasures’, the anvil his father used, bedded on horse manure to get the right ‘bounce back’ when struck with a hammer and the second-hand anvil they bought that was used to forge the knife blade on, that cut the Queen’s wedding cake in 1953!

thumbnail_FFD5944338DF463A8E5692B4C1179AF7Each blade blank is checked on the Rockwell hardness tester to ensure the steel is correctly tempered, before being passed over to Mick on the 1890s built drop hammer. To watch him shaping gouge blades at 1030oC both in the drop hammer dies and then by hand, with a hammer and anvil, is to see the craft of the Blacksmith (and forty years experience).

The blades then pass through to the grinding shop where Paul and Jonathon were using the 42” diameter wet grindstones (sourced from Austria!), as we have no indigenous suppliers in the UK! The sparks thumbnail_94D91935753F4BF2B11FE4F5FA7320F9really fly when they are shaping the tools; Paul was grinding the bevels on the American Pattern bevelled chisels whilst Jonathon was grinding the back profile of the gouges produced by Mick.

Tony then showed how the gouge flutes were ground, before the gouges were linished and glazed on the belt sander to their finished condition.

We finished with Tony giving us his thoughts and a fascinating demonstration on chisethumbnail_2C835EC565BE457FB0B82F46D1882244l sharpening.

I am certain that we all thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to visit the Ashley Iles factory and thank Tony, Barry and all their staff for making it an unforgettable experience.

Ray Blake


20th September 2018

This morning we had our first working party session at the Chairman’s home. Until now, we had always stored our wood under the old bridge adjacent to John’s home, however the owner of the bridge has now requested that we move it. We asked for volunteers at our club night in August and were very pleased with the response. So pleased that we were able to form two working teams. The first of these teams met today and achieved far more than we ever imagined. Not only did we move a large amount of the wood, we also cut some of it into blanks and PVA glued the ends at assist in the drying process. Thanks to all the guys that turned out. There is still plenty to do, so the second team will be contacted in the next few weeks to continue the good work.


10th September 2018

Some months ago a fallen walnut tree was offered as a donation to the club. We gladly accepted and then had the task of cutting it into bite size pieces. We did a little negotiating with our good friend, Steven Wright of Elston Saw Mill, who agreed to cut it into manageable pieces for us.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe photograph shows the walnut back at our storage area drying out for use on workshop nights.

6th September 2018

Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners hits the big time!!

If you haven’t already, you need to buy a copy of Woodturning Magazine issue 323 and turn immediately to page 83. There you will find a great article all about our club. We would like to thank the Editor Mark Baker and all his staff for giving us the opportunity to appear in the worlds leading woodturning magazine.

8th August 2018

Can we remind you that we try to have the club shop open at all club and workshop evenings. The shop is now selling more Chestnut Products than ever before and we have recently took delivery of some very attractive clock inserts.
The committee are pleased to be able to state that all items in our shop are for sale at prices that can not be match by any other retailer in the area. So please, if you need some wax or polish, if your making a clock for someone or producing some pens for presents, buy from your club. By doing so you are getting yourself a bargain and investing in your club at the same time. It’s a win – win situation.

8th August 2018

The club open day in October is fast approaching and it is now time for you to invest in your club. We would like to ask all members to produce and donate some turned items. Previous experiences tell us that small Christmas trees, snowmen and mushrooms sell very well if we only charge a couple of pounds, so could you all make a few of each please and bring them along either the club or workshop nights prior to the open day.

Thanks in anticipation.

6th August 2018

Unfortunately Ashley Iles, due to work demands, have had to cancel the proposed visit to their factory which was scheduled for Wednesday 15th August.
They have re-arranged for 10am Wednesday 19th September. Those that put their names down for the August visit will have first refusal for the new date. If you didn’t have your name down for the original visit, but would now like to attend please send an email to or contact a committee member and ask to be put on the reserve list.

