
Welcome to the news page of our website. On this page we will try to bring you up to date news and comments on events and issues to do with our club.

5th February 2025

Following our success of turning and donating over 700 light pulls to St Barnabas Hospice, we now have our latest project.
Cadburys have very kindly supplied St Barnabas with copious amounts of their popular Cadburys Cream Eggs and St Barnabas are keen to make best use of them.  So, they have asked if we could help by turning egg cups that the cream eggs could be sold in?  
It is a tough ask, as we only have four weeks to produce as many egg cups as possible, but we know you are all up for the challenge.  All egg cups need to be brought to our next club meeting or our workshop night on 4th March 2025.
The club can provide free wood, if you need some.  Just contact our chairman John Ingamells on 07860 713743 and he’ll make arrangements for you to collect it from his home in Navenby.
Don’t forget, you don’t supply the cream egg, just the egg cups.
It’s an eggcellent challenge and a smashing idea, so let’s all get cracking. (sorry, it had to be done)

1st February 2025

Please read below an email sent to all members.

We’re back next Tuesday 4th February 2025 for our first workshop night of the new year.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  There will be mini demos and tuition for new turners, as well as the club shop, raffle and refreshments.  Why not bring one of your projects along for the display table?  It’s a great way to get members chatting about ideas and skills.
Ray will be busy in ‘Sharpeners Corner’ putting that edge on your tools and giving advice on how to achieve this yourself.
A great night out for just £3 per person.
Thanks to all the members who made and donated light pulls at the AGM.  An amazing 486 have been well accepted by St Barnabas Hospice and they are now on sale in their Warehouse Store, Lincoln.  If you have made some light pulls, but couldn’t make it to the AGM, please bring them along next Tuesday and we’ll get them to St Barnabas.
We now in discussion with St Barnabas, working on our next charity project.  More details soon, so watch this space!
Just a gentle reminder to those few who have still not renewed their membership.  Please make your payment as soon as possible.  If you haven’t paid by the end of February we will take it that you no longer wish to be a member of the club.
And finally, don’t forget to get the early bird offer on tickets for the Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark Showground on 7th & 8th March 2025.  Just visit for more information.  We’ll be there on stand 81, our usual location.
That’s all for now, see you all on Tuesday.

19th January 2025

A gentle reminder for you all.

When typing our last email, I forgot to remind you about the light pulls for St Barnabas Hospice.  If you have been able to make a few at home, could you please bring them along to our meeting next Tuesday and we will get them over to St Barnabas.
Many thanks in anticipation of a good response.

18th January 2025

Please see below an email sent to all members.

We hope you all had a good festive break and are ready for another great year with your club.
Annual Subscription
Before we tell you about the forthcoming meeting, may we remind you all that your 2025 annual subscription is now due.  Many of you will have already paid your £15 (£10 concessions), but if you haven’t, can we ask that you make your payment as soon as possible.  Anyone who has not paid by the end of February will be deemed as no longer wishing to be a member and will be taken off our membership list.  If you have any problems meeting this deadline, please contact us by email or speak with a committee member.
Next meeting
We start 2025 on Tuesday 21st January with our AGM, which will be dealt with as quickly as possible.  We can then settle down for a demonstration from Mike Ashton a renowned pole lathe turner.  Doors to the main hall will open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  The shop in the Jessop room and toilets will be open before 7pm and we will also be selling raffle tickets in the Jessop room.  This is a trial idea which we hope reduces the queue to the main hall at 7pm.
There will be a raffle and refreshments will be available at half-time.  The club competition for 2025 begins with the topics this month being Rowan Novice – A platter and Oak Open – A piece of off centre turning.
Date for your diary
The Midlands Working Show on 7th & 8th March 2025 at Newark Showground is fast approaching and once again your club will be on stand 81, our normal location.  Pre-booked tickets at discounted prices are available from   
We look forwards to seeing you all on Tuesday.

27th December 2025

Please see below a recent email sent to all members, St Barnabas Hospice need our help!

We hope that you have all had a pleasant Christmas and are looking forward to the new year.
Fiona from St Barnabas Hospice has been in touch with us.  The light pulls that we made and gave to them to sell, have all sold!  They were such a good seller, that Fiona has asked if we would be able to provide more for them.
Therefore, we would like you all to consider making as many light pulls as you possibly can and bring them along to the next club meeting on 21st January 2025.  We will then donate these to St Barnabas for them to sell.
Many thanks in anticipation, have a happy new year and we’ll see you at the AGM on 21st January, when we will also have pole lathe turner Mike Ashton demonstrating to us.

Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners

18th December 2024

We had a fantastic Christmas party last night, it was good to see so many members and partners.  The annual awards were presented with the results available for viewing on the competitions page.
A full report on the evening can be read on the past meetings page.

The committee would like to wish members, friends and their families a Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year.  We do not hold a workshop night in January, but welcome in the new year on the 21st January 2025 when we hold out AGM and have a demonstration by Mike Ashton, Pole Lathe Turner.

12th December 2024

Please read below a recent email sent to all members of the club.  If you are a paid up member and are not receiving emails, please let us know by emailing the club on

Tom Collishaw
As you are probably aware, we have had to inform members of the sad, sudden passing of our member Tom Collishaw.  Tom had been a member of the club for almost 30 years, serving many of those years as membership secretary, a position he held with great pride and enthusiasm.  
As you can all appreciate, out of respect to a true gentleman and friend, we have made the decision to delay appointing new members to the committee.  We will deal with this matter in due course.
Our thoughts are with Tom’s family at this difficult time.
Next Meeting
The final meeting of the year is our Christmas Party next Tuesday, 17th December and it’s going to be an absolute cracker!!
We will start the evening at 7.30pm with a short demo by Terry Bray, before adjourning for a mouth watering buffet which is being prepared by Ann and her team of elves.  The annual awards will be presented, there will be a festive raffle with tickets just £1 each and a separate raffle for a fantastic hamper, which if free to members.
We ask you all to consider entering the competition, where there will be prizes in both categories.  No rules, just try to make it festive!
There will also be live music from ‘D & J’ and please remember, partners are welcome to this event.
We are giving the guys in the shop the night off, so you’ll have to wait until the AGM on 27th January 2025 for a dose of retail therapy.
January Workshop Night 
Please remember that we do not hold a workshop night in January.  Workshop nights begin again on the first Tuesday of February 2025, which is the 4th.
That’s all for now, so get those Christmas jumpers aired, ready for next Tuesday. 

4th December 2024

We had a fantastic workshop night yesterday, welcoming Fiona Malloch-Rear from St Barnabas Hospice to the club to receive our donation to the Lincolnshire based charity.
More information on a great night can be found on out past meetings page

17th November 2024

Forthcoming meeting
Our next club meeting is Tuesday,  19th November when we welcome professional turner Ian Ethell to demonstrate to us.  This is the first time that Ian will have demonstrated to us, so let’s have a great turn-out and give him a big Lincolnshire welcome.  More information about Ian can be found on his website

The club shop will be open in the Jessop Room, there will be another fantastic raffle and Membership Secretary Tom, will be poised ready to relieve you of your annual membership fee, which is now due (£15 or £10 concessions).

Doors to the main hall open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start and the admission charge is just £5 for a great night out.
You still have time to make something for the competition.  Topics this month are Novice – Candle/tea light holder and Open – a bowl with a maximum diameter 8″.
Committee Vacancy
With the club AGM set for 21st January 2025, we need to remind you that there are two vacancies on the committee, which have to be filled.  Generally we have just four committee meetings per year with each meeting lasting no more than 2 hours.  They are held at the home of our chairman in Navenby, where he makes a lovely mug of tea and provides an excellent selection of biscuits.  We need to have nominations declared by the end of the year, so if you are interested, or would like some more information, please email us at or speak with an existing committee member.
See you all on Tuesday,

1st November 2024

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

Quite a bit of news for you this time, so lets get started.
Origins of the Club
Club secretary Ray Blake has delved into the archives and spoken to past members to produced an excellent article with regards to the origins of our club.  Please visit the history page of the club website ( for a good read.
Annual Membership Fee
It’s that time of the year when membership secretary Tom Collishaw starts getting twitchy.  The only way to calm him down is to pay your annual membership fee.  The fee of £15 or £10 concessions is due now, so please present your membership book and appropriate fee to Tom at one of our next meetings.  As in previous years, if you do not renew by the end of February 2025, your membership will be cancelled and you will no longer be classed as a member of the best woodturning club in Leasingham.  Please remember with regards to membership fees, we are a cash only club.
Committee Vacancy
With the club AGM set for 21st January 2025, we need to announce that there are two vacancies on the committee, which have to be filled.  Generally we have just four committee meetings per year with each meeting lasting no more than 2 hours.  They are held at the home of our chairman in Navenby, where he makes a lovely mug of tea and provides an excellent selection of biscuits.  We need to have nominations declared by the end of the year, so if you are interested, or would like some more information, please email us at or speak with an existing committee member.
Harrogate Show
The North of England Woodworking Show, more affectionately known as ‘Harrogate’ is scheduled the weekend of the 15th – 17th November 2024.  A great show, with loads of trade stands and demonstrations, it really is a great day out.  Tickets can be pre-booked at £13 (£12 concessions) or you can pay on the door at £16 (£15 concessions).  Visit for more information and to purchase your tickets. 
Workshop Night
Our next club meeting is on Tuesday 5th November 2024 and is a workshop night.  Together with the usual lathes, including Martin Clarkson’s mini demonstration, we will welcome Charlie Ridley to talk about finishing.  An excellent turner, which has resulted in him being crowned club champion for the last three years, Charlie is also an brilliant finisher and has agreed to reveal how he achieves that perfect shine.  As next Tuesday is bonfire night, we will be delivering a banger of a night with Charlie showing how to make your work sparkle!  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  Don’t forget to bring something for the display table.
That’s all for now, see you all next Tuesday.

21st October 2024

Club Open Day

What a fantastic day we had as we opened our doors for the 2024 Open Day.  Just over 300 members of the public visited and enjoyed seeing our great craft, together with other crafters selling their wares.  
Professional turner Mick Hanbury showed off his amazing skills and entertained throughout the event.  He also donated one of his beautiful decorated platters to our raffle, which was won by ‘Competitions Co-ordinator’ Julie Waters. 
Visitors were encouraged to have a go at turning a free Christmas tree, with over 75 taking up the opportunity.  Maybe, as a result of this, we can report that six visitors signed up to become members.  
At October workshop night members turned well over 100 light-pulls, which we sold yesterday and made a healthy sum for our charity ‘St Barnabas Hospice’.  Details of the amount raised will be released at a later date.
Our club stalls did exceptionally well and the other crafters who joined us also reported a profitable day.
The committee would like to thank everyone involved in producing a successful day.

Here’s a selection of photos taken by club photographer Ray Blake.  More photos can be seen on the gallery page.


20th October 2024

Whilst on holiday Mark Johnson has found an interesting piece of turning at a shop in Arizona.  It’s a beautiful burr measuring in at approximately 6′ x 4′ and can be yours for just under $50,000, that’s £38,000!!  

9th October 2024

We are pleased to announce that our demonstrator diary for 2025 can now be viewed on the diary page.  We have some new turners coming to demonstrate as well as some old favourites.

The topics for next years competitions can also be viewed on the diary page and the competitions page.

1st October 2024

Members and their partners came together to celebrate our 30th anniversary on Sunday 29th September.  We had some excellent demonstrating from Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick Dobney, who entertained all day.  John from Ashley Iles relieved us of our hard earnt money and there was a great raffle with many prizes including a £300 bandsaw as first prize.  Thanks to Anne Giles and her team who provided an excellent buffet lunch.  Photos of this great day can be viewed on our gallery page.

Club secretary, Ray Blake has researched and produced an excellent article on the origins of our club.  It is a great read and can be found on the ‘Club History‘ page on our website.  

26th September 2024

We would like to remind you of club activities over the next few weeks, which start on Sunday 29th September when we celebrate our 30th year.  The club was formed in 1994 by a few guys in a shed!  We have since grown, through good and difficult times, to be what we are today.
We start our celebrations at 10am on Sunday 29th September at Leasingham Village Hall.  Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick  Dobney will be demonstrating all day.  There will be a fantastic raffle with many prizes, turning and non-turning orientated.  We have a fun competition and a display table, which we would like you all to display something whilst you are with us.  Please remember to take your items home when you leave.  A buffet lunch will be served between 12.30pm & 2pm, however drinks will be available for most of the day.  Emma & Rick will have their shops open and our own shop will also be available.
The raffle will be drawn about 3.30pm and proceeding will end at 4pm.
Please come along, you are welcome to pop in at anytime or stay all day.  Partners are welcome and there is no admission charge.  We look forward to seeing you all on this momentous occasion for our club.
Then it’s a quick turnaround for us, as on Tuesday 1st October we have a workshop night with a difference.  All the lathes will be dedicated to turning light pulls!  This is an excellent idea put forward by members Charlie Ridley and Peter Branch-Knight.  We want you all to bring along your PPE and be suitably dressed to get on a lathe and turn a few light pulls (Visors will be supplied by the club).  Tuition will be provided and Martin Clarkson will be demoing light pulls!  All light pulls made will then be sold by Charlie and Peter at our annual show on, with all proceeds going to St Barnabas, a local charity which our club supports.  We will be putting some lathes in quieter locations, for those who prefer to turn without a large audience.  As this is a charity night, there will be no admission charge.
We then get a few days off before we welcome Chris Parker to our Club Night on Tuesday 15th October, more details about this night nearer the time.
However, we do want to remind you of our Annual Show which takes place at Leasingham Village Hall on Sunday 20th October.  This is our major fund raiser, featuring woodturning and other crafts.  There will be many stalls bringing together local crafters, there’s even a chance for non-turners to have a go on a lathe! Refreshments are available and as always there will be a grand raffle.  Professional turner Mick Hanbury will be demonstrating throughout the day.  Please come along and support your club.
So there you have it, a super busy few weeks of turning events and when that’s all done we can look forward to the North of England Woodworking Show, or as it’s more affectionately known ‘Harrogate’ over the weekend of 15th -17th November. For more information and to buy your tickets please visit
That’s all for now, see you on Sunday.

12th September 2024

Please read below a recent email sent to all members:

A few events for you to note.
Club Night
We’re back at Leasingham Village Hall next Tuesday 17th September for our demonstration night, doors opening to the main hall at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  Taking to the stage will be our very own resident professional Martin Clarkson.  He draws in a large crowd on workshop nights, but now you can sit in comfort and be amazed at his turning skills.
The club shop will be open in the Jessop Room, there will be another great raffle and the display table will be available for those wishing to showcase their work.
For those entering the club competition and there’s still time to get in your workshop, the topics are: Novice – something with a finial and Open – a piece of art. Entry to this entertaining evening is just £5 per person.
30th Anniversary Event
As you are no doubt aware, our club is 30 years old this year and to celebrate we are having an open day for members and their partners (Sorry, due to health & safety, no children)
Doors open at Leasingham village hall at 10am on Sunday 29th September.  We have Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick Dobney turning throughout the day, individually and as a pair.  They will be opening their shops up to us and our own shop will also be open all day.  Ashley Iles will be attending, selling tools at ridiculously low prices.  There will be a grand raffle, tickets being £1 each, giving you the chance to win a bandsaw.  Other prizes will be on offer, including non-turning prizes to keep our partners interested. The draw will be made at 3.30pm.
Lunch will be available between 12.30pm – 2pm, whilst tea, coffee & soft drinks will be served from 10.30am – 3pm.  Seating will be available for you to take a rest and socialise.
There will be a fun quiz for you to take part in whilst you are with us, with a prize to the lucky winner being present at out next workshop or club night.
The aim of this event is to celebrate our last 30 years when Charlie Giles, Brian Clifford and a few friends formed the club in a garden shed.  Shortly into the life of the club our president Ann Giles became treasurer, a role she has held ever since!
Please come along, drop in and pop back or stay all day, there is no charge all we ask is that you consider putting something on the display table whilst you are with us.
October Workshop Night
Advance notice that on the October 1st we will be holding a workshop night with a difference.  As a result of an idea by Charlie Ridley and Peter Knights-Branch we will be asking you all to go on a lathe and help make light pulls which we will sell at our annual open day, with the profits going to St Barnabas Hospice, one of the charities we support.
There will be six lathes out for the evening, Martin Clarkson will be demoing light pulls on his lathe, leaving the remaining five for us all to use.  Charlie and Peter have kindly produced the pre-drill blanks, all we need you to do is bring your PPE and get producing (visors will be available).  There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to have a go and we will be putting some lathes in quieter locations for those who would prefer to turn without an audience.  You are welcome to bring your own tools, however some club tools will also be available.  
It is hoped that between us we can produce in excess of 100 light pulls, so put the date in your diary and even if you don’t normally venture out to our workshop nights, please come along and give it a go.
The club shop will be open, the display table will be available to display all the light pulls produced and of course there will be a raffle.
One last thing.  As it’s a charity night, there will be no admission charge to this event.
That’s all for now, see you next Tuesday.

