Book Loan

To borrow any of the books please complete the form below with the appropriate book number. You will be informed by email when the book is available for collection from the club. The cost for the loan is £1.

1Illustrated Woodturning Techniques. John Hunnex
2Fixtures and Chucks for woodturning.Doc Green
3Turned Boxes 50 designs. Chris Stott
4Woodturning Masterclass Artistry Style Inspiration.Tony Boase
5 Woodturning with.Ray Key
6Woodturning A Foundation Course.Kieth Rowley
7Segmented Turning A complete Guide.Ron Hampton
8Making Woodbowls with a Router & Scroll Saw.Patrick Spielman & Carl Roehl
9Turned Boxes 50 designs.Chris Stott
10Turning Boxes and Spindles Step-By-Step.David Regester
11Shapes For Woodturners.David Weldon
12The Craftsman Woodturner.Peter Child
13Woodturning A Foundation Course New Edition.Kieth Rowley
14Contemporary Woodturning Techniques and Projects.Nick Arnull
15The New Router Handbook.Patrick Spielman
16Turning Green Wood.Micheal O'Donnell
17Carving Lions, Tigers & Jaguars .Desiree Hajny
18Box Making Basics.David M. Freedman
19Intarsia Inlay Wood Projects 3rd Edition Complete Patterns & techniques.Judy Gale & Jerry Booher
20Intarsia Inlay Wood Projects.Kathy Wise
21Victorian Scroll Saw Patterns.Patric Spielman
22Animal Portraits in Wood.Neal Moore
23Scroll Saw Portraits, how to turn photographs into wooden keepsakes.Gary Browning
24Creative Intarsia Projects.Garnet Hall
253D Patterns for the Scroll Saw.Diana Thompson
26Scroll Saw Fretwork Patterns "Fine Line Design" (Book 3).Judy Gale Roberts
27Scroll Saw Fretwork Patterns "Fine Line Design" (Book 5).Judy Gale Roberts
28Scroll Saw Art.Patrick Spielman & Kerry Shirts
29Fret Cut Relief Work.David Jones
30Cabinet Making for Brginners.Charles H. Hayward
31World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw.Lora S. Irish
32Small Intarsia. Woodworking projects you can make.Judy Gale & Jerry Booher
33Biscuit Joiners.Anthony Bailey
34Practical Veneering.Charles H. Hayward
35Blanket Chests.Scott Gibson & Peter Turner
36Carving Clowns.Jim Maxwell
37Good Wood Routers.Albert Jackson & david Day
38The Conversion & Seasoning of Wood.William H. Brown
39Decoraative Routing (Jigs & Techniques).Jack Cox
40Scrollsaw Toy Projects.Ivor Carlyle
41Scroll Saw by Land, Sea & Air.Vernon Brown
42Borders, Trim & Frames.Patrick Spielman & Brian Dahlen
43Country Mosaics For Scrollers & Crafters.Frank Droege
44Toys from Balsa.Richard Slade
45The Art of the Scroll Saw.Patrick Spielman
46Modern Wood Turning.Gordon Stokes
47Wood Boxes, Design & Technique.Tony Lydgate
48Making Wood Boxes With a Bandsaw.Tom Crabb
49Bandsaw Handbook.Mark Duginske
50Woodturning Step-By-Step Techniques.Oliver Plant
51Minidrill Fifteen Projects.John Everett
52Making Animated Whirligigs.Anders S. Lunde
53Making Classic Cars in Wood.Joe B.Hicks
54Whirligigs & Weathervanes.David Schoonmaker & Bruce Woods
55Making Mechanical Marvels in Wood.Raymond Levy
56The New Router Handbook .Patrick Spielman
57Woodturning a Craftsman's Guide.Mark Baker
58Woodturning a Fresh Approach.Robert Chapman
59Kieth Rowley's Wood Turning Projects.Kieth Rowley
60Woodturning a Source book of Shapes.John Hunnex

To borrow any of the books please complete the form below with the appropriate book number. You will be informed by email when the book is available for collection from the club. The cost for the loan is £1.