4th August 2018

The club was invited to have a display/exhibition at the Scopwick and Kirkby Green village show this weekend. We had an enjoyable afternoon demonstrating and talking to members of the public who showed an interest in woodturning. Several of those attending made enquiries with regards to joining our club, so hopefully we will soon be welcoming more new members.

18th July 2018

The visit to Ashley Iles has been arranged for the morning of Wednesday 15th August. John Ingamells will contact all those attending to confirm the time of attendance. Unfortunately the visit is fully subscribed, so we can not take anyone else. However another visit could be organised if enough members show interest.

21st June 2018

The committee are keen to update the viewing experience on our club nights and are currently making enquiries into affordable systems. We are looking into a better camera & TV system for the club. If you work in this field of expertise and could offer advise to us please contact a committee member or email us at lincsturners

21st June 2018

Club member Peter Higham is looking for a working workshop dust extractor that they do not want and wish to sell. If you are in such a situation please contact Peter on 07535 175474 or email him at

18th July – Peter has now acquired a dust extractor. Many thanks to those who helped him sort this.

8th June 2018

We are still hoping to arrange a visit to Ashley Iles in July, if you haven’t got your name down and would like to attend please send an email to

8th June 2018

Unfortunately Ian Carress, our demonstrator for the July club night, will not be able to join us. In view of this we have been in contact with Terry Smart of Chestnut Products and he has agreed to join us for the evening. Terry demonstrated to us a few years ago, when he gave a very interesting talk and demonstration on finishes and polishes. We are sure he will not disappoint this time. So make a note of the date in your diary, 18th July and come on down for a great night.

20th May 2018

An interesting piece of equipment has been put up for sale and is featured on our shop page. Have a look, you might want to give it a new home!

16th May 2018

Your committee has decided to award life long membership to Mr Steven Wright of Elston Saw Mill. Steve is ever present at our club nights, selling his wares at very competitive prices. He supports the club at every opportunity, giving advice and humour whenever possible. The announcement, made yesterday at our club night, was met with rousing applause and agreement by all present. Steve was humbled and grateful for the award.

2nd May 2018

At our workshop night yesterday, our demonstrator secretary Pete Davies informed us that Tony Wilson, who was to demonstrate at our next club night, was now, due to personal reasons, unable to attend.
Pete announced that he has secured the booking of Steve Heeley, a renown turner from the Walsall area.
We would like to pass our best wishes to Tony Wilson and also to thank Steve Heeley for stepping in at short notice.

22nd April 2018

We are hoping to arrange a tour of the Ashley Isles factory this summer, if you are interested please give your details to Ann Giles on a club or workshop night. Alternatively you can email us at and we will make Ann aware on your behalf.

20th April 2018

We now have a gallery page on the website containing many photographs from club and workshop evenings. Please visit the gallery page to view the photographs taken by our club photographer, Ray Blake.

4th April 2018

Workshop night last night saw another record broken. A record eight lathes were out in operation for the 28 members and visitors to experience some turning. The club shop also did a roaring trade, selling those much needed consumables.

28th March 2018

The club experienced a very successful two days at the Midlands Woodworking and Power Tool Show. The stand looked professional and interesting to the many visitors to the event. For two days we talked and demonstrated to potentially new members. Many thanks to those of you who attended and dropped in to say ‘Hi’. Also can we take this opportunity to thank the members who stood on the stand. Our club goes from strength to strength as a result of your dedication and commitment.

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22nd March 2018

The club exhibition stand is all set and ready for the Midlands Woodworking and Power Tool Show at Newark Showground. We are hoping for a great event to advertise our club and bring woodturners together. If you are attending make sure you come and say hello.
Both new lathes are in situ, with the club lathe looking splendid as it now has our sponsors details across the front.

21st March 2018

Mick Hanbury entertained this month with an excellent textured and coloured plate. Please visit our past meeting page for more information. We also had 17 entries into the club competition, well done to all who entered. To see the results please visit our competition page.