30th August 2024

Please see below a recent email sent to all members, if you have an email address and you are not receiving these emails, please contact us at and we’ll add you to the mailing list.

Workshop Night
We hope you are able to join us at our Workshop Night next Tuesday, 3rd September.
Along with the tuition lathes and Martin Clarkson’s unique mini demo, Jeremy Miller & Pete Davis will be demonstrating the art of texturing.  They will be using texturing tools that we have in our Loans Department.  So come along, watch, learn and then contact Dave Hedges either in person or through the website to arrange loaning the tools for your next project.
There will be another great raffle and the display table will be available for you to exhibit your work.  The club shop will be open for business selling all those much needed consumables and Ray will be in ‘Sharpeners Corner’.  All this for just £3 each,  don’t forget we are cash only with regards to your entrance fee and raffle, but the guys in the shop can take card payments.
Anniversary Event
As you are no doubt aware, our club is 30 years old this year and to celebrate we are having an open day for members and their partners (Sorry, due to health & safety, no children)
Doors open at Leasingham village hall at 10am on Sunday 29th September.  We have Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick Dobney turning throughout the day, individually and as a pair.  They will be opening their shops up to us and our own shop will also be open all day.  Ashley Iles will be attending, selling tools at ridiculously low prices.  There will be a grand raffle, tickets being £1 each, giving you the chance to win a bandsaw.  Other prizes will be on offer, including non-turning prizes to keep our partners interested. The draw will be made at 3.30pm.
Lunch will be available between 12.30pm – 2pm, whilst tea, coffee & soft drinks will be served from 10.30am – 3pm.  Seating will be available for you to take a rest and socialise.
There will be a fun quiz for you to take part in whilst you are with us, with a prize to the lucky winner being present at out next workshop or club night.
The aim of this event is to celebrate our last 30 years when Charlie Giles, Brian Clifford and a few friends formed the club in a garden shed.  Shortly into the life of the club our president Ann Giles became treasurer, a role she has held ever since!
Please come along, drop in and pop back or stay all day, there is no charge all we ask is that you consider putting something on the display table whilst you are with us.
2025 Club Competition
We are currently formulating the list of topics for next years monthly competitions.  If you would like to suggest any topics, please send us an email and we will give it serious consideration.
That’s all for now, see you next Tuesday.

22nd August 2024

Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners


10am – 4pm Sunday 29th September 2024

Leasingham Village Hall

Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ & Rick Dobney will be demonstrating individually and together throughout the day.

They will have their respective shops open.

Our club shop will also be open.

Ashley Iles in attendance selling tools at low prices!

Grand raffle with turning and non-turning prizes, drawn at 3.30pm.

Lunch served between 12.30pm – 2pm.

Fun Quiz to test your turning & general knowledge.

Open to members and their partners. Sorry, no children.

Free admission, however we do ask you to display some of your work on the display table, whilst you are at the event.

Pop in, stay all day or call back!!

18th August 2024

Please see below a recent email sent out to all members:

Club Night
We’re back again next Tuesday, 20th August when club favorite and local professional Mick Hanbury will be entertaining with his turning skills and Lincolnshire humor.
Doors to the main hall open at 7pm with a 7.30pm start.  The club shop will be open in the Jessop Room and there will be a great raffle with tickets just £1 each.
For those entering the competition the topics are Rowan Novice; a child’s toy and Oak Open; something with a finial.
Anniversary Event
As you are no doubt aware, our club is 30 years old this year and to celebrate we are having an open day for members and their partners (Sorry, due to health & safety, no children)
Doors open at Leasingham village hall at 10am on Sunday 29th September.  We have Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick Dobney turning throughout the day, individually and as a pair.  They will be opening their shops up to us and our own shop will also be open all day.  Ashley Iles will be attending, selling tools at ridiculously low prices.  There will be a grand raffle, tickets being £1 each, giving you the chance to win a bandsaw.  Other prizes will be on offer, including non-turning prizes to keep our partners interested. The draw will be made at 3.30pm.
Lunch will be available between 12.30pm – 2pm, whilst tea, coffee & soft drinks will be served from 10.30am – 3pm.  Seating will be available for you to take a rest and socialise.
There will be a fun quiz for you to take part in whilst you are with us, with a prize to the lucky winner being present at out next workshop or club night.
The aim of this event is to celebrate our last 30 years when Charlie Giles, Brian Clifford and a few friends formed the club in a garden shed.  Shortly into the life of the club our president Ann Giles became treasurer, a role she has held ever since!
Please come along, drop in and pop back or stay all day, there is no charge all we ask is that you consider putting something on the display table whilst you are with us.
Chestnut Products Weekender
We had a successful weekend at the Chestnut Products event last weekend at Spalding.  It was good to see so many members there having a good time.  Thanks to John Ingamells, Alec Day, Norman Sanders, Chris Chance and Ray Blake for setting up and staffing our stand throughout the event.
That’s it for now, see you all on Tuesday.

3rd August 2024

Members of our club recently enjoyed two visits to Ashley Iles Tools at East Kirkby.  John entertained both groups with his expert knowledge, skills and sense of humour.  It’s quite an eye opener once you realise the process of manufacturing the turning tools that we sometimes take for granted and often complain about the price!  Please click on this link to read about the history of our local premier tool maker.  About Ashley Iles (Edge Tools) Limited – Ashley Iles (Edge Tools) Ltd 

2nd August 2024

Please read below a recent email sent to all members:

Hi All,
It’s been three weeks since we last met, but we are finally back at Leasingham Village Hall next Tuesday,  6th August for a workshop night.
Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  There will be lathes, mini demos, retail opportunities, refreshments and a fantastic raffle.
We are also trying to relaunch the display table, so if you’ve been busy in the workshop please bring along a sample of your work.  It’s great to see what everyone is producing,  giving ideas and inspiration to us all.  
It promises to be an entertaining evening and only costs £3 per person.
We will be standing at the Chestnut Weekender at Springfields, Spalding next week, 10th & 11th August.  It promises to be an interesting weekend.  More details can be found at  Why not come along and say hello.  If you can’t make it to Spalding the whole weekend is being livestreamed, more details on their website.
That’s all for now.

28th July 2024

Congratulations to club members Chris Chance and Dave Hedges who today qualified as AWGB Tutors.  They were assessed this morning at our headquarters by AWGB Assessor Steven Gordon, who travelled from his home at Strafford upon Avon to be with us.  Thanks also to Jenny and Eric for acting as students to our two new tutors.

5th July 2024

There’s been a lot of discussion in various quarters of the club recently regarding the use of carbide tools.  There is now a chance for one of you to purchase one said tool on the shop page.  Barry Teague has a new Glenn Teagle hollowing tool for sale, take a look on the shop page.

4th July 2024

Details of our latest workshop night, together with photos can now be read on the past meetings page.

19th June 2024

Please see below a recent email sent to all club members regarding a tour of Ashley Iles Workshop/Factory.  If you are a paid up member and are not receiving emails from the club, you are missing out!  To rectify this, just email into the club on and we will add you to the mailing list.

We are arranging two visits to Ashley Iles ( to have a tour around their workshops/factory.  If you haven’t visited before, it’s well worth it and if you’ve been before, you are welcome to visit again.  
If you own any Ashley Iles tools, they will sharpen them during the tour, free of charge.  They will also sharpen other tools for a small charge.  Tools will also be available to purchase at factory prices.
We have arranged two tours, 10am Saturday 13th July 2024 and 10am Saturday 3rd August 2024.  Tours last about 2 hours and cost just £5 each, payable on the day.  Their factory is at East Kirkby, Spilsby, Lincs. and you need to make your own way there.  
To book a place please email me, stating which day you prefer. I’ll let you know by return of email if you have secured a place, together with further details and a copy of Ashley Iles safety policy. 
I look forwards to hearing from you.
Kevin Walker
For and on behalf of the committee.

19th June 2024

Those who attended last nights  Club Night will have noticed that Chairman, John Ingamells and his team of engineers have swopped the inverter on the demonstrators lathe.  Great work guys, we now don’t have to wait for the lathe to slow down.  Many thanks to those involved.

14th June 2024

Please see below a recent email sent to all members.

Club Night
Next Tuesday, 18th June, we have Dennis Wake travelling from his workshop in Hartlepool to demonstrate to us.  (  Doors to the main hall open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, however the club shop and toilets are accessible before 7pm.
We will have another great raffle and refreshments at half-time.  The club competition will be accepting entries, topics this month are Rowan Novice – Jewellery stand and Oak Open – Natural edge.  
It promises to be a good night and all for just £5 per person.
Help with Finishing
The next item already features on the ‘News’ page of our website, however we thought we would email it direct to you all, as it’s interesting, extremely useful and you may like to print if off.
If, like myself, you have always admired the finish on Club Champion Charlie Ridleys work and have often wondered ‘How does he do that’ then fear not.  Charlie has very kindly written the following instructions on how to finish your work with Acrylic lacquer.
Charlie can usually be found at most club and workshop nights, so if you need further advice please ask him.
Sequence of finishing wood with Acrylic lacquer
1 Sand through the grits up P320/400 do not miss out any of the grits
2 Wipe with methylated spirits if this raises the grain re-sand with 320/400
3 Wipe clean with tissue then wipe with Tac Rag make sure it’s a dust free environment
4 Apply 1 coat of cellulose sanding sealer with either a brush or tissue, wipe off surplus  sealer with tissue
Allow to dry for a few minutes
5 Apply the 1st coat of lacquer do not apply dry coats it’s to be applied wet for good adhesion leave to tack off for 20 minutes then apply a 2nd coat, again leave for 20 minutes before applying a 3rd coat
6 Leave to dry minimum overnight.
7 Next step WET sand dry lacquer with P800 wet/dry paper repeat the above process
8 Repeat above step again
9 if necessary repeat again and again
10 if the finish has any imperfections e.g. dirt inclusions or orange peel or dry spray the finish can be sanded wet with P1200 grit wet/ dry then polish with T cut the wax
A little hand soap can be added the water for sanding.
I hope this helps but if you need any more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Club Loans
Don’t forget the loans page on the website.  You are now able to loan for a very small charge, books, DVD’s and tools.  Please take a look or speak to Dave Hedges on club or workshop nights.
That’s it for now, see you all on Tuesday.

5th June 2024

If, like myself, you have always admired the finish on Club Champion Charlie Ridleys work and have often wondered ‘How does he do that’ then fear not.  Charlie has very kindly written the following instructions on how to finish your work with Acrylic lacquer.
Charlie can usually be found at most club and workshop nights, so if you need further advice please ask him.

Sequence of finishing wood with Acrylic lacquer
1 Sand through the grits up P320/400 do not miss out any of the grits
2 Wipe with methylated spirits if this raises the grain re-sand with 320/400
3 Wipe clean with tissue then wipe with Tac Rag make sure it’s a dust free environment
4 Apply 1 coat of cellulose sanding sealer with either a brush or tissue, wipe off surplus  sealer with tissue
Allow to dry for a few minutes
5 Apply the 1st coat of lacquer do not apply dry coats it’s to be applied wet for good adhesion leave to tack off for 20 minutes then apply a 2nd coat, again leave for 20 minutes before applying a 3rd coat
6 Leave to dry minimum overnight.
7 Next step WET sand dry lacquer with P800 wet/dry paper repeat the above process
8 Repeat above step again
9 if necessary repeat again and again
10 if the finish has any imperfections e.g. dirt inclusions or orange peel or dry spray the finish can be sanded wet with P1200 grit wet/ dry then polish with T cut the wax
A little hand soap can be added the water for sanding.
I hope this helps but if you need any more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.

5th June 2024

Your Club Needs You!!!!
We are in need of a couple of members to help out with the refreshments at both club and workshop nights.  It won’t be every meeting, but we do need to have more members to call on as and when required.  Please, if you can help, drop us an email ( or speak with any committee member.
Thanks in anticipation.

22nd May 2024

We are pleased to announce that Turners Retreat ( have extended our discount scheme for another year.  They offer various discounts on certain items, on production of your up to date membership card.

17th May 2024

Please see below an email recently sent to club members:

Just a quick email to remind you that we are back at Leasingham village hall next Tuesday, 21st May for a club demonstration night.  This month we welcome Philip Greenwood to entertain us.  ( )  Philip has been turning full time since 1986 and is keen to  use native timber sourced locally.  We are sure he will deliver another great night to us.
The club competition will be running once again. Oak Open topic this month is a jewellery stand, whilst the Rowan Novice topic is something for the kitchen.  You still have a few days to get into your workshop to support the competition.
There will be another great raffle, amongst the prizes this month is a 125mm multi purpose vice, which retails at £125.  We’ve attached a photo for your information.
Please remember doors to the main hall will not open until 7pm, however the club shop will be open in the Jessop room and there will be access to the toilets.  Philip will commence his demonstration following Chairman John’s welcome at 7.30pm.
Please remember we are cash only for the entrance fee, just £5 and raffle, although the lads in the shop can take card payment.
Can we also remind you of the great loans service we now offer to club members.  Please visit the loans page of our website to see how to hire books, DVD’s and tools at excellent rates.
Take care and we look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday.

17th April 2024

Our friends down at the East Herts Woodturning Club have kindly invited our members to an all day demonstration by Richard Findley.  If you are interested please contact Glynn on the email at the bottom of the invite.  It looks like it will be a cracking day.

Come and watch
Demonstrating in person
at East Herts Woodturning Club on
Sunday 19 May 2024 10 till 4
at Sawbridgeworth, Herts, England
Cost £25 to include sandwiches, tea, coffee and biscuits
Simon Hope and Martin Pidgen will provide retail opportunities
Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis
For more information and ticket purchases contact

12th April 2024

Please see below the recent email sent to all members.  If you are a paid-up member and are not receiving these emails please let us know.

Hi All,
Our next club night is just a few days away, as we meet on Tuesday  16th April.  Doors to the main hall open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, however, access can be gained to the shop and toilets before 7pm.  Please give consideration to residents if you have to park on the neighbouring roads.
Rick Dobney is our guest demonstrator this month.  Rick is a popular turner and great friend of the club.  He’s even agreed to star with Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook at our 30th anniversary on Sunday 29th September 2024.  This promises to be a great full day, so just check that you have put it in your diary.
Next Tuesday we will have a raffle with some superb prizes, refreshments at half-time and the shop will be open for all your turning needs.
We are delighted with the response to our revamped club competition, thanks to all those who enter.  This month’s topics are Rowan Novice – A splash of colour and Oak Open – Something for the kitchen.  You still have a few days to get those entries completed.
Cost of this great night out remains at £5 per person and please remember that we are cash only for the entry fee and raffle, but the lads in the shop can now take card payments.
Finally, can we just remind you about the loans service that we 2are rolling out to club members.  For more information please visit the loans page of the club website.
Take care and hopefully we will see you all next Tuesday.

