
President & Treasurer

Ann Giles20161206_200638
When, in 2004, the club needed an experienced treasurer, Ann stepped up to the mark. Having never turned, she has became our greatest asset, keeping our finances under control. Ann has still not turned and has only missed one meeting since that first day.
Following the sad passing of Ann’s husband and our President Charles, the club asked Ann to take on the role. She is delighted to be the club President and thankfully agreed to remain treasurer.

Ann can be contacted on:
Tel. 01529 461127 & via the club email


John IngamellsJohn
Having studied limited turning at school some years ago, John is mainly a self taught turner who joined the club in 2006. Having served on the committee he was elected to chairman in 2012 and is very pleased with the progression the club is making. He has the vision of having a club that supports novice and experienced turners, who come together to learn and have fun. John now turns to a very good standard and is available for commissioned pieces.

John can be contacted at:
Station House
Tel. 07860 713743  & via the club email

Club Secretary

Ray BlakeRay
Ray started turning in autumn 2017, to enable him to replace spells and spindles on chairs he was renovating and joined the club in November 2017. He became the club photographer in early 2018 following Harry Cleworths’ retirement. He has also managed the club Facebook page, during this time and has seen a vast increase in the interest shown in it, even from as far away as the USA!

Ray can be contacted on:

34 Washdyke Lane,
Lincoln, LN2 2PY.

Home Tel: 01522 752044
Mobile: 07587055779 & via the club email


Committee Member

Alec Day
AlecAlec began turning during the summer of 2016 before attending our own show in October of the same year. The turning bug really did bite and Alec joined the committee the following January. A butcher by day, he’s a great guy to have around when in need of a sausage roll!

Alec can be contacted on:
Tel. 01778 422281 & via the club email

Committee Member

Dave NaylorDSC03122
Dave joined the committee in January 2023 and has already established himself as the ‘Sound Guy’, organising the microphone system on club nights. He has also taken on the management of the club Facebook page. Dave kindly entertained at the club Christmas party, playing his guitar as well as some Blues Bowls, which had been produced by a club member.

Dave can be contacted via the club email

Committee Member

Norman Sanders
Norman is an active members of he club. He will often be found on a lathe at our Workshop evenings passing his many years of knowledge and experience on to club members.
Having been club champion in 2018, Norman was keen to join the committee to help progress our expanding club.

Norman can be contacted on:
Tel. 07359 529399 & via the club email

Committee Member

Kevin Walkerthumbnail_A1806C99084C40C7A7FAB2B57A3D1259
Apart from a little turning for his O level woodwork, Kevin only took up the hobby in 2015. He enjoys being an active member of the club, managing the website and was elected onto the committee in 2016.

Kevin can be contacted via the club email

Committee Member

Colin Wilson
ColinColin began turning in 2014 when he retired and spent his retirement gift on a lathe. During his working life Colin worked on board ships where he was involved with underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) which had multiple cameras and full digital video recording facilities. There is therefore, no surprise that on club nights Colin is always busy with the club cameras and television.

Colin can be contacted on:
Tel. 07811 148120 & via the club email