7th March 2018

40 members and guests attended last nights workshop evening and a great night was had by all. If you haven’t ventured out to one of our workshop nights you really are missing a treat.
Please visit the past meeting page to find out what’s been going on.

26th February 2018

We have received the below information form the Norfolk Woodturners Society regarding their annual seminar. Further information can be found on their website;

Turn East 2018
The 14th East of England Woodturning Seminar
Saturday 11th August 2018
At Fakenham High School, Fields Lane, Fakenham. Norfolk
9.20 am till 16.45 pm
Admission will be by ticket only at the price of £30.00
which includes a buffet lunch, teas & coffee.
We have lined up a team of first class turners to demonstrate for us
Simon Hope, Peter Nicholls, Ed Oliver & John Plater
In addition we hope to have a range of trade stands together with an exhibition of members and delegates work.
As we will only have a limited number of spaces available, early application is
recommended to what we believe will be a first class event.
Application form and further details are available from:-
.Bernard Rose, 63,Belmore Road, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich. NR7 0PR
Tel: 01603 436990 or email
Turn East 2018 is a one day Bi-Annual Regional Seminar
Organized by the Norfolk Woodturners Society

21st February 2018

It is good to report that 60 members and guests enjoyed yet another great club night at Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners. Peter Hallam demonstrated and entertained by turning two clocks in one evening. Details of our excellent night can be found on our past meetings page.
The club competition was well supported last night and the results can be found on our competitions page.
Our chairman John Ingamells reported that the club had purchased another Record Power Coronet lathe for use by all members attending our workshop nights. A new chuck has also been bought to accompany the lathe. A good deal was struck with local retailer J Carr and Son Ltd of Boston and we would like to thank Matthew Carr for his continued support of our club.
Sponsorship Officer Pete Davies reported to the members that we had secured two, 2 year deals with Axminster Tools & machinery (Northampton) and J Carr and Sons ltd, which had brought in financial benefits for the club. The members can look forwards to advertising banners adorning the front of the club lathe.

19th February

Newark Showground
23rd & 24th March 2018

A great day out full of Demonstrations, Personalities, Trade Stands, Advice and Fun.
Our club will be standing at this show again demonstrating, selling turned items and publicising ourselves as an active, friendly club.

Tickets are on sale now at a reduced price if purchased in advance at

29th January

Last year Lincolnshire County Council contacted the club asking for assistance. Some of their volunteers, who had been responsible for looking after trees, were retiring and the council were in need of gifts for them. They asked if members of our club would be prepared to turn pears out of a pear tree. The tree had been looked after by the volunteers and it seemed fitting that their retirement gifts would be turned out of a tree they had been associated with.
Several of our members were approached and many pears were turned. The council representative chose four pears, which were then mounted and given to the retiring volunteers.
The photos below are of the chosen four pears. Thanks to all the members involved in the project.




20th January 2018

The AGM opened the first club night of 2018 and once formalities were out of the way we were entertained by our friend, Peter Tree. Please visit our past meetings page for the full report.
The race for club champion started with a mixed bag. Please visit our competitions page to see who got out of the blocks first.
We have introduced a Display Table to the club for 2018. Details of this and photograph can also be found on our past meetings page.
The club has managed to buy some tools recently and offer them for sale to club members on club nights. All profits go directly into club funds to help finance the increasing cost of our club nights.
We now have two club photographers, Ray Blake and Steve O’Donnell who will be snapping away at all club events to bring us a photographic memory. Thanks guys.

3rd January 2018

May we wish all members and turners a Happy New Year. We hope that 2018 brings you peace, happiness and an interesting year in the workshop.

With the ringing in of a new year we also have to remind all members that your annual membership is now due. Tom will be waiting for you all on Tuesday 16th January to free you of your hard earned cash! The cost of annual membership will remain at the same price, as it has been for many years now. We are sure you will agree that £15 or £10 for concessions per year is still great value for money.