21st March 2024

Our friends over at Kings Lynn are holding two events in April and June, both promise to be great events.  Take a look, it might be worth taking a drive over the border into Norfolk!















15th March 2024

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,
Next Tuesday,  19th March we welcome Stephen Kearvell from Norfolk to the club for the first time.  In the last couple of years Stephen has developed his own style in demonstrating and having spoken with him at the Midlands Woodworking Show, it promises to be a good night.  Stephen will be demonstrating texturing and colouring techniques before creating a platter.
Please remember the doors to the main hall will not open until 7pm for a 7.30pm start, however access to the shop and toilets is available prior to 7pm.
We will have another great raffle and don’t forget to bring your competition entry piece.  Novice – a box with lid and Open – a splash of colour.
Entry is just £5 per person and with regards to the raffle, entrance fee and refreshments, we are cash only.
Can we remind you that tools, books and DVD’s can now be loaned from the club.  Please visit the loans page on the website for more information. (
Have you remembered to put our all day 30th anniversary event in your diary? On Sunday 29th September 2024  Emma Cook and Rick Dobney will be attending to demonstrate all day.  More details nearer the date, so make sure you keep the day free.
See you all next Tuesday,

10th March 2024

We had a great time at the Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark Showground.  Thanks for all the members that came and had a chat.  We were very busy throughout the two days, promoting our fantastic craft and showcasing our club.
Chairman John had a great time wheeling and dealing on our behalf, for more stunning raffle prices at amazing prices.

1st March 2024

Please read below an email recently sent to members.

Hi All,
A few reminders for you.
Midlands Woodworking Show
Your club will be standing at the Midlands Woodworking Show next Friday 8th & Saturday 9th March at Newark Showground.  If you are going, please stop by and have a chat.  We are still asking members for some turned items to display.  If you would like to showcase some of your work, bring it along to our workshop night next Tuesday.  Please make sure you put a sticker on the bottom of all items bearing your name and also the price, if you are wanting us to try and sell it. 
Club Anniversary
Can we remind you all to put a date in your diary.  At our last club night, Chairman John Ingamells announced that the club is 30 years old this year and to celebrate we are holding a members only, all day event on Sunday 29th September 2024 at Leasingham village hall.  We have already booked professional turners Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook and Rick Dobney for the whole day.  More details about this event will follow over the next few weeks.
New club loans service
The new loans service is taking off well.  If you are planning a special project or just in need of some turning inspiration, visit the loans page on the club website.  There you will be able to borrow books, DVD’s and tools for a small charge, to help make that project happen.
Workshop Night
We now look forward to our workshop night next Tuesday  5th March.  There will be members performing mini demos, tuition for novice turners and the world famous sharpeners corner.  Of course, we will have another great raffle, the display table will be available, the shop will be open and refreshments will be served.  All for just £3 per person.  Please remember we are a cash only club in respect of our entrance fee and raffle. Doors to the main room open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
See you all on Tuesday.

22nd February 2024

Details of another great club demonstration night can be found on the past meetings page.

17th February 2024

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,
Our February Demonstration night, next Tuesday  20th promises to be a cracker.  We have one of the best demonstrators in the country, Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook lined up to entertain us.  Emma is a great supporter of our club and always delivers an excellent night.
Doors to the main room open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, however you will be able to access the club shop and toilets prior to 7pm.
We will have another fantastic raffle, featuring a selection of items sold by Emma in her shop, tickets to the Midlands Woodworking Show and many other great prizes.
The club shop will be open, as will the display table.  
The monthly competition will be open to novice and experience turners, this months topics are Novice – A goblet and Open – a box with a lid.
Judging of the competition will take on a new format this month, with a selection of members being asked to anonymously judge the entries.  On entry to the main hall twenty members will be given a voting slip.  If you are given a slip please take time to read and act on the instructions.
The Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th March is fast approaching.  If you would like to display some of your work on our stand, please bring it to one of the meetings prior to the show, suitably wrapped and bearing your name on the underside.  If would are prepared to sell the item, please put the price underneath as well.
If you are not fortunate to win an entrance ticket next Tuesday, you can purchase one by visiting
We look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday.

3rd February 2024

Please see below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,
Please see below some club news and details of our first Workshop Night of 2024.
Annual Membership Subscriptions
Your annual membership subscription was due at the start of the year, but don’t worry if you haven’t yet paid.  Our Membership Secretary Tom will be at next Tuesdays meeting to sign your membership book, once you have paid your subscription.  We ask that you pay your 2024 subscription by the end of February.  If you do not do this, we will assume that you no longer wish to be a member of the club and will remove you from our membership list.
Midlands Woodworking Show
As in previous years, we will be standing at the Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark Showground on Friday 8th & Saturday 9th March 2024. We would like to display a broad range of members work during the two days.  If you would like to have your work on display please bring it to any of our meetings prior to 8th March.  Please put a sticker on the bottom of each piece showing your name. If you wish to put the item up for sale, please put the price on that sticker as well. 
Tickets for the show can be purchased in advance at  If you do attend, please come and say hello.
New Loans Offer to members
We have just launched, through our website, a new loans offer to club members. You can now loan tools, DVD’s and books from the club at a ridiculously low price.  To see what you can loan, please visit the ‘Loans’ page on the website and make your selection.  Scroll down to the bottom of that page to fill in your request.  Dave Hedges, who is orchestrating this venture, will reply to you by email to arrange your loan.  If this venture proves to be successful we will purchase more items for you to loan, so keep revisiting the website page for updates.
Next Tuesdays Workshop Night
Our first Workshop Night of 2024 is next Tuesday 6th February and it promises to be a belter.  Along with the usual lathes and mini demos, our Chairman John Ingamells will be on a lathe, continuing where he left off from the AGM.  We will also have Ray Blake on the club sharpening system, not only putting an edge on your tools, but also talking about angles and profiles.  Joining Ray will be Jeremy Miller demonstrating a Robert Sorby Pro-edge sharpening system and Colin Spencer with a budget sander/finisher which he has modified to sharpen turning tools.
There will be another great raffle, with one of the prizes being a brand-new wet & dry vacuum, which would enhance any workshop.
The display table will be available to showcase your work and the catering team will be serving tea, coffee and biscuits.
The club shop will be open, selling those much needed consumables, together with a vast array of wood blanks at amazing prices.
Another great night out for just £3 per person.  Please remember we are a cash only club.
That’s all for now, see you all on Tuesday.

22nd January 2024

We are delighted to announce that six of our members have qualified as AWGB Approved Tutors. Norman Sanders, Kevin Walker, John Johnson, Colin Spencer, Jeremy Miller and Pete Davies were assessed by the AWGB Assessor, Terry Bray at our home in Leasingham.  Before the assessments, all six members had to pass a two hour on-line course and prepare lesson plans.  Yesterday they each gave tuition to a club member in a one hour lesson which was assessed by Terry.
Thanks to members Richard King, Mike Perdeaux, Jim Ferguson, Richard Taylor, John Perberdy and Angela Kelham, who acted as guinea pigs to the would be tutors.  Special thanks to Terry Bray for giving up his Sunday to assess everyone.
Another great example of how our club continues to improve.

Our Approved Tutors L to R Colin Spencer, Pete Davies, Kevin Walker Terry Bray (AWGB Assessor), Norman Sanders, John Johnson & Jeremy Miller.

If you are interested in becoming a Tutor, please email in or speak with a committee member.

19th January 2024

Please read the report on our recent club meeting on the past meeting page.

13th January 2024

Please read below a recent email to all members.

Hi All,

With Christmas a distant memory, we now look forward to another great year woodturning with Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners. We start, on Tuesday 16th January with your chance to comment on how the club is progressing at the  AGM, followed by a masterclass from Chairman, John Ingamells. The club shop will be open in the Jessop room, there will be another great raffle and we hope that many of you will enter into the upgraded club competition.  Don’t forget the competitions now have topics.  This month they are; 
Rowan Novice – a bowl with maximum diameter 8″.
Oak Open – a goblet.  

The display table will be available for you to showcase your work and refreshments will be served during the break. You will be able to access the shop and toilets prior to the main hall opening at 7pm. Cost of this great night out? just £5 per person.  Please remember we are a cash only club.

All this years demonstrators and competition topics can be viewed by visiting the diary page of our website. 

As we stand, just over 50% of members have renewed their membership.  Can we remind you that this needs to be paid by the end of February.  Membership Secretary Tom, will be ready on Tuesday to accept your £15 and update your membership book. (£10 if you are over 60).

Finally, here’s a date for your diary!  

As in previous years the club will be standing at the show on both days.  Why not take advantage of the advanced ticket sales and save yourself a couple of quid.

See you all on Tuesday,

9th January 2024

With a new year we start to look forward to events that will soon be with us. Please see below an advert for the Midlands Woodworking Show on the 8th & 9th March at Newark Showground.  A great, sociable show with many trade stands and some well known faces doing demonstrations throughout the weekend.  We will, as in previous years, be standing at this event on both days.  Advance tickets are now on sale, so grab yourself a £2 saving by visiting the ticket office 


31st December 2023

Please see below a recent email sent to all members.  If you are a paid up member and are not receiving these emails please contact us on so we can add you to the mailing list.

Hi All,
Just a couple of reminders for you as we say good bye to 2023.
Please remember that we do not hold a workshop night in January, our next meeting is a club night on Tuesday 16th January.  This is our AGM and demo by our talented Chairman, John Ingamells.  It is always our aim to rattle through the AGM as quickly as possible, whilst still giving the opportunity for you to speak about how the club is progressing.   
The club shop will be open and there will be another fantastic raffle with tickets being just £1 each.
The revamped club competition for 2024 starts at the AGM with topics each month throughout the year.  Januarys topics are; Rowan Novice, a bowl with maximum diameter 8″ and Oak Open, a goblet.  You can see all 2024’s topics by looking on the diary or competition page on our website. www,
We will also have the display table back out for you to showcase your work.  All this for just £5 per person, please remember we are a cash only club.
Can we also remind you that membership fees for 2024 are due.  If you haven’t already renewed, please bring your membership book and appropriate cash, £10 or £15 depending on if you are over or under 60 years of age, to our AGM.  Membership Secretary Tom Collishaw will be poised ready to take your cash!
That’s it for now, it just leaves me to say on behalf of the committee, Happy New Year to you all.

23rd December 2023

At our recent Christmas Party we were entertained with some live music by club member Dave Naylor.  One of the songs performed was written by Dave and you can listen to it by going to the 19th December entry on our past meetings page.

21st December 2023

May we, at Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners, wish all our members, friends and colleagues a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.  We look forward to welcoming you all back to the club at our first meeting next year on the 16th January 2024.  This will be our AGM followed by a demonstration.  Please note, we do not hold a workshop night in January.

20th December 2023

Details of our excellent Christmas Party can be seen on the past meetings page.

16th December 2023

In need of some lighting for your workshop?  Check out the shop page for more details.

12th December 2023

Continuing with our review of the Health & Safety of the club, we are delighted to announce that we now have 11 qualified First Aiders in our membership.  Yesterday eight members were trained by club member Greg Henry, who is a qualified instructor with +Elements First Aid Training ( These successful members now join our existing three members to form a team who will be able to provide first aid cover at all club events.  Well done and thanks to the whole team;
Richard Carlton
Greg Henry
Mark Johnson
Merv Johnson
Rob Lynes
Jeremy Miller
David Slater
Colin Spencer
Geoff Ventress
Kevin Walker
Darren Waters

6th December 2023

Details of yesterdays workshop night, enjoyed by 91 members, can be found on our past meetings page.

4th December 2023

Although we are a cash only club, Jon from Ashley Iles will be able to take card payments when he is with us tomorrow evening.  Might make it a little easier for you to purchase that must have tool!

3rd December 2023
Our November demonstrator, Andy James has sent us this lovely message about our club.  Our reputation is spreading far and wide, which is testament to our wonderful members.

Thank you for inviting me to do a demonstration for your club, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, it’s good to see such a well organised club.  I wish others were as good, I look forward to coming over to see you all in the future. 



1st December 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

We have a workshop night with a difference next week.  On Tuesday 5th December we welcome Jon from Ashley Iles Tools to our popular workshop night.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  During the first half of the evening, Jon will be talking about life at Ashley Iles and selling tools at factory prices.  To make extra space for us all, we will be moving some of our lathes into the Jessop Room for the evening and our club shop will open after Jon has finished his talk.
We will have another fantastic raffle, the display table will be set for you to showcase your work, sharpeners corner will be putting an edge on your tools and refreshments will be available. All for just £3 per person.
It promises to be an great final workshop night of the year and an excellent opportunity for you to purchase some Christmas gifts at the right price.  Please remember we are a cash only club, so you may wish to visit the cash machine before attending, we would hate you to miss out on a bargain!

21st November 2023

Details of another exceptional club night can be found on our past meetings page.

18th November 2023

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

Just a quick email to remind you that we are back at Leasingham village hall on Tuesday 21st November for a demonstration by Andy James.  Andy is an excellent professional turner who will be travelling from his home in Gainsborough to entertain us.
The doors to the main hall will once again remain closed until 7pm whilst we set up, however access is available to the club shop and toilets.  Andy will take to the stage at 7.30pm.
There will be the final round of the 2023 club competitions, with the annual awards being presented at out December club meeting.  The display table will be available to showcase your work, there will be another fantastic raffle, with tickets just £1 each and of course Jim and Stuart will be serving tea & coffee during the break.
What a great night out for just £5 per person, please remember we are a cash only club.
The committee look forward to seeing you all.

16th November 2023

Club member John Cleator has a lathe for sale.  Details can be found on our shop page.

3rd November 2023

Please see below a recent email sent out to all members.

Hi All,
A few bits of news for you and a reminder about our next meeting.
Club Competitions
We have decided to make a change to both Rowan Novice and Oak Open competitions from January 2024.  Having studied other clubs, asked around some of our members and discussed at length at a recent committee meeting, we have decided to set topics for all competitions from January 2024.  There will be a different topic each month for both categories, with the novice following the open by one month.  Details of the topics for the whole year will be published on the competitions page and diary page of our website.  We will also announce the topics for the following month at our club nights.  
Free Turning lesson!
Are you new to turning?  Do you consider yourself to be a novice?  Would you like a free one hour lesson?  We are currently, in conjunction with the AWGB (Associating of Woodturners Great Britian), training some of our members to become tutors.  The training concludes on the 21st January at Leasingham Village Hall when they will be assessed by an AWGB representative.  We are in need of novice turners who are members of our club, to be taught whilst our trainee tutors are assessed. If you are interested in a free one hour lesson please email us (  It’s a first come first served basis, but we will reply to everyone who emails in.
Next Workshop Night
Our November workshop night is next Tuesday  7th November.  We will have some mini demos and basic tuition for new turners.  We now have a set of Ashley Iles tools etc. dedicated to each of the club lathes, if you fancy having a go with some Ashley Iles tools please ask and we will do our best to get you on a lathe.
The club shop will be open selling all those consumables, together with some pre-loved tools and a great selection of timber.
We will be holding another great raffle, tickets just £1 each.  The display table will be available to showcase your work and of course there will be tea/coffee and biscuits!
All this for just £3 per person, please remember we are a cash only club and access to the main hall will be restricted until 7pm whilst we set up.
December Workshop Night
We are delighted to announce that Jon from Ashley Iles Tools will attending our December Workshop Night.  John will be putting on a mini demo, hopefully featuring a slide show and chat.  He will also be selling Ashley Iles tools at factory prices!!!  Now there’s a great chance to purchase a well-deserved Christmas present at the right price!
North of England Woodworking and Power Tools Show
Affectionately known as the ‘Harrogate Show’ – it is the longest established, highest attended retail woodworking event in the country.  Visitors see many of the top demonstrators who will be in action throughout each day in the five ‘mini’ theatres, plus various hand tools, power tools, carving, turning and furniture making demonstrations on the stands, plus over 80 companies exhibiting on trade stands. The ‘Harrogate Show’ really is a great day out for all! The 2023 event will take place from 10-12 November.  Tickets can be purchased in advance at 
That’s it for now, see you on Tuesday.

18th October 2023

We had another great club night yesterday, a report of the event can be seen on our past meetings page.

11th October 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,
Below are some reminders plus information regarding future events.  There’s quite a bit, so pop the kettle on and have five minutes.
Health & Safety
Many thanks to all the members who completed the required form at our last Workshop Night.  For those who were not in attendance, the forms will be available at our next Club Night and we require every member to complete one.
2024 Demonstrators
We are pleased to announce that our 2024 Club Night Diary is now available to view on the Diary page of our website, (scroll down past the 2023 demonstrators).  Our Demonstrator Secretary Jeremy Miller has put together a tantalizing 2024 diary, which includes some new demonstrators, together with some old favourites.  
Parking at the village hall
Can we remind everyone that there is limited ‘assessable parking’ at the village hall and this needs to be left vacant for those members who have a blue parking permit.  We appreciate that the village hall car park is not large enough to accommodate everyone and we ask that consideration is also given to residents when parking on the streets near to the hall.
Ashley Iles
We are delighted to announce that Jon from Ashley Iles Tools will attending our December Workshop Night.  John will be putting on a mini demo, hopefully featuring a slide show and chat.  He will also be selling Ashley Iles tools at factory prices!!!  Now there’s a great chance to purchase a well-deserved Christmas present at the right price!
First Aiders
There are still some vacancies on our proposed first aid course.  Although a date has not yet been set, the course will be a level 3 award in emergency first aid at work, regulated by ITC and OffQual and is recognized by governing bodies and insurance companies.  To register an interest on this course you can email us or put your name on the form which will be with Ann, when you pay at our meeting, next Tuesday.
Club Craft and Woodturning Show
Please pop along to the village hall next Sunday 15th October to support our annual show.  Emma ‘The tiny Turner’ Cook will be demonstrating all day, there will be many other craft stalls, a prize raffle and refreshments.  For those non-turners, there is the opportunity to turn a Christmas tree for free!  We will also be selling some tools and timber.
Admission is just £2 per person with accompanied under 16’s getting in for free.  Doors open at 9.30am and we close at 4pm. It’s always great event and the ideal opportunity to support your club. 
Free Woodturning Magazines
We have been contacted by a gentleman who lives in North Hykeham, he has about 150 back issues of the popular ‘Woodturning’ magazine dating back to 2001.  These are free to anyone who would like to collect them.
If you are interested please email us and we will give you his details.
And finally
Demonstration Night 17th October
Martin Clarkson will be taking to the stage to give us a full demonstration.  Martin is well respected and thoroughly enjoyed when he mini demos for us on Workshop Nights.  However, on Tuesday he’s in front of the camera and mic’d up to give a full demo and it promises to be a good one.
The club shop will be open in the Jessop room.  Alan Cramer will be taking entries for the monthly competitions and the display table will be out for you to showcase your work.  There will be another fantastic raffle, with the star prize being a Record Power DX100 fine filter 45 litre dust extractor unit valued at £137.
Please remember we are a cash only club and to assist with health & safety, access to the main hall will not be granted until 7pm.
That’s all for now folks, see you at the show on Sunday.

1st October 2023

Another important email that has been sent to club members;

Hi All,
We have recently undertaken a review of our Health & Safety situation.  As such you may notice a few changes with regards to safety at the club.  One has already been implemented, in that members are not allowed into the main hall on demonstration nights until we have set all the equipment up and it is safe for you to enter.  We thank you for your continued support of this matter.
Another very important issue rests on your shoulders.  Can we ask that you please read the attachment to this email, print it off, sign it and hand it in to Ann when you pay for your next visit to the club.  It has been sent to you in two formats, so hopefully you’ll be able to print one of them.  If this is still a problem, we will have copies available at the coming club / workshop nights for you to read, sign and return.
Many thanks.

30th September 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members;

Hi All,
Workshop Night.
Are you looking for an entertaining, interesting, educational, cheap night out?  Look no further, just get yourself down to Leasingham village hall on Tuesday 3rd October for another great workshop night.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start and it only cost £3 per person.
There will be mini demos, tuition for beginners, sharpeners corner, club shop and a raffle, what more could you ask for?  Laughter, banter and great company?  We have all that as well.
Your club needs you!
In order to keep our club running smoothly and successfully, there are at times tasks that may require your help.  Whether it be preparing blanks, sorting equipment, assisting on club / workshop nights or any other tasks that may come to light, there will be times when your club needs you. In view of this we are asking if you are prepared to help could you please let us know by email or on a club night.  We just need your name, contact number and / or email address and which days of the week you would prefer to help.  Could you also let us know if you have any special skills or knowledge that could assist the club.
We are also looking for.
We have become very short of qualified first aiders on both club and workshop nights.  This has become a concern, so we are looking to run a free First Aid Course in the near future and would like as many members as possible to become trained in this field. Please let us know by email or on a club night if you would like to be trained, or if you are already trained and are prepared to act as a club first aider. 
Club Show.
As you are probably aware our annual Craft and Woodturning Show on the 15th October at Leasingham Village Hall is fast approaching.  We are looking for members of all abilities to display their turned items to showcase our club.  If you are prepared to put some of your work on display, please bring it to our workshop night next Tuesday.  Can you make sure there is a sticker on the base stating your name, so we can return it to you.  Also, if you wish to try and sell your work, please put another sticker on the base stating the selling price.  Please remember that if the club sells any of your goods, we ask that you donate 10% of the selling price to the club.
That’s all for now folks,
See you next Tuesday.

25th September 2023

We are pleased to announce that our demonstrator diary for 2024 has been finalised and can be viewed on the diary page, by scrolling down below the 2023 details.

24th September 2023

We had another great club night last week and a brief report with photos can be read on our past meetings page.

16th September 2023

Below is a recent email sent to all members regarding our next club night.

Hi All,
Our attention is now focused on the fast-approaching club night on Tuesday 19th September.  Richard Findley of Woodturning Magazine fame will be travelling from his workshop in Leicestershire to demonstrate to us.  Richard is an excellent turner and demonstrator, so this promises to be a great evening.
Please remember that the main hall will not open until 7pm for a 7.30pm start, however the club shop and toilets will open before 7pm.  We thank you in anticipation of your support of this decision, which helps to keep everyone safe.
There will be another fantastic raffle, the club competitions will be open to novice and experienced turners.  There will be the display table for you to showcase your work, giving inspiration to other members. And of course, there will be refreshments at half-time. 
All this for just £5 per person and please remember, we are a cash only club.
We look forward to welcoming you all.

31st August 2023

Please see below the latest email sent to all members.  If you are a paid up member and are not receiving our emails please contact us so we can add you to the mailing list.  (

Hi All,
Just a quick reminder that we are back at Leasingham next Tuesday, 5th September for another popular workshop night.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  There will be the usual lathes out offering basic tuition to new turners, as well as mini demos covering many aspects of turning.  The club shop will be open, there will be another fantastic raffle and refreshments will be available.  All for just £3 per person and please remember we are a cash only club.
We are still searching for members to do mini demos or talks at our workshop nights.  We are not after professional turners, just keen members who can share their passion with us all.  You may be able to demonstrate or talk about pyrography or carving, or maybe you bring some other craft into your turning, such as colouring or texturing.  Whatever you do, if you think you can help, please have a chat with a committee member or drop us an email.  
Thanks, in anticipation and we will see you all next Tuesday.

28th August 2023

Some of our members enjoyed a great visit and tour around the factory of Ashley Iles last Saturday.  It was a most enjoyable morning, the historical information, explanations and demonstrations were excellent.
Thanks to John and Sarah of Ashley Iles for being so informative and welcoming.

Thanks to member Paul Clingo for the photos.

23rd August 2023

The Worshipful Company of Turners is holding its biennial exhibition and competitions, public viewing and purchasing day on 19th October 2023. Enjoy the very best in contemporary turning with the Master’s exhibition and over ten competitions ranging from mixed media (wood, pewter and leather) to ornamental turning and ancient pole-lathe methods.  Held in the beautiful and historic Pewterers’ Hall in London, there’s also the chance to buy competition pieces and a selection from the leading turners of the UK as well as supporting young emerging turners. Free tickets are available through Eventbrite at

22nd August 2023

We have received an email from Turners Retreat with regards to members discount.  Please note, where they state ‘valid card’ you need to produce your valid membership book as shown below.

Email from Turners Retreat;

For your information, our Club Discount Scheme has been reviewed and revised.Club Members who present a valid card in-store will now receive 5% off all products, including tools, chucks, timber, finishes and project accessories.Please note, the discount cannot be applied to any machinery (products that have a plug), courses, vouchers or any existing offers.


Don’t forget as a club member discount is available at other stores.  Please visit the links page to find out where you could save some money!

16th August 2023

We had another great club night, yesterday.  Please visit our past meetings page for more details.

2nd August 2023

The club has just put some power tools for sale on the shop page.  Take a look and grab yourself an amazing bargain.

30th July 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.  If you are a member and are not receiving these emails, please get in touch so we can add your details to the mailing list.

Hi All,
Next Tuesday, 1st August, we are back at Leasingham Village Hall for our monthly workshop night.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
The lathes will be busy with mini demos and tuition for new turners.  We are also pleased to announce that club member Martin Ford will be explaining how he achieves such amazing finishes on his work. 
Following the success of the raffle at last month’s workshop night, we will be holding another one on Tuesday, tickets just £1 each.  The club shop will be open and refreshments will be available,
All this for just £3 per person, please remember we are a cash only club.
Our Chairman, John Ingamells has some timber, mainly yew, which is in need of a good home.  It’s free of charge, but you need to collect it yourself.  Take a look at the photos and if you are interested give him a call on 07860 713743, but make haste as it won’t be available for long.  

He’s also sent a short video to entice you to give him a call.  Go on, you can never have too much free wood.

Hopefully we will see you all on Tuesday.

29th July 2023

Woodturning demonstration by Gary Rance

All Day

August 19th 2023

At Trent Valley Woodturners

Kegworth Village Hall Site

DE74 2FH

Start time 10:00am  

Book via Eventbrite from 28th July. Link on email and below.

Cost £15

Tea and coffee provided. Please bring your own lunch.

16th July 2023

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

Hi All,
Next Tuesday, 18th July we welcome professional demonstrator Phil Greenwood to the club.  Phil will be travelling from his workshop near York to entertain us, so let’s give him a great Lincolnshire welcome.

There will be another fantastic raffle with a Rutlands 33mm x 3.5mm complete woodturning chuck being the star prize and retails at £150.  Below are a couple of photos of this fantastic prize.  The club shop will be open in the Jessop Room and the club competition will be taking entries from novice and experienced turners.  All this for just £5 entry cost.

Can we remind you that due to Health and Safety concerns the main room at the village hall will be closed whilst we set everything up for the demonstration.  However, you are welcome to browse and make purchases at the club shop in the Jessop room prior to the main hall being open.  We thank you in anticipation of your support with this issue.

23rd June 2023

We would like to use our website to promote any member who has their own website.  We have set up a ‘Members Websites’ section, so if you have your own woodturning inspired website and would like to put it on our pages, please email your details to us,   Please remember if you are advertising your work and make a sale as a result of your website it being on our website, we ask that you donate 10% of the sale price to the club.

13th June 2023

Professional turner Chris Parker will be travelling to us next week from his workshop in Lancashire.  Please take a look at his message to us and below are a couple of photos of what he is hoping to demonstrate.


11th June 2023

Back in the spring we were able to put up another day with professional turner, Martin Clarkson as a raffle prize.  As before this produced a great amount of interest and the selling of many raffle tickets, which in turn results in more funds for your club.  The lucky winner was Mike Perdeaux, a new member who is also new to turning.  Mike had a splendid day with Martin and has kindly written the following account of his experience since joining the club, called ;

Third Time Lucky.

Before Christmas while shopping in Lidl I saw a small lathe with all mod cons and two tools for under £60!!  I had been thinking about a wood lathe for a long time, so I bought it.

I realised I needed more tools, so paid a visit to Ashley Iles for tools, not knowing how to use them.

I was not doing very well.  On a visit to WH Smith I bought a Woodturning Magazine, which had an article about Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners.  It informed me of a meeting the very next night, which I attended.  It was a demonstration, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

My son found a second-hand Record Power lathe locally, as he knew I was having problems with power on my original lathe.  At the next workshop meeting Kevin introduced me to Norman, who showed me how to centre the wood and stand correctly to make a cut.  You can see how green a turner I am.  Knowing how it should be done is a great help, but doing it takes practise.  On my third visit I joined the club and purchased the winning ticket in the raffle for a days instruction with Martin Clarkson.

Arriving at the appointed time, I was met by Martin and his guard dog, a lovely Rottweiler pup.

After inspecting my work, which was merely practise pieces, together with  my tools, we started with safety on the lathe.  Then centre marking the piece and being shown how the professionals do it.
Starting with my roughing out gauge, then making hollows and beads.  I have a natural tendency to move left to right with the tool and therefore I have to concentrate on rubbing the bevel on the piece when cutting from right to left.

After a break and a bacon sarnie, Martin made a sketch of a column which I tried to copy using the wood provided with the winning raffle ticket.  I have previously only done spindle turning and was then shown how to mount the piece onto a screw chuck.  I then started to form a bowl and making a tenon for the chuck.  This was then reversed to finally form a dish.  Martin then pointed out the problems with cross grain.  The dish was to form the top of the pedestal.  We then went through the same process to form the base, but unfortunately I made the tenon too big.

All too soon it was time to call it a day, I had a wonderful experience, especially as I am a beginner.  I took the pieces I had turned home to glue them together, as instructed by Martin.  A photo of the completed piece is below.

Thank you Martin for a great day and your Lancaster Bomber fridge magnet is pride of place in the kitchen!!


Well done Mike, you clearly had a fantastic day with Martin.  We will be putting more of these days with Martin in future raffles, so make sure you have a spare £1 or £2 to increase your chances of winning.


3rd June 2023

Below is the reminder email regarding the approaching workshop night.

Hi All,
Our June Workshop Night is fast approaching and chairman John Ingamells is ready to join the other mini demos with his take on turning with resin.  There will be a couple of lathes in operation for tuition and Ray will be in Sharpeners Corner putting that much needed edge onto tools.
Roy and John will be ready to take your hard-earned cash in the club shop, whilst Jim and Stuart will be popping the kettle on to keep us refreshed.
This all takes place for just £3 each on Tuesday 6th June, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.   Please remember we are a cash only club.
See you next Tuesday,

14th May 2023

Please see below a recent email sent to all our members.  If you are a paid up member of the club and are not receiving these emails, please let us know.

Hi All,
On Tuesday 16th May, we welcome Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook to the club. Emma is widely regarded as one of the best demonstrators in the country, so let’s give her a warm Lincolnshire welcome.  The club shop will be open and we will be having another great raffle where one lucky ticket holder will be taking home a Rutland’s airbrush kit which retails at £289.
We would like to remind you that as our club grows, car parking at the village hall is at a premium. Could we ask that the accessible parking bays near the entrance doors are left for those who hold a blue parking badge.  
Also, when parking on the roads around the village hall, can we continue to show regards for those who live in the area.
Thanks for your understanding and we look forwards to seeing you all on Tuesday. 

4th May 2023

There’s a collection of photos, taken at the recent workshop night, available to view on the past meetings page.

Please see below a recent email sent out to all members;

Hi All,
It’s workshop night next Tuesday, 2nd May!!  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, at our home in Leasingham Village Hall.  In addition to the normal lathes, Colin Spencer will be showing how his Rose Engine produces fantastic patterns,  Alan Cramer will be mini demoing on his mini lathe and Ray Blake will be penned in the corner with the sharpening station.
Roy and John will be staffing the club shop, with all those products you know you want, together with a new supply of tools.
Please remember we are a cash only club.
See you all on Tuesday.

24th April 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have been able to renew our in-store discount scheme with Turners Retreat, one of the leading suppliers of woodturning and woodworking equipment.  They are based at Harworth, just off the A1 near Doncaster.  Well worth a trip up to see them, but don’t forget your valid membership card as they will need to see it before applying your discount.  Why not check them out before travelling by looking at their website


21st April 2023

WOOD SALE.  There’s a wood sale taking place over the bank holiday weekend, Saturday 29th April until Monday 1st May at 21 Sherwood Drive, Spalding, PE11 1QW.  Pete Odell is organising the sale from his home and intends to open up each day between 10am & 5pm, however it might be worth giving him a call before travelling to make sure he hasn’t popped out.  His mobile number is 07902548452.

Pete has kindly sent through a few photos of some of the timber, he has a fair amount to sell from pen blanks to tree stumps.  Might be a bargain in the offering.

20th April 2023

As the better weather arrives, so the grass starts to grow.  Do you need a new lawn mower?  Club member Geoff Espin has one for sale.  Visit the shop page for more information.

20th April 2023

We had a great club night this week, welcoming Steve Heeley to Leasingham.  A report on the night, including news of a tied competition and the lucky winner of a tuition day with a professional turner, can be found on our past meetings page.

15th April 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,

This coming Tuesday, 18th April, we welcome Steve Heeley for our monthly demonstration night.  Steve has worked for most of his life with wood, originally as a carpenter and joiner.  His turning journey began as a hobby, but has become very much his full-time occupation. Steve has not demonstrated to us before, so let’s give him a great Lincolnshire welcome and ensure we all have a good night.
As you are aware our membership has grown over the last 12 months and subsequently, we have to ensure that club nights continue to be an enjoyable safe experience for all.  We will therefore be changing the layout of the venue, to reduce the risk of trip hazards and provide safer exit routes should we need to evacuate the building.  We have had a trial run of the new layout and would ask for your patience on Tuesday, as we implement our changes. We always welcome help in setting up and packing away, but could we remind everyone that unless you are attending to help, our opening time is 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  We are sure you appreciate that we need to remain safe whilst moving tables, chairs and equipment.  We thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.
One of the raffle prizes on Tuesday will be a full day’s tuition with professional turner Martin Clarkson. As you are probably aware, a day with a professional turner does not come not cheap. So, it’s got to be worth buying a few extra tickets, as someone has to win and it could be you.
The club shop will be open, the display table will be available to showcase your work and the competition will be excepting entries from novice and experienced turners. 
We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday

4th April 2023

At this years’ AGM in January club member Terry Beedham was fortunate to win a days’ tuition with professional turner and club member Martin Clarkson.  Terry recently spent his day with Martin and has kindly written us a report about it.

Hi everyone, my name is Terry Beedham.  I was lucky enough to win the top prize on one of the raffles.  It was a full days woodturning tuition with Martin Clarkson.  I arrived on the day very nervous as not a lot of confidence in myself and told him so.  He put me at ease straight away and said I was there to enjoy the day and I did, it was a fantastic day.  I believe I learnt so much on the day and would do it again in a heart beat.  He has lots of patience and incredible knowledge.  So all I can say is, if a prize like that comes up again I would encourage you to try and win it.

Terry & Martin with the days’ project

Terry certainly enjoyed himself and if you would like to follow in his footsteps, we are pleased to announce that at our next club demonstrator night on 18th April, one of the raffle prizes will be a full days’ tuition with Martin.  Make sure once you have paid your entrance fee, you purchase some raffle tickets from Tom, as they say ‘You’ve got to be in it, to win it’.

1st April 2023

Please read below a recent email sent to all members:

Hi All,
Just a quick reminder that next Tuesday, 4th April will be workshop night at our home in Leasingham Village Hall.  Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
This month, in addition to the usual lathes, we have Terry Bray giving a mini demo on thread chasing.
Hopefully, the sharpening station will be present and available for that sharp edge!  The club shop will also be open.
Admission is just £3 per person, but please remember we are a cash only club.
Other News.
Pete Davies has a lathe and equipment for sale.  Details can be found on the shop page of our website, .  If interested, take a look and act fast, they may not be around for long.
See you all on Tuesday.

31st March 2023

Please read below a recent email sent from the committee to members:

Hello Member,

As a result of our increasing membership, we are now very close to the 100 attendee room limit at Leasingham Village Hall for Demonstrations on our Club Nights.  Over the last few months we have had 90+ members attending these nights, which is an excellent turnout for such a rural Club, with a wide spread catchment.  Our current Membership list shows 134 members, of which 121 are paid up members, with 14 New Members having joined and paid this year.  This does mean, however, with 13 unpaid members and new members joining every month, that we are having to consider closing membership to new members, as the room limit means that we will, potentially, be having to turn away members.  As part of this concern, we are having to contact members who have not yet paid the  membership subscription, for 2023, which is now well overdue.

Therefore the committee have decided that any lapsed memberships will be closed from 10pm on the evening of Tuesday 7th April, which is a Workshop Night for the Club.  If you wish to remain a member of the Club could you please contact our Membership Secretary, Tom Collishaw by email: or by Phone: 01529 303999 or by attending the Workshop Night to renew your membership before the above time and date.

If you no longer want to continue membership or are unable to continue membership could you please let Tom know. 

We will be sad to lose members but, if the circumstances are such that you can no longer be a member, we fully understand and wish you well for the future.

Best Regards

23rd March 2023

Our recent club night was a huge success, for details visit the past meetings page.

20th March 2023

Please read below an email message from our Chairman.

Hi All,
Our dedicated Chairman John Ingamells has asked me to inform you that we have some great raffle prizes on Tuesday night.  As well as the usual quality prizes, we will have a new mini lathe and a selection box of Chestnut Products up for grabs to the lucky winning ticket holders.
The new mini lathe would be a welcome addition to any workshop, whilst the Chestnut Products are always useful to all turners.
Now what better reason is there to pop an extra £1 in your pocket and give yourself a chance of winning.
See you tomorrow night.

19th March 2023

Please read below a recent email to all members.  If you have paid your 2023 membership and are not receiving emails, please contact us by email with your details and we’ll get you on the mailing list.

Hi All,
Just a quick reminder that we have a club night this coming Tuesday, 21st March.  We will be entertained by a local favourite, Mick Hanbury.  Mick is a very well respected professional turner who always delivers an excellent demonstration for us.
Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, entry costs just £5 per person.  Roy and John will be staffing the shop, ready to offer you a great deal on whatever you require.The display table will be available for you to showcase your skills and the competition will be open to novice and experienced turners.  
Tom will be selling raffle tickets at £1 per ticket, giving you the chance to win one of many great prizes.
It promises to be another memorable evening, please remember we are a cash only club.
See you all on Tuesday.

12th March 2023

Midlands Woodworking Show

The club had an exceptional time at the Midlands Woodworking Show this weekend.  After a three year break due to co-vid, it was good to be back on display, showcasing our fantastic craft.  We rekindled old acquaintances and made some new friends and contacts. There was an excellent display of projects turned by members which provoked some very interesting conversations with visiting turners.  Many thanks to those who stepped up to demonstrate to the crowds.  We were pleased to see so many club members calling in for a chat, it certainly made us realise what an excellent pro-active, friendly club we have.

All the work by members looked amazing on our stand.  One piece in particularly caused much discussion on how the decoration was achieved.  Turners from all over the country were keen to learn how it was completed, so we have asked Martin Ford to explain.  Martin has kindly produced the following advice on how he achieved the rim decoration.

Greetings all,
I displayed a bowl with a metal leaf rim at the Newark Show and Kevin has said there was a fair amount of interest in it and has asked if I’d write a few lines about how I achieve the result, so here goes.
If you’re familiar with using metal leafs please still read my few lines as I’m no expert at this and would be most grateful for any input.
What you will need – A suitable piece of wood, I generally use sycamore for these but I think any close grained wood would be fine. Metal leaf, I buy all of my items from Gold Leaf Supplies, 
About Us (, although I know Hobbycraft do sell some metal leafs. You can buy all of the leafs in either a loose form or as a transfer, I do find the transfer easier to use and the results seem very much the same either way. A booklet of 25 14cm x 14cm sheets of variegated metal leaf, as I used on this bowl, will set you back £14.94. As a guide this particular bowl is about 37.5cm dia. and I used 5 or 6 sheets to finish it. There is a fair bit of waste but nevertheless it’s not cost me much more than £3.60 in leaf. Next up is size (glue!), this is a whole subject on its own and a potential minefield. Suffice to say I use Handover, oil based, 1 – 2 hour gold size. A 250ml tin is £9.61 and will last a lifetime. I apply the size using an artist’s paint brush. The leaf is applied to the size using a guilders mop. No need to go to town on this, my business manager donated one of her make-up brushes to the cause, the larger sort and if you have to buy one I’m sure they’re cheaper than a guilders mop. For finishing you will firstly need a degreaser, I use Whitson’s, 100ml bottle is £7.20, this will last you 2 lifetimes! Almost there, time to put a protective lacquer on your masterpiece, I use Whitson’s Universal Lacquer, a 50ml bottle is £6.66 and will last half a lifetime. Finally the one thing you cannot do without is patience…and lots of it!
Still with me? Time to get to work. First the easy bit, turn your bowl and finish it outside and inside. I finish with 240 grit, sanding sealer, True Grit abrasive paste, food safe danish oil and microcrystalline wax but not the oil or wax on the rim to be decorated. However, you must use a sanding sealer and knock it back on the rim whatever your method of finishing. Now the fun starts! I gently stir the size and with the lathe running slowly, 100rpm is the lowest I can go, apply a thin coat of size with the artist’s brush to where you want to apply the leaf. I find I can’t get a satisfactory coverage this way but it gives me some lines to follow when I take the piece off the lathe, you may want to skip straight to the next step. I now take the bowl off the lathe, whether you leave it on the chuck and remove the whole caboodle or just take it off the chuck is up to you. I now make sure I have complete size coverage of the area where I want to apply the leaf. Don’t go overboard with the size, the best way I can describe it is you want a ‘film’ of size. Now wait, I told you you’d need patience!  The only question is how long? I think this is temperature dependent for the most part and there’s a bit of trial and error involved. My workshop is around 15 to 16C in the winter and I wait 20 – 25 minutes, too early and you end up with a mess, too late and you end up with a mess. Now gently apply your leaf with the make-up brush lightly tamping it down. A tip here, especially if you’re using loose leaf you need to be draught free. I have a small electric fan heater in the workshop and have to turn it off otherwise the draught created blows the leaf around. It’s ok to overlap the leaf and you’ll end up with some where you don’t really want it, that’s ok also, providing there’s no size there it will brush off later. Now for more of that patience! At this point I have to resist brushing the excess leaf away because you risk brushing away bits you don’t want to, so I put the bowl out of sight, probably indoors and leave it for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Once you’re happy with that  you can brush away all of the excess leaf with your make-up brush, any stubborn little bits not where you want them can be gently scraped off with a fingernail. The bowl can now go back on the lathe and the edges of the decoration tidied with the tool of your choice. I use a bowl gouge with a very fine scraping cut. Take the bowl off the lathe for hopefully the last time! Now apply your degreaser to the leaf. The manufacturer’s instructions say 2 drops on a damp cloth, I use kitchen roll. I then leave it overnight, I seem to remember it has to be left for a minimum of 8 hours. Finally time to apply the lacquer, again I use an artist’s brush and apply a very, very light coat. Next, you have probably guessed, wait, I leave it overnight. I apply 3 coats of lacquer leaving overnight between each. I think the full curing time for the lacquer is something like 14 days. 
Your masterpiece is now ready for sale! Sorry if that’s been a bit long winded but I wanted to be as comprehensive as I could. If you have any questions please contact me. My contact details are email:, mobile: 07776215984. Alternatively I’ll be at the club meeting on 21st March, but so will Mick Hanbury and I can say without doubt he knows a lot more about this than I! As I said at the beginning I’m no expert.
There are lots of tips and manufacturers instructions on the Gold Leaf Supplies site and lots of YouTube videos on the subject. One final tip from me, wipe the necks of the size tin and lacquer jar before reapplying the tops or they can be difficult, to say the least, to remove next time you want to use them.
Happy turning!
Martin Ford
Turning Crazy!

8th March 2023

Another great Workshop Night yesterday, please visit the past meetings page for more information.

5th March 2023

Please see below a recent email sent to all members:

Hi All,
We are back at Leasingham village hall this Tuesday, 7th March for our Workshop evening.  As well as the normal lathes and sharpening corner, Pete Davies and Jeremy Miller will be showing how to texture your work.
The shop will be open, as will the tea/coffee station.
There will be a chance to showcase your projects on the display table.
Doors open at 7pm with admission being just £3 per person.
If you are bringing some of your work to go on display at the Midlands Woodworking Show, please make sure it is packaged well and has your name clearly marked on the bottom.  If you wish us to try to sell your item, the price also needs to be clearly marked, again on the bottom.  Please remember, if we sell your item we request that you donate 10% of the sale price to the club.
The Woodworking Show goes ahead between 10am & 4pm next Friday & Saturday , 10th & 11th March at Newark showground.  Tickets are available in advance at a reduced price from .  If you are attending, please call in at our stand, it will be good to see you.

1st March 2023







Have you picked up a copy of the latest edition of Woodturning?  We are very pleased that there is an article on our club regarding our time during Co-vid.   Get yourself a copy, pop the kettle on and turn to page 96.

22nd February 2023

Read a report from last night’s demonstration evening on the past meetings page and take in the competition results on the competition page.

21st February 2023

Club member Charlie Ridley has put some items up for sale on the shop page.

21st February 2023

The Midlands Woodworking Shop is fast approaching, taking place on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th March 2023 at Newark Showground.  Our club will be in attendance, so if you’re planning on going, do pop over and have a chat.
Tickets are available on-line at and there is a good saving for those buying in advance.

13th February 2023

The revamped website is now in operation and I’ve had my lesson on how to edit.  Many thanks to Colin Spencer for upgrading the website and for having immense patience whilst teaching me.  
A report on the February Workshop Night is now on the past meetings page and includes a photo of John’s pewter piece.

18th January 2023

Unfortunately we are experiencing problems with the past meetings page, so for the time being it will be posted here on the news page.

Club AGM

We had 65 members attend the AGM this year. Chairman John Ingamells gave his yearly report about club activities over the last twelve months. Our treasurer Ann Giles presented the club accounts, which are doing quiet well. Tom Collishaw, membership Secretary reported that membership was up to over 120, with eight new members joining in the first 17 days of 2023!
The committee members are all prepared to serve another term and were therefore voted en block for another year.
During ‘any other business’ the membership was asked for volunteers to become Club First Aiders and we were pleased with the response.

Following the AGM the members were well entertained by Nick Brown, Area Ranger for Belton House National Trust. Nick gave a passionate talk about the park at Belton, the Belmount Tower and ‘Yellow Meadow Ants’! He also gave a wonderful insight into his day to day commitments to the park and trees.

Nick kindly judges the competitions and the results awarded can be found on the competitions page.

In the raffle Terry Beedham was the winner of a day’s tuition with professional turner, Martin Clarkson and is looking forward to mastering the skew chisel!

4th January 2023

Happy New Year everyone, we hope you all had an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and new year.

Have you been watching ‘Make it at Market’ on BBC One? A very enjoyable, informative programme, presented by Dom Chinea of ‘The Repair Shop’. He works with a team of business and craft experts to help a group of budding entrepreneurs make a living from their crafting hobby. Well worth a watch, especially if you stand at craft fairs.

22nd December 2022

Calling all our lady members!!
There is an all-women woodturning week – Bursary/ Scholarship, taking place next August in Ireland. It’s worth over 1,150 euros, but is free, except for travel, should you be a successful applicant. For more information please click on this link.

22nd December 2022

A report of the Christmas party can be read on the past meetings page.

17th December 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members.

Hi All,

The committee met this week, so here is an update on a few items that we discussed.

Midlands Woodworking Show
We are pleased to announce that we will, after a three-year absence due to co-vid, be having a stand at the Midlands Woodworking Show at Newark showground on the 11th & 12th March 2023. It has always been an excellent show and an ideal occasion for us to showcase our club.

Tool hire / loan
We were delighted by the response with regards to the idea of hiring/loaning expensive tools to members. Comments and ideas made were very well received, we look forward to trying to progress the idea. As you can imagine the logistics of making this a successful addition to our club is many fold, so please bear with us whilst we make all the necessary arrangements. However, we are hopeful to have something in place by the first few months of next year.

Annual membership subscriptions
Membership subscriptions for 2023 are now due and we are pleased to announce that annual membership will remain at the same price, as it has done for over 20 years, £15 or £10 concessions (Over 60’s).

The success of the club since co-vid has caused some positive problems. Membership now stands at 121 members and we are aware of the health & safety implications if our membership continues to grow. In view of this we have had to state that if your annual membership is not paid by the end of February, you will be classed as having left the club and are therefore no longer a member. So please pay Tommy as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. If you are unable to attend any of the club meetings before the end of February, please contact us and we will arrange payment over the phone or by post.

Christmas party
We now look forward to our Christmas party next Tuesday, 20th December. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Our chairman, John Ingamells will be demonstrating for the first hour before we break for our buffet. The presentation of annual awards will then take place, followed by not one, but two raffles. The first, which is free to enter, will be for a Christmas hamper valued at over £100. Every member’s name, as of the 1st December has been put in to the draw and one lucky winner will be electronically selected. The second raffle is just £1 per ticket and there will be many festive prizes, so please purchase your tickets from Tommy as you arrive.
We also have some live entertainment for you!! Dave Naylor has very kindly agreed to play some of Barry Teagues stunning guitars. He will also be bringing his own guitar in case it doesn’t go well with Barry’s.
The shop will not be open, we are expecting a large attendance and space is at a premium, so the buffet will be occupying the shops floor space.
We are aware that co-vid is unfortunately on the increase, as is influenza and we support the wearing of face coverings.

The committee look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday. If you are unable to attend, can I take this opportunity, on behalf of the committee, to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

8th December 2022

Details of our recent workshop night are on the past meetings page.

17th November 2022

A reminder from Trent Valley Turners that the postponed, 22nd October demonstration by Phil Irons will take place this Saturday 19th November.

There are still places available, booking via our website;

17th November 2022

We had another excellent club night last Tuesday, a report and photos are now available on the past meetings page.

11th November 2022

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

We are very excited to welcome professional turner Rick Dobney back to the club next Tuesday, 15th November. As you are aware, Rick demonstrated all day at our recent Club Show and he is very keen to return to show his skills to the members. He is hoping to demonstrate a simple hollow form technique with a 2- or 3-piece hollow form and a mantle clock to show his multi-axis process in action. It is clearly going to be a great demonstration.

The club shop has taken delivery of some pre-loved stock which we hope will be available next week for members to purchase. There will be a bandsaw, a table saw, belt & disc sander, a small Jet lathe and several gouges and skews all at ridiculous prices, together with the usual consumables.

The raffle also has some fantastic prizes for you to win, including a new dust extractor for your workshop.

We would like to see many entries into both competitions, so please get busy on your lathe this weekend and support the competition or the display table.

All this for just £5 per person, please remember we are a cash only club.

The committee looks forward to seeing you all, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

17th October 2022

Attendance Record Smashed!!!

What a great show we had yesterday, the doors opened at 9.30am and it’s fair to say that we didn’t stop until the last happy visitor left at 4pm. Almost 450 customers came through the door and by all accounts had a great experience. They were able to watch Rick Dobney demonstrating all day, chat to Peter Tree whilst he worked on his fantastic chairs and have a go at woodturning by making a Christmas tree. There were many other crafts on display, a mouth-watering choice of cakes and savouries to eat and a great prize raffle.
Many thanks to those members who worked throughout the day entertaining and staffing stalls and thank you to those members who came along to support your club.

Photos are available to view on the gallery page.

11th October 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members.

Hi All,
Here are a couple of reminders for your diary and a question to help the committee.

Sunday 16th October.
Our club woodturning & craft show returns next Sunday between 9.30am & 4pm at Leasingham village hall. It may be a show put on by a woodturning club, but there is so much more to enjoy. There will be several other crafters in attendance together with professional turner Rick Dobney, who will be demonstrating all day. There is a prize raffle, refreshments and the opportunity for ‘would be’ turners to have a go, free of charge. Entry is just £2 per person.

Tuesday 18th October.
We welcome Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook to demonstrate at out next club night. Emma has been in contact to say that she’s thinking of producing a bowl or platter, which she will decorate with a new method of colouring. She has kindly sent a couple of photos to whet the appetite.
Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.



Please give your view.
The committee are keen to progress our monthly raffle and especially the Christmas raffle at our December meeting. We would like suggestions as to what kind of main prize you would like to see on the table. In recent weeks we have had a band saw and a scroll saw, but need ideas from you for more main prizes. Of course, they do not have to be tool orientated, any suggestion will receive consideration. Please give us your thoughts by return of email.

That’s it for now.

10th October 2022

Photos from the evening with Kade Bolger have now been added to the past meetings page and the gallery page. Please take a look.

7th October 2022

Members enjoyed an interesting afternoon in our chairman’s workshop, where John demonstrated and encouraged members try his copy lathe. John has a large commission order which has necessitated the use of a copy lathe and he was keen that everyone was able to see it working. Thanks, John, for a great afternoon.


6th October 2022

Last Tuesday we had a great club night. Please read more about it on our past meeting page.

3rd October 2022

There’s a Record Power CL4 lathe for sale on the shop page. If you are interested, please take a look and contact the seller, William Elkington.

3rd October 2022

The club has been sending out quite a few emails recently and it has come to our attention that we do not hold every member’s email address. If you are not receiving these emails, you are missing out on valueble club news. Please send your email address into us [}and we will add you to the mailing list.

3rd October 2022

Are you in need of some ducting and fittings for your workshop? Take a look at the shop page as Colin Spencer has some for sale at a very reasonable price.

25th September 2022

Please read below part of a recent email sent to all club members that we hold addresses for. If you are a club member and are not receiving emails, please let us know by emailing the club;

Invite to club members.
Chairman John Ingamells is currently working on a large commission order for small tables, which has necessitated the use of a copy lathe. Between 2pm & 6.30pm Friday 7th October, John will kindly open his workshop for members to watch the copy lathe in operation. Please call in at any time during the afternoon and stay as long as you wish. There will be tea & coffee and the club shop will be open. John’s workshop is at Station House, Lowfields, Navenby, LN5 0LJ. Please put it in your diary and call in for a social afternoon. There is no charge for this event.

Do you have any First Aid qualifications?
At all club events we would like to have a qualified First Aider on site. Unfortunately, we are currently lacking in this department and therefore are hopeful that some of you may hold a first aid certificate and be prepared to be recorded as a Club First Aider. We would very much like to have several first aiders, so please, if you are qualified, contact us by email or by making contact with a committee member.

23rd September 2022

Please visit our past meeting page for a report on last Tuesday’s club demonstrator evening and the competitions page for the results of the competitions.

7th September 2022

Our demonstrator secretaries, Jeremy Miller & Pete Davies have been working extremely hard to secure some excellent demonstrators for next year. We are now able to reveal the list of professional turners who will be visiting us next year. Please visit the diary page and scroll down past the 2022 demonstrators to see who we have install.

24th August 2022

William Elkington is selling a Pro Edge System. Please visit the shop page for more details.

17th July 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members. If you are a member and are not receiving these emails, please contact us on and we will make sure you are added to the mailing list.

Hi All.

I hope you are all keeping well and are prepared for the heatwave.
On Tuesday 19th July we will be welcoming our good friend and exceptional turner, Mick Hanbury to our home residence at Leasingham. Mick has always provided an excellent evenings entertainment, not only with his turning skills, but his dry sense of humour is second to none!
The doors will open at 7pm and along with the windows, will remain open in an attempt to keep the hall as cool as possible. Following a brief welcoming speech from chairman, John Ingamells, Mick will begin demonstrating at 7.30pm.
The old favourites will be present; club competition, raffle and display table. Roy will be staffing the shop, selling the usual consumables and a selection of blanks.
It’s going to be a hot sticky evening, so why not pop along to Leasingham and have a hot sticky evening with your fellow turners, it will only cost you £5 for the pleasure! Please remember we are still a cash only club.

Take care and stay cool.

24th June 2022

Details of our recent club meeting can be found on our past meetings page.

16th June 2022

Details of our recent open session, with some photographs is now available to view on the past meetings page.

5th June 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members.

May I remind you of some upcoming events.

Tuesday 7th June.
Our popular workshop evening. Doors open at 7pm for setting up and hopefully we will be ready for a 7.30pm start. There will be several lathes for you to have a go on, a sharpening station should be available and of course the club shop will be open. The evening costs just £3.00 per person, so please come along for a great social evening.

Sunday 12th June.
During the last two years we instigated open sessions at our Chairman Johns home in Navenby. These proved very popular, so we have decided to hold the occasional open session during the summer months at Johns home. We start off between 2pm & 5pm Sunday 12th June. We will have two lathes available, together with a sharpening system. The club shop will be open and there will be refreshments. There is no requirement to book a place, you can drop in at any time and stay as long as you wish and there is no charge for this event.

Tuesday 21st June.
We welcome professional turner Robin Barlow to our next club night. Robin is an exceptional turner and we are confident that you will all have a great evening. Doors open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. Please consider entering the club competitions, or bring along some of your work to exhibit on the display table, it really is an exceptional way to give fellow turners some inspiration. The club shop will be open and there will be a prize raffle. It is also hoped that our friend Steve Wright from Elston Sawmill will be with us, selling quality timber. All this for just £5.00 per person.

4th June 2022

Club member David Hedges would like to share with you the following link regarding segmented turning. It’s a great free tool for those who are keen to produce segmented pieces.

Go onto

Select ‘centers spacing’

Then from the dropdown box select ‘woodturning segments’.

Have fun.

19th May 2022

We had a great return to personal meetings last Tuesday. For a full report please visit our past meetings page.

11th May 2022

Please read below a recent email sent to all members regarding our club night on 17th May.

Hi All,
Just a reminder that we will be back at Leasingham Village Hall next Tuesday, 17th May. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, please enter the hall by the main entrance. Professional demonstrator, Andy James will be entertaining us with some miniature segmented turning. All the old favourites will be returning, the raffle (£1 per ticket), club shop and refreshments.
We will also be starting the 2022 club competition for both novice and advanced turners. A copy of the competition rules is attached, so have a read and please consider making an entry.
The display table will also be out for you to showcase your work. This is a great way to encourage discussion and inspiration amongst the membership.
The evening concludes at 10pm, but we do encourage and thank anyone who can assist in packing away.
It is expected to be a great evening and all for just £5 per person, please pay our new president and treasurer, Ann. She’ll be sat, ready and waiting, near to the kitchen hatch.
Please note that we are still a cash only club.

4th May 2022

Annual General Meeting

Last night we were able to hold our AGM at the home of our Chairman. 37 members enjoyed an extremely positive meeting before having refreshments and browsing in the club shop. Our shop proprietor, Roy Manders is certainly living up to his ‘Aunty Wainwright’ nickname as members were expertly relieved of their cash.

Chairman John Ingamells opened the meeting by explaining that with the passing, of our well respected president Charles Giles, it was now time to appoint an new one. John explained that he would like to propose Charlie’s wife and our treasurer Ann to become club president. Ann has been treasurer for twenty years, having agreed to take on the role for 6 months!! During that time she has missed just one meeting. John put Ann’s appointment to the members who unanimously voted to make Ann Giles our new president. Ann said she was delighted to take on the role, especially as it was previously held by her husband. The members were delighted to hear that Ann is also prepared to remain as club treasurer.

All the existing committee members are prepared to stand for another year, so it was proposed and unanimously agreed to re-elect the whole committee. Jeremy Miller, having been co-opted onto the committee during the last year, was also officially elected to serve.

The chairman, treasurer and membership secretary delivered their annual reports, which were well received by the membership. The club finances are in good order and membership currently stands at 126.
Demonstration secretary Pete Davies explained the difficulty, following co-vid, of hiring demonstrators for future meetings. Although he has already secured bookings well into 2023, there is a concern regarding the cost, due to travel mileage and availability of future demonstrators. It was suggested and agreed that we should explore the possibility of occasional zoom demonstrations to members in the village hall. This would open up the prospect of hiring demonstrators from around the world. Upon the request of the members, the committee will make enquiries into the logistics of internet remote demonstrations within the village hall.

Before closing the meeting, John expressed his thanks to everyone for attending.

28th April 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all members.

Here’s a few dates for your diary.

3rd May – This will be our AGM and we will be holding it outdoors! Having not held an AGM since 2019 we need to complete this meeting, so it will commence at 6.30pm at our Chairmans home address of Station House, Lowfields, Navenby, Lincs. LN5 0LJ. There is no requirement to let us know you are attending, just turn up for a free cup of tea or coffee. We can rattle through the AGM before having a chat and catching up with each other before browsing through the club shop. Can we ask that you consider bringing a chair with you, as we can only provide limited seating and wrap up, it could be a cold evening. This is a free evening, there is no charge to attend.

17th May – We are back at our home base in Leasingham Village Hall for our first ‘in person’ club night since last autumn. Local professional turner, Andy James will be demonstrating miniature segmented turning. All the usual attractions will return; there will be a prize raffle, the club shop will be in attendance, refreshments are available at a small donation and the club competition for 2022 will commence. We have attached the competition rules for your information, please consider supporting this event. The display table will also return, so you can display your work to give inspiration to other members.
The cost of this evening remains at £5 per person.

7th June – Our first workshop meeting back at Leasingham. Doors open at 7pm to set up the lathes and shop. A great social evening to have a go, watch others or just chat with likeminded folks. Refreshments and the display table will also be available, all for the price of £3 per person.

Sunday 12th June – During the last two years we instigated open sessions at our Chairman Johns home in Navenby. These proved very popular, so we have decided to hold the occasional open session during the summer months at Johns home (address as above). We start off between 2pm & 5pm Sunday 12th June. We will have two lathes available, together with a sharpening system. The club shop will be open and there will be refreshments, all at no charge. There is no requirement to book a place, you can drop in at any time and stay as long as you wish.

Wig-stands – We are still producing wig stands for St Barnabas Hospice and respectfully ask that all members consider making one or two. They are great fun to turn as they challenge both faceplate and spindle work. Attached are some instructions, but you are most welcome to make your own design as long as they are fit for purpose. Please bring along your stand to any club event and we will deliver it to St Barnabas. Please ask if you need some timber to make one, we can supply it free of charge.

That’s it for now, we look forward to seeing you all at the AGM on the 3rd May.

**Please visit the competition page to access the rules**.

26th April 2022

Our demonstrator on the 17th May, Andy James has just sent us these photos of some of his work. He intends to demonstrate miniature segmented turning and it promises to be an interesting evening. (Click on individual photo to enlarge).



21st April 2022

On 17th May we will be returning to our home base at Leasingham Village Hall for a club night. Local demonstrator Andy James from Gainsborough will be taking to the stage and has informed us that he intends to demonstrate segmented miniature turning. The club shop will be open, there will be a grand raffle and we will be serving tea and coffee during the break. The display table will be there for you to showcase your excellent work for other members to admire and take inspiration. It promises to be a great night and all for just £5 per person.

28th March 2022

Please read below a recent email sent out to all club members:

We held a zoom committee last night in readiness for the AGM, however after a long discussion, taking into account the rapidly rising co-vid infection rate in Lincolnshire and the duty of care we hold for all our members, we have decided to postpone the AGM and cancel all ‘in person’ meetings until May.
We hope that you understand and are in agreement with our decision, however we would welcome your comments and feedback if you would care to email us. (

Our club events for the next few weeks now look like this:

5th April – Cancelled, no meeting.

19th April – Club zoom meeting. We will be showing another of Colwyn Way’s informative videos. Our Chairman, John Ingamells will forward details to you prior to the evening.

3rd May – This will be our AGM as we will be holding it outdoors! Having not held an AGM since 2019 we need to complete this meeting, so it will commence at 6.30pm at our Chairmans home address of Station House, Lowfields, Navenby, Lincs. LN5 0LJ. There is no requirement to let us know you are attending, just turn up for a cup of tea or coffee. We can rattle through the AGM before having a chat and catch up with each other. Can we ask that you consider bringing a chair with you, as we can only provide limited seating.

We are hope to be back at the village hall for our club night on 17th May.

Many thanks and take care,

19th March 2022

Norman Sanders has an Axminster Woodcut bowl saver for sale. Please visit the shop page for more details of this and other items that are for sale at the moment.

18th March 2022

Kade Bolger entertained us last Tuesday with a fascinating demonstration live from his workshop in Canada. Kade has kindly given us access to his YouTube video of the evening. You can access the video for the next 28 days. Please visit the past meetings page for the link.

9th March 2022

Please read below a recent email sent to all members.

Hi All,
It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that as from April we will be returning all meetings to our home base at Leasingham Village Hall. We will be holding our workshop evenings on the first Tuesday of each month, whilst our club demonstration evenings will return on the third Tuesday of each month.

Tuesday 5th April.
Although this should be our workshop evening, we have decided to start off with a free social evening. Our constitution states that we need to hold our AGM as soon as possible once we commence meeting again. So, the evening will kick off with the AGM. Formalities completed we will move on to a social evening. This is where you can all assist. We would like you all to consider bringing along a piece of work that you have completed during the last two years to put on a display table. We can then study and admire each other’s work, gaining ideas and inspiration.
There will be a grand raffle and the club shop will be open, we will also have a free buffet supper. It should be a great evening to catch up with fiends and talk about all things turning. Could we ask that for catering purposes, you let us know if you are attending by Tuesday 29th March. You can do this by emailing us at or by phoning our Chairman John Ingamells on 07860 713743 or 01522 810522.
The hall will be open at 7pm for setting up and the AGM will commence at 7.30pm prompt and as already stated there will be no charge for this evening.

Tuesday 19th April.
This will be our first club demo evening back in the village hall and what a cracker we have install for you. Legendary turner Mick Hanbury will be taking to the stage to break us back in with a great demonstration. Doors open at 7pm with Mick commencing his demo at 7.30pm. Admission to this evening will be £5 each, please remember that we are a ‘cash only’ club.
The monthly competition will be returning, we will email you in due course with more information.

Charlie’s Challenge.
As we move forwards and hopefully learn to live with co-vid, we have decided to end Charlie’s Challenge. Our late president, Charles Giles came up this the idea of a challenge during those dark days of the first lockdown and what a great idea it turned out to be. However, the success of Charlie’s Challenge rests squarely on the shoulders of club member and professional turner Martin Clarkson. Martin has produced 27 critic videos over the last two years. His comments and advice have encouraged us all to become better turners. His honesty and sense of humour has helped to see us through difficult times and has kept us busy in our workshops. The committee, on behalf of the members, wish to express our thanks to Martin, who can now take a well-earned rest.

Martins latest video critiquing bird houses can now be viewed on the club website

Club Name Badges.
Many members will have a club name badge and we would like to encourage everyone to wear these when attending club evenings and events. It is far more friendly if we are able to call each other by a name, other than just ‘Pal’ or ‘Mate’. If you have misplaced your badge, or it’s looking worse for wear, or you are a new member and haven’t been issued with one, could you please let us know by email ( and we will have one made for you, free of charge, hopefully for the AGM.

That’s it for now, please don’t forget to let us know if you are attending the AGM or need a club name badge.

9th March 2022

Please grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy Martin’s latest and final Charlie’s Challenge video.

15th February 2022

Club member, John Cleator has a forstner bit for sale. Please visit the shop page for more details.

6th February 2022

Please read below an email sent to all members.

Hi All,

I hope you are all keeping well

Martin Clarkson has produced his latest video for February’s Charlie’s Challenge, which you can now watch by going to the news page of the club website,

Charlie’s Challenge for March will have a spring feel to it. As the snowdrops and daffodils begin to flower and there’s lambs in the fields, we would like you to turn a birdbox for the nesting birds. There are many designs out there for you to gain inspiration, or you can amaze us with your own design. Once you have finished, please send two photos to the club email address by 9pm Friday 25th February. Martin will then produce his video for inclusion on the club website during the first week of March.

Our next club meeting will be a zoom demonstration on Tuesday 15th February. Professional turner, Sue Harker will be demonstration a painted wide rimmed bowl from her workshop in North Yorkshire directly and exclusively to us. If time allows, she will also demonstrate some spindle work. Chairman, John Ingamells will email all members with the link to zoom prior to the evening. Please note this event is only open to members of our club.

As we move forward and learn to live with co-vid, the committee is keen to resume village hall meetings as soon as it is practical and safe to do so. Having already secured a zoom demonstration for March by Kade Bolger from his workshop in Canada, it is our aim to get back to the village hall at the beginning of April. We will continue to review this decision and will keep all members updated by email, Facebook, on the website and by telephone.

The club shop remains open for all your consumables, wood blanks and much more. To visit the shop please give John Ingamells a call on 07860 713743 between 6pm & 9pm Monday to Friday.

Please stay safe and keep turning.

6th February 2022

Martin Clarkson has kindly produced the latest video on Charlie’s Challenge, a piece of your choice, no larger than 2″ square.

9th January 2022

Please read below an important email sent to all members.

Having looked at government guidelines and taking into account the safety of our members, together with the concern as to how quickly the Omicron variant can spread, the committee have decided to cancel all village hall meeting for the next three months.
This means that our AGM which was scheduled for the 18th January has been postponed and will now be held on Tuesday 5th April, which we currently intend to be our next meeting in the village hall. We will remain fluid with this date and are prepared to postpone for the safety of the membership, if required. Should this happen, we will comply with the constitution of the club which states that we must immediately set another date.

Dates for your diary
As we did in the past, we will continue to organise meetings using the zoom facility and can inform you of the following events:

Tuesday 18th January. This will now be a zoom meeting in the form of a social evening. We would like members to show us what you’ve been doing in your workshop. Please try to attend, it’s short notice but we would like you all to come along, have a chat and show us some of your work.

Tuesday 1st February. This should have been a workshop evening, but will now be a zoom meeting. We are seeking permission to be able to show you some Axminster promotional videos, which will then provoke some friendly chat. We also encourage you to bring an item of your work to give inspiration to others.

Tuesday 15th February. We are pleased to announce that our demonstrator secretary, Pete Davies has worked wonders in securing a live demonstration from the excellent turner, Sue Harker. Sue will demonstrate live from her workshop in North Yorkshire directly and exclusively to you in the comfort of your own home.

Tuesday 1st March. Hopefully another Axminster inspired zoom meeting, with a chance to show off your work and exchange some Lincolnshire banter.

Tuesday 15th March. We hope to have secured to services of another professional demonstrator to give us a zoom demo. Further details will appear on the website.

Tuesday 5th April. We hope to be back in the village hall for this workshop meeting and will start by holding our AGM.

Our chairman John Ingamells will send out an email prior to all the above meetings with log in details. Please note that these meetings are only for members of our club.

Charlie’s Challenge
We are delighted to announce that Martin Clarkson has kindly agreed to continue with Charlie’s Challenge. So, Charlie’s next challenge is for you to produce anything you wish, providing it is no larger than 2″ tall or wide! (That’s 5cm for the younger members). Once completed, please photo it with a rule to show its size and send two different angled photos to the club email address by 9pm Friday 28th January. Martin will then produce another great video which will appear on the website the following week.

Wig Stands
The club remains committed to producing wig stands for St Barnabas Trust and would encourage all members to get involved. If you require any wood for this project, please contact our Chairman, John Ingamells who will arrange to supply you some, free of charge. Advice and instructions are available in the attachment to this email. John can be contacted between 6pm and 9pm Monday to Friday on 07860 713743.

Club Shop
The club shop remains open during these difficult times. If you would like to make any purchases, please give John a call on the number above and he’ll arrange to take your hard-earned cash from you. Maybe you could pick up some free timber for a wig-stand when making your purchase.

Midland Woodworking Show
The Midland Woodworking Show which is held at Newark Showground in March has once again fallen victim of the pandemic and will not take place this year. The organisers hope to hold the event next year and have already asked us to have a stand at the event.

That’s all for now, further updates will be posted on the website and in future emails.

7th January 2022

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we have made the decision to cancel all village hall meeting for the next three months. More details to follow by email and here on the website.

31st December 2021

As another challenging year draws to an end, we would like to wish all members and their families a Happy New Year. We hope to get activities back into the village Hall as soon as possible, but we will only do this when we believe it is the correct, safe course of action. We will keep you updated of all decisions and activities via the website, Facebook and email.

Happy New Year everyone.

Free Happy New Year 2022 Vectors, 23,000+ Images in AI, EPS format

24th December 2021

The committee would like to wish all members and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are hopeful that we will be able to return to the village hall in the new year. We will keep you updated by email, on the website, Facebook and by telephoning those members who do not have computers.

Merry Christmas to you all.


23rd December 2021

There is a short report of our Christmas zoom meeting on the past meeting page.

15th December 2021

Please read below an email sent to all club members regarding our revised Christmas meeting.

Hi All

Following the announcement of the cancelled Christmas Party, we feel it’s such a shame that many of the members will not get together until the new year .

We have had many thoughts about how or what we can do to bring people together for a chance to wish each other a happy and safe Christmas. This has inspired us to do something different through the zoom meetings that many of us have attended during the lockdowns.

On Tuesday 21st December we intend to have a club zoom meeting with a difference. It will be in the form of an open panel question night, with some well-respected guests.

Thanks to Martin Clarkson we will be joined by Kade Bolger from Canada and Billy Dillard from Louisiana, USA.

Kade was inspirational with the club producing many wig-stands for St Barnabas Hospice, yet his reputation is for his oil finishes, for which he produces some of the best ever seen.

Billy is a renowned lazar engraver. He will give advice on how to get started in this fascinating art.

We will also be joined by Colin Spencer who has a vast experience in 3d printing. Colin has recently joined the club and is keen to pass on advice to would be ‘3d printers’.

We are also hopeful to be joined by Robert Franklin who has an expertise in using resin in wood.

This is an impressive line-up for a social chat. There will be ample opportunity to ask these guys questions on the night, but if you would prefer to send a question prior to next Tuesday, please email us and we will ask the experts on your behalf.

The committee, with much assistance from Martin, has worked extremely hard to put on this evening at such short notice. We would like to see as many of you as possible, so pop a mince pie in the oven, pour yourself a glass of festive cheer, put on your Christmas jumper and join us from the comfort of your own armchair at 7.30pm Tuesday 21st December. We will email the log in details to every member prior to the event. Please note that this free virtual event is only open to members of our club.

See you next Tuesday

13th December 2021

Please watch Martin’s latest critic video of Charlie’s Challenge by clicking below.

13th December 2021

Please read below an important email sent out to all members.

Hi All,

Having looked into government advice and with consideration regarding the safety of our members, the committee have made the difficult, but understandable decision to cancel our Christmas party scheduled for Tuesday 21st December 2021 at Leasingham Village Hall. We do not feel that we can, under current circumstances, organise a party in a safe environment at this time of the year.
We do not have a workshop evening in January, so our next meeting should be the AGM and demonstration on Tuesday 18th January 2022. At the moment, this meeting will go ahead as planned, however in these difficult times we will remain cautious and comply with government guidelines. We will remain fluid in our decisions and will keep you informed by email, on the website, Facebook and phoning those members who do not have access to computers.

Charlie’s Challenge, will be taking a break during the festive period. The committee, will continue to work hard on your behalf and are looking forward to an interesting 2022. Please visit our website diary page to see who our Demonstrators Secretary, Pete Davies has lined up for us. We just hope we are able to meet up to enjoy this exciting programme.

The committee would like to wish each and every one of you a peaceful, healthy Christmas and New Year.

Take care and stay safe.


12th December 2021

Please visit the diary page to see who our demonstrator secretary Peter Davies has booked for 2022. There are some exciting new demonstrators, as well as some friends and supporters of our club.

11th December 2021

Unfortunately we are experiencing some problems with Martin Clarksons critic video of Charlie’s Challenge. Once it’s sorted we will update this news page.

17th November 2021

Details of last nights club night can be found on our past meetings page.

15th November 2021

The club has some pre-loved power tools for sale at very competitive prices. To view these items please visit the shop page of the website. They will also be available to view at the club shop on club and workshop evenings.

7th November 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all club members.

Hi All,

Club night returns
We are delighted that on Tuesday 16th November we will be returning to as normal as we’ve been for over eighteen months. At 7pm the doors will open at Leasingham village hall for our first club night since the start of the pandemic. Our professional demonstrator this month is club favourite, Martin Clarkson. Martin will begin his demonstration at 7.30pm, breaking for tea/coffee and of course the drawing of the prize raffle, before continuing with his demo until 10pm. We have decided not to have our monthly competition this month, but will have the display table where you can show other members what you’ve been doing in your workshop. The club shop will be open as usual. It promises to be a great night and all for just £5 per person.

Annual membership
Membership Secretary Tom would like to remind you that annual membership is due at the end of the year. Tom will gladly take 2022 subscriptions now, whilst we have some cash prior to the expense of Christmas. Annual membership has been frozen for the 8th year running, at just £15 or £10 concessions. When paying Tom, could you please bring along your membership book so that it can be updated.

Charlie’s Challenge
The theme for the final challenge of 2021 will simply be ‘Christmas’! You have until 9pm Friday 3rd December to send two photos of your work to the club email address, Martin will then produce his critic video for the club website the following week.

That’s it for now, take care,

6th November 2021

Here’s the latest critic video for Charlie’s Challenge. The next challenge will be issued very soon.

5th November 2021

Great little article which recently appeared in the Sleaford Standard.


3rd November 2021

A report of last nights workshop evening is available to read on our past meetings page. Photos of the evening will be posted on that page very soon.
Martin Clarkson is currently working on his video of Charlie’s latest challenge, it will be posted here on the news page later this week.
An email will be sent to all members soon, giving details of Charlie’s next challenge, together with news of up coming events.

28th October 2021

Club Secretary Ray Blake as produced a very informative report on the recent zoom demonstration meeting with Chris Parker. Rays report is available to read on the past meetings page. There is a recording of this demonstration which chairman John Ingamells will send to all members by email.

27th October 2021

We are delighted to announce that after 18 months we finally return to Leasingham village hall for a proper club night, with a professional turner.
To ease us back into these club nights we have asked our resident professional turner Martin Clarkson to step onto the stage to entertain us. The door will open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. The cost will remain at just £5 per person. There will be a display table for you to show off your lockdown work, but we have decided not to run a competition this month. The club shop will be open and we hope to have the raffle up and running. Refreshments will be available.

18th October 2021

After having to postpone last years Open Day, we were very anxious with regards to opening our doors to the public this year. We should never have doubted the determination of our club members or the paying customer, as over 550 folks made the club open day 2021 the best ever attended.
Professional Turner, Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook entertained throughout the day as did Alan Cramer, Peter Davies and Colin Wilson on their own lathes. Norman Sanders gave 103 members of the public a brief individual lesson on how to turn a Christmas Tree decoration. Other club members were selling their produce, whilst our old friend, Peter Tree showcased his beautiful chairs.
Both our nominated charities, Lincolnshire Lives and St Barnabas Hospice were present, as were many other local crafts folk displaying and selling their work.
Thanks must be expressed to all the club members who assisted in setting up and staffing our stalls, before helping to pack away and tidy up the hall. Special thanks to all the ladies who managed the kitchen, keeping everyone nourished with a mouth watering supply of cakes.
Thanks to all involved, you all played your part in a great event.

8th October 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all club members.

Below are some dates for your diaries and information regarding Charlie’s Challenge – Part 24.

Sunday 17th October.
We welcome the return of our annual Craft and Woodturning Show at Leasingham village hall. Doors open at 9.30am until 4pm, entry is just £2 per person. Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook will be demonstrating throughout the day. There is an opportunity for members of the public to have a go at turning. We have invited different crafters to showcase their work as well as having the usual raffle and refreshments. It promises to be a great event, so please spread the word and come along to support the club.

Tuesday 19th October.
This will be a zoom demonstration evening starting at 7.30pm, where professional turner Chris Parker will be demonstrating live from his workshop exclusively to us. Chairman John Ingamells will email members with the zoom log-in details prior to the evening.

Tuesday 2nd November.
We have had two workshop evening since covid restrictions have been lifted and the success of these have been unbelievable. We hope the interest continues as we return to Leasingham village hall for another workshop evening. The doors open at 7pm and costs just £3 per person, there will be several lathes in operation, together with a sharpening station. We will have the club shop open and there will be refreshments available.

Tuesday 16th November.
After eighteen months it’s finally here!! A club demonstration evening in person, at the village hall. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, with entry costing just £5 per person. To ease you back steadily we have asked our friend Martin Clarkson to make his debut on the stage. Martin’s exceptional turning skills and unique sense of humour will be on show to entertain us.
We will not be reintroducing the popular club competition just yet, but will have a display table for you to show your work and inspire other members. Please bring along anything you have turned in the last year and a half, we really want to see and admire it.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 23 – Something with a lid.
Martin’s video of the latest challenge is now available for viewing on the news page of our website

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 24.
The popular Charlie’s Challenge will continue for the foreseeable future, so the next challenge will be to turn ‘Something that is capable of emitting light’. This could be a candle or tea light holder; it could be a table or standard lamp or even something which is using LED’s, the choice is entirely yours. Come on, get thinking outside of the box and amaze us.
You have until 9pm Friday 29th October to send two photos of your work to our email address Martin will then produce his critic video for the website the following week.

That’s enough from me for now. Make sure you put all these events in your diary, we all look forward to seeing you.

8th October 2021

Charlie’s Challenge 23 ‘something with a lid’ is now available to view. It’s another great video from professional turner and club favourite Martin Clarkson.

7th October 2021

Club Open Day

9.30am – 4pm Sunday 17th October 2021

The club open day is fast approaching. Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook will be demonstrating throughout the day and there will be numerous craft stalls. Some club members will also be demonstrating and there will be a opportunity for the complete novice to turn a Christmas Tree.
Refreshments will be available and there will be a prize raffle.
A great event for all the family at our home venue at Leasingham village hall.

1st October 2021

Our reputation goes far and wide! We were delighted to receive the below email from Eddie Pettley in New Zealand.

Hi Guys ,
I have just seen your article in the wood turning publication about making wig stands. I am a member of the Waikato Woodworkers Guild in Hamilton, New Zealand and we have been making wig stands for twelve years for a lady who has wigs for oncology patients, to date we have made 3,400 stands from a club of 75 .members.
We get some timber donated from a large building supply company for some advertising in our newsletter and other outlets.
So keep up the good work and spread the work to other clubs in the U.K.
Cheers Eddie Pettley.

We clearly have a long way to go to catch up our friends in New Zealand, so lets keep making those wig stands for St Barnabus Hospice. If you require any timber to make one or two, please get in touch and we will supply some, free of charge.

30th September 2021

Philip Greenwoods zoom demonstration, from 21st September, is now available to watch on the past meetings page.

11th September 2021thumbnail_20210911_112638

Today the club was invited to have a stand at the Navenby Flag Fest. We took two lathes so that we were able to demonstrate and also give the opportunity for members of the public to have a go at turning.
John Ingamells and Pete Davies demonstrated some interesting projects, Norman Sanders assisted 63 customers to turn a free Christmas tree, whilst other members chatted and promoted the club and our forthcoming open day. It was a well attended event and an ideal chance to promote the craft we are so passionate about.
Below are a few photos of some very happy folks with there Christmas trees.








2nd September 2021pen

At our last zoom meeting chairman John Ingamells confessed to having never turned a pen, but agreed to make one in the next few weeks. True to his word, John is pleased to show his turned pen, which he told me can write underwater!! It can also write other words.

(Click on the image to make it bigger)

2nd September 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all members.

Ann Giles would like to thank members for their cards and kind words of support following the sad loss of Charles. In line with Charlies wish, his funeral will be a quiet family occasion. Our thoughts are with Ann and her family at this very difficult and sad time.

As a mark of respect, we are going to postpone ‘Charlie’s Challenge’ for this month. Having spoken with Ann, we are keen that Charlie’s Challenge continues in some form for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the latest challenge, ‘something with a lid’ will roll over to next month. Let’s make it a good one in respect to Charlie. If you have already sent some photos through, these will be held back for next month. You are most welcome to submit more than one piece. All you have to do is send two photos of your work to the club email address, by 9pm Friday 1st October. Martin will then critic the submissions and his video will be on the website the following week.

The committee are looking forwards to welcoming you all back to the workshop night next Tuesday, 7th September. Doors open at 7pm until 10pm. There will be lathes and a sharpening system, as well as the club shop. Refreshments will be available and this is all for just £3. Please remember that we are still a cash only club. We are hoping for a good turn-out and a fantastic evening. It’s been a long time since we met at the village hall, so please come along for a great social time.

29th August 2021

Please read below a letter sent to all members from our chairman, John Ingamells.

Dear Club Member,

It’s been a very long time since we last met at the club headquarters in Leasingham. There have been many changes to everyday life and I hope my letter finds you and your family well. As we are now coming out of the dreadful pandemic and clubs like ours are beginning to resume to the new normal, I wanted to write to you and give you some updates regarding our club.

During the last 16 months we have attempted to keep the club functioning with various remote events, such as our popular zoom meetings and Charlie’s Challenge. When government restrictions allowed, we met several times for outdoor sessions in my garden. I would like to thank members who participated in these events, it encouraged us all to keep ploughing on whilst staying safe.

I am now delighted that we are able to resume organised events back at the village hall, starting with our workshop evenings. We have decided to resume these evenings on Tuesday 7th September between 7pm and 10pm and then the first Tuesday of each month thereafter. We will have several lathes out, together with a sharpening system. The club shop will be open and we will provide tea, coffee and biscuits. We will have doors and windows open to allow clean air to circulate, but will not be insisting on the wearing of face masks, we will leave this to your discretion. The cost of the evening remains at just £3.00 plus a donation for refreshments. Please note we are still a cash only club.

We have decided to hold back on the resumption of the club demonstration evenings. We feel that it is too soon to ask members to sit in close, formal rows whilst watching a demonstrator. Also, we have already booked two professional demonstrators for upcoming zoom meetings. With all this in mind we have decided that, providing there is no new lockdowns or restrictions, we will resume our club demonstration evenings on Tuesday 16th November, doors will open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

We continue to prepare for the club show on Sunday 17th October at Leasingham Village Hall. Attractions include an all-day demonstration by Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook. Miniature turning demonstration. The always popular ‘Have a go’ lathe. Refreshments. Plus, many more stalls, showcasing different crafts.

Prior to the pandemic our club was thriving, with just over 100 registered members, I hope that you will be able to join us on the 7th September to meet old friends and fellow turners. It would be great to see you again as I like so many, have missed the personal contact with you all. Whilst zoom meetings have been a life line for our club, nothing beats meeting up in person and having a good time together.

If you would like more details, you can contact me on 01522 810522 after 6pm or by email

Many thanks, take care and I’ll see you on the 7th September.

John Ingamells

Club Chairman.

20th August 20211

It is with sadness that we have to inform you that our club president Charles Giles passed away earlier this week.
Charlie was instrumental in setting up our club, when in 1993 a few friends met in a garden shed to form Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners. At that first meeting Charlie took on the role of club Secretary and served on the committee ever since. Charlie was heavily committed to the success of the club and steered it through good and not so good times. An exceptionally good turner himself, Charlie was always keen to pass on his knowledge to members. In 2016, in recognition for his hard work and dedication to our club, Charlie was made Honorary President.
Our thoughts are with Charlie’s wife Ann, our treasurer and his family at this very sad time.
Information regarding Charlie’s funeral will be posted here.

5th August 2021

Please click below to view Martin Clarkson’s video of Charlie’s Challenge 22- A piece of art.

29th July 2021

Please see an email sent to all members last night regarding future events within the club.

The club committee sat last night and made some difficult decisions with regards to moving forwards, whilst trying to protect our members and the clubs’ finances.

Club demonstrator evenings
We have decided to hold back on the re-opening of the club demonstrator evenings, on the third Tuesday of each month, until November. Many factors were considered when making this decision, including:
We feel that it is too soon to hold our normal demonstrator evenings, where members would be in close contact with each other whilst sat watching the demonstrator.
We are unsure how many members would be prepared to turn out, therefore once we have paid for a professional demonstrator, there may be a cash shortfall.
We had already secured zoom demonstrators and do not feel it appropriate to cancel these professionals, who have clearly struggled financially during the pandemic.

The next three zoom meetings are:
17th August 2021, In house video on pen making, made by club members and presented by Alan Cramer. We would also like those who have participated in Charlie’s Challenge to show and tell some of their entries.
21st September 2021, Phil Greenwood, professional turner.
19th October 2021, Chris Parker, professional turner.

Chairman John Ingamells will as usual, email all members with the log in details nearer the event. Please note; these meetings are only available to paid up club members.

Workshop evenings
Workshop evenings will return, on Tuesday 7th September 2021 between 7pm & 10pm at our home in Leasingham Village Hall. We will be getting out all the lathes and sharpening systems. Refreshments will be available and we will try to get the club shop open.

Face masks are optional and we will open doors and windows to provide a circulation of fresh air.

The cost of the evening remains at just £3. Please note that we are still a cash only club and would appreciate if you are able to bring the correct change.

Outdoor Open Sessions
We have an outdoor open session at Johns home in Navenby organised for next Tuesday, 3rd August. It will be just one session between 1pm – 5pm. The lathes and sharpening systems will be out and the club shop will be open. Refreshments will be available and free.

There is no need to book, just pop along at some time during the afternoon for a very sociable time. There’s no requirement to go on a lathe, we just want to encourage all members to call in, even if you haven’t been before.

Charlie’s Challenge
Charlie’s latest challenge, a piece of art, concludes this Friday. If you haven’t already photographed your art work, you have until 9pm this Friday to email them across to the cub email address.

Club Show
We continue to prepare for the club show on Sunday 17th October at Leasingham Village Hall. Attractions include an all-day demonstration by Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook. Miniature turning demonstration. The always popular ‘Have a go’ lathe. Refreshments. Plus, many more stalls, showcasing different crafts.

That’s it for now, hopefully we will see you all sometime next Tuesday at Navenby. If you have any concerns, please feel free to drop us an email or contact a committee member, details are on the website.

23rd July 2021

You committee have been making enquiries and seeking advice with regards to returning to action at our home in Leasingham village hall. We will be having a committee meeting next Tuesday to decide which way to progress. We have to take into consideration the safety of our membership, together with the financial implications to the club. We will keep you informed via email and through the club website, posting all information here on the news page.

14th July 2021

This month’s Woodturning Magazine features a great article about our club and it’s commitment to St Barnabas Hospice. We have now produced in excess of 50 wig stands to be donated to the charity. Thanks to all the members who have contributed and if you have not already purchased a copy of the magazine, we strongly recommend that you pop to your newsagent to pick up issue 359 and turn immediately to page 81. Happy reading!

14th July 2021

Please see below a recent email sent to all club members:


First, I need to apologise as we are still experiencing difficulties in bringing you Martin’s critic video for Charlie’s last challenge. Please rest assured that once I am in receipt of the video it will be posted onto the news page of the website.

Charlie’s Challenge – Part 22.

In view of the difficulties we are having, we have decided to push ahead with Charlie’s next challenge.

Charlie believes, like many of us, that wood turning is an art and many of the pieces produced can be classed as art. This led Charlie to take to his dictionary and look up the meaning of ‘art’. According to the Oxford Dictionary, art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

So, there you have it, Charlie’s Challenge – part 22, will be to produce a piece of ‘art’! You have until 9pm Friday 30th July to send two photos with a rule for scale, to the club email address; We will then ask Martin Clarkson to produce a video critiquing the pieces, which will be available to view on the website the following week.

Co-vid update

As you are no doubt aware, co-vid restrictions are being eased and life is slowly getting back to some sort of normality. Please bear with the committee as we consider all the implications of resuming our club activities at Leasingham village hall. We have to be guided by the village hall committee and their new protocols. We also have to consider our options and weather they are viable with regards to the finance of the club and the welfare of our membership. We are working hard to get back to where we all want to be, but there are going to be some difficult decisions. We thank you for your patience.

Club Open Sessions

Due to possible changes in how we might be operating very soon, we do not know if we will be holding an open session in August. However, as with all changes, we will inform you as soon as we have any news.

Club Annual Show

Our club show is scheduled for Sunday 17th October 2021 and at the moment we are heavily involved in trying to make sure it goes ahead. We have many stall holders provisionally booked and are pleased to announce that this year Emma ‘The Tiny Turner’ Cook will be the professional turner demonstrating throughout the day.

The committee works tirelessly to ensure that the club continues to progress and emerges from the pandemic in a positive, safe way. We will move forward as quickly as possible and thank you all for your support.

Take care and keep turning, we are nearly there.

14th July 2021

We are pleased to bring you Martin’s critic of Charlie’s Challenge Part 